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The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. ONLY 2 TEAM TEASERS AND PARALYS! TEASERS SHOULD BE PLAYED TO WIN 100 UNITS. PARLAYS CAN NOT EXCEED A 100 UNIT PLAY. PLEASE POST YOUR PAYOUTS ON PARLAYS EXCLUDING THE ORIGINAL 100 UNITS. JUST POST THE PROFIT 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Please post only 1 play per day! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money lines are acceptable if they are -200 or below. THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. Limsypker 15-3 W4 +1170 2. ucf2124 12-2-2 L1 +980 3. abnormality 12-3 W1 +870 4. khmerkid 14-7 L3 +630 5. SuperMan777 8-2-1 W1 +580 6. fulkgl 11-5-1 W2 +527 7. cashinsports 11-5 W2 +550 8. prostuntman 7-2 L1 +480 9. je5usPiece 10-5-1 W3 +460 10. markvick111 10-5 L3 +450 vasilli07 9-4 +450 W2 ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 Albertcore 1-0 +100 alexms_52 4-3 L1 +70 anya 2-1 L1 +90 AW248508 1-1 L1 +423 b00ger 3-3-1 W1 -20 Bantam 9-7-2 L1 +130 belltheringer 3-2-1 +80 ben 0-1 -110 BettingSpree 0-1 -110 bigfish0607 2-2 L1 -20 BigLick08 1-0 +100 BigRomes916 1-3 L2 -230 Bigtrip 1-0 +100 bizatches 1-0 +100 Blackjay 0-1 -110 Bodogjoe 4-3 L1 +90 bpbeelen 3-2 W2 +80 brent0887 6-3 L1 +280 BrokeStudent3 0-1 -110 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cashin 1-2 L1 -120 cesare6t9 0-1 -110 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 4-1-1 W1 +290 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 CMJohnson1 6-2 W1 +380 coachesplays 0-1 -110 CraigMac6 2-1 L1 +90 crawf_10 5-5 L2 -50 crocnzeeba 1-0 +100 dabuffman 4-5 L2 -140 dangwenix 0-1 -100 DANMASTER 1-0 +100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 1-2 W1 -50 defer 9-6-1 L3 +240 djmarks71 2-0 +200 djwill30 0-1 -110 dmddms 1-0 +100 Dnak2244 1-0 +100 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 EARLYBABY 1-0 +100 EatWeights 0-1 -110 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 8-7-1 L2 +30 Everest17 4-2 L1 +180 Frank the Bank 0-1 -110 Gabbo 1-1 -0 gameto11 3-3 W1 -30 gbpackman 1-0 +100 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 GreekHotLover 2-1 +90 grripper 0-2 -220 gtam21 2-3-2 L2 -105 hahasonny 2-5 L1 -350 haithuy 2-2 W1 -20 Halofan 0-2 -220 handicapper168 2-3-1 L1 -130 Hawktalk 2-2 -20 Hot_Picks_61389 0-1 -110 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JAPES81 3-2-1 L1 +80 JayKay21 2-2 L1 -20 jo14014 4-2 W1 +180 jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 jwarner1313 0-1 -110 KC4U2ENVY 2-1 +90 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 komot 0-4 -440 krg 4-3-1 L1 +70 kulprit 2+0 +200 Laroja 2-1 W2 +90 lazers97 5-2 L1 +280 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 livin2gamble 6-4 L2 +160 localboyz 0-2 -220 longstah 0-2 -220 M57 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 2-2-1 T1 -20 Make-It-Rain 4-4 L1 -40 MarchMadness05 3-2 L2 +80 MasterShunglao 1-0 +100 mattlane22 2-0 +200 meatwhistle 5-1 L1 +390 Messy 0-1 -110 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 10-10-1 T1 -100 mlgneo 2-1 W1 +90 mikesomoney 2-0 W2 +200 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 MrPick1986 1-1 W1 -10 msluckyblue 4-1 W2 +290 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 NastyNate9 7-5 L1 +150 nba_capper 0-0-1 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 1-1-1 W1 -10 Nhenley 1-1 L1 -10 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 nkaplan416 1-1 -10 Nothingman 0-2 -230 nyczyoungn 2-1 L1 +90 Odds1_stinker 5-4 L1 +160 own3dhaha 0-1 -100 Paidonjok 2-1 W2 +90 peiprophet 2-3 -120 phat03 2-1 W1 +90 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 PoRToRoKPuRo 4-1 W2 +290 Raidernator76 7-4 L3 +260 Raiders22 1-2 L1 -120 Rain_Man 9-5-3 L1 +350 Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 Rakiztah 5-3 W2 +170 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 Redlad 7-3-1 L2 +370 RedsFan11 2-5 -350 reygon 3-4 L1 -140 RuberBunsNStikR 0-1 -110 Scarbrojoe 2-0 +200 ScoGaun316 2-2 L1 -20 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 shimmersun 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 sm102279 1-3 L1 -230 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 2-2 W2 -20 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 4-3 L1 +70 swaggerpapa 1-0 +100 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 thams95 0-1 -110 Theslickerone28 1-0 +100 tiepcuu 0-1 -100 tjsupersports 1-1 L1 -10 tland22 0-1 -100 tom-jerry 2-2-1 L1 -20 Trucanuck 4-2 L1 +200 turfdude 5-5 L4 -50 Unstoppable Force 1-4 -340 VancouverKiduck 0-1 -110 veezee 6-5-1 W2 +60 VenomLugz 2-0 +200 Versety1075 1-0 +100 Vlack 1-1 L1 -10 VP81 3-6 L1 -360 wakawaka 0-1 -110 whipton 12-8 L2 +320 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 Wolfeman82 4-3 W1 +230 youngmob 0-1 -110 yundragon 1-1 W1 -10 zappanut 1-1 W1 -10
Nothingman | 62 |
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WTF? Seriously If having Will Bet Anything's name on the thread violates some Cover's rule, which is not posted, than I will remove his name from the title. Second what website am I promoting? I do not see any address posted to warrant moving my thread to website promotions. Please explain? |
Nothingman | 43 |
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WTF? Seriously If having Will Bet Anything's name on the thread than I will remove his name from the title. Second what website am I promoting? I do not see any address posted to warrant moving my thread to website promotions. Please explain? Quote Originally Posted by wallstreetcappers: You cannot post threads from this banned member. Thanks |
Nothingman | 43 |
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The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. ONLY 2 TEAM TEASERS AND PARALYS! TEASERS SHOULD BE PLAYED TO WIN 100 UNITS. PARLAYS CAN NOT EXCEED A 100 UNIT PLAY. PLEASE POST YOUR PAYOUTS ON PARLAYS EXCLUDING THE ORIGINAL 100 UNITS. JUST POST THE PROFIT 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Please post only 1 play per day! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money lines are acceptable if they are -200 or below. THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. Limsypker 15-3 W4 +1170 2. ucf2124 12-2-2 L1 +980 3. abnormality 12-3 W1 +870 4. khmerkid 14-7 L3 +630 5. SuperMan777 8-2-1 W1 +580 6. fulkgl 11-5-1 W2 +527 7. cashinsports 11-5 W2 +550 8. prostuntman 7-2 L1 +480 9. je5usPiece 10-5-1 W3 +460 10. markvick111 10-5 L3 +450 vasilli07 9-4 +450 W2 ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 Albertcore 1-0 +100 alexms_52 4-3 L1 +70 anya 2-1 L1 +90 AW248508 1-1 L1 +423 b00ger 3-3-1 W1 -20 Bantam 9-7-2 L1 +130 belltheringer 3-2-1 +80 ben 0-1 -110 BettingSpree 0-1 -110 bigfish0607 2-2 L1 -20 BigLick08 1-0 +100 BigRomes916 1-3 L2 -230 Bigtrip 1-0 +100 bizatches 1-0 +100 Blackjay 0-1 -110 Bodogjoe 4-3 L1 +90 bpbeelen 3-2 W2 +80 brent0887 6-3 L1 +280 BrokeStudent3 0-1 -110 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cashin 1-2 L1 -120 cesare6t9 0-1 -110 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 4-1-1 W1 +290 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 CMJohnson1 6-2 W1 +380 coachesplays 0-1 -110 CraigMac6 2-1 L1 +90 crawf_10 5-5 L2 -50 crocnzeeba 1-0 +100 dabuffman 4-5 L2 -140 dangwenix 0-1 -100 DANMASTER 1-0 +100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 1-2 W1 -50 defer 9-6-1 L3 +240 djmarks71 2-0 +200 djwill30 0-1 -110 dmddms 1-0 +100 Dnak2244 1-0 +100 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 EARLYBABY 1-0 +100 EatWeights 0-1 -110 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 8-7-1 L2 +30 Everest17 4-2 L1 +180 Frank the Bank 0-1 -110 Gabbo 1-1 -0 gameto11 3-3 W1 -30 gbpackman 1-0 +100 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 GreekHotLover 2-1 +90 grripper 0-2 -220 gtam21 2-3-2 L2 -105 hahasonny 2-5 L1 -350 haithuy 2-2 W1 -20 Halofan 0-2 -220 handicapper168 2-3-1 L1 -130 Hawktalk 2-2 -20 Hot_Picks_61389 0-1 -110 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JAPES81 3-2-1 L1 +80 JayKay21 2-2 L1 -20 jo14014 4-2 W1 +180 jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 jwarner1313 0-1 -110 KC4U2ENVY 2-1 +90 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 komot 0-4 -440 krg 4-3-1 L1 +70 kulprit 2+0 +200 Laroja 2-1 W2 +90 lazers97 5-2 L1 +280 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 livin2gamble 6-4 L2 +160 localboyz 0-2 -220 longstah 0-2 -220 M57 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 2-2-1 T1 -20 Make-It-Rain 4-4 L1 -40 MarchMadness05 3-2 L2 +80 MasterShunglao 1-0 +100 mattlane22 2-0 +200 meatwhistle 5-1 L1 +390 Messy 0-1 -110 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 10-10-1 T1 -100 mlgneo 2-1 W1 +90 mikesomoney 2-0 W2 +200 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 MrPick1986 1-1 W1 -10 msluckyblue 4-1 W2 +290 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 NastyNate9 7-5 L1 +150 nba_capper 0-0-1 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 1-1-1 W1 -10 Nhenley 1-1 L1 -10 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 nkaplan416 1-1 -10 Nothingman 0-2 -230 nyczyoungn 2-1 L1 +90 Odds1_stinker 5-4 L1 +160 own3dhaha 0-1 -100 Paidonjok 2-1 W2 +90 peiprophet 2-3 -120 phat03 2-1 W1 +90 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 PoRToRoKPuRo 4-1 W2 +290 Raidernator76 7-4 L3 +260 Raiders22 1-2 L1 -120 Rain_Man 9-5-3 L1 +350 Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 Rakiztah 5-3 W2 +170 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 Redlad 7-3-1 L2 +370 RedsFan11 2-5 -350 reygon 3-4 L1 -140 RuberBunsNStikR 0-1 -110 Scarbrojoe 2-0 +200 ScoGaun316 2-2 L1 -20 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 shimmersun 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 sm102279 1-3 L1 -230 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 2-2 W2 -20 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 4-3 L1 +70 swaggerpapa 1-0 +100 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 thams95 0-1 -110 Theslickerone28 1-0 +100 tiepcuu 0-1 -100 tjsupersports 1-1 L1 -10 tland22 0-1 -100 tom-jerry 2-2-1 L1 -20 Trucanuck 4-2 L1 +200 turfdude 5-5 L4 -50 Unstoppable Force 1-4 -340 VancouverKiduck 0-1 -110 veezee 6-5-1 W2 +60 VenomLugz 2-0 +200 Versety1075 1-0 +100 Vlack 1-1 L1 -10 VP81 3-6 L1 -360 wakawaka 0-1 -110 whipton 12-8 L2 +320 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 Wolfeman82 4-3 W1 +230 youngmob 0-1 -110 yundragon 1-1 W1 -10 zappanut 1-1 W1 -10
Nothingman | 43 |
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The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. ONLY 2 TEAM TEASERS AND PARALYS! TEASERS SHOULD BE PLAYED TO WIN 100 UNITS. PARLAYS CAN NOT EXCEED A 100 UNIT PLAY. PLEASE POST YOUR PAYOUTS ON PARLAYS EXCLUDING THE ORIGINAL 100 UNITS. JUST POST THE PROFIT 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Please post only 1 play per day! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money lines are acceptable if they are -200 or below. THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. ucf2124 12-1-2 W2 +1090 2. Limsypker 14-3 W3 +1070 3. abnormality 11-3 L1 +770 4. khmerkid 14-6 L2 +740 5. markvick111 10-4 L2 +560 6. fulkgl 11-5 W2 +527 7. prostuntman 7-2 L1 +480 SuperMan777 7-2-1 L1 +480 9. Rain_Man 9-4-3 W1 +460 10. cashinsports 10-5 W1 +450 vasilli07 9-4 +450 W2 ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 alexms_52 4-2 W2 +180 anya 2-1 L1 +90 AW248508 1-1 L1 +423 b00ger 3-3-1 W1 -20 Bantam 8-7-2 L1 +30 belltheringer 3-2-1 +80 ben 0-1 -110 BettingSpree 0-1 -110 bigfish0607 2-1 W1 +90 BigRomes916 1-2 L1 -120 Bigtrip 1-0 +100 bizatches 1-0 +100 Blackjay 0-1 -110 Bodogjoe 4-3 L1 +90 bpbeelen 2-2 W1 -20 brent0887 6-3 L1 +280 BrokeStudent3 0-1 -110 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cashin 1-2 L1 -120 cesare6t9 0-1 -110 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 4-1-1 W1 +290 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 CMJohnson1 6-2 W1 +380 coachesplays 0-1 -110 CraigMac6 2-0 +200 crawf_10 5-4 L1 +60 crocnzeeba 1-0 +100 dabuffman 4-5 L2 -140 dangwenix 0-1 -100 DANMASTER 1-0 +100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 0-2 -200 defer 9-5-1 L2 +350 djmarks71 2-0 +200 djwill30 0-1 -110 dmddms 1-0 +100 Dnak2244 1-0 +100 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 EARLYBABY 1-0 +100 EatWeights 0-1 -110 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 8-6-1 L1 +140 Everest17 4-1 W2 +290 Frank the Bank 0-1 -110 Gabbo 1-1 -0 gameto11 2-3 L1 -130 gbpackman 1-0 +100 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 GreekHotLover 2-0 +200 grripper 0-2 -220 gtam21 2-3-2 L2 -105 hahasonny 2-5 L1 -350 haithuy 1-2 L2 -120 Halofan 0-1 -110 handicapper168 2-3-1 L1 -130 Hawktalk 2-2 -20 Hot_Picks_61389 0-1 -110 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JAPES81 3-1-1 W1 +190 JayKay21 2-2 L1 -20 je5usPiece 9-5-1 W2 +360 jo14014 4-2 W1 +180 jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 jwarner1313 0-1 -110 KC4U2ENVY 2-1 +90 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 komot 0-3 -330 krg 4-2-1 W2 +180 kulprit 2+0 +200 Laroja 2-1 W2 +90 lazers97 5-2 L1 +280 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 livin2gamble 6-3 L1 +270 localboyz 0-2 -220 longstah 0-2 -220 M57 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 2-2 L1 -20 Make-It-Rain 4-3 W3 +70 MarchMadness05 3-2 L2 +80 mattlane22 2-0 +200 meatwhistle 4-1 L1 +290 Messy 0-1 -110 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 10-10 L2 -100 mlgneo 2-1 W1 +90 mikesomoney 2-0 W2 +200 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 MrPick1986 0-1 -110 msluckyblue 4-1 W2 +290 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 NastyNate9 7-4 W2 +260 nba_capper 0-0-1 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 1-1-1 W1 -10 Nhenley 1-1 L1 -10 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 nkaplan416 1-0 +100 Nothingman 0-2 -230 nyczyoungn 2-1 L1 +90 Odds1_stinker 5-4 L1 +160 own3dhaha 0-1 -100 Paidonjok 2-1 W2 +90 peiprophet 2-3 -120 phat03 2-1 W1 +90 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 PoRToRoKPuRo 4-1 W2 +290 Raidernator76 7-3 L2 +370 Raiders22 1-2 L1 -120 Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 Rakiztah 5-3 W2 +170 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 Redlad 7-3 L2 +370 RedsFan11 2-5 -350 reygon 2-4 L2 -240 Scarbrojoe 2-0 +200 ScoGaun316 2-1 W2 +90 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 shimmersun 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 sm102279 1-3 L1 -230 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 2-2 W2 -20 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 4-2 W2 +180 swaggerpapa 1-0 +100 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 thams95 0-1 -110 Theslickerone28 1-0 +100 tiepcuu 0-1 -100 tjsupersports 1-0 +100 tland22 0-1 -100 tom-jerry 2-2-1 L1 -20 Trucanuck 4-2 L1 +200 turfdude 5-5 L4 -50 Unstoppable Force 1-3 -230 VancouverKiduck 0-1 -110 veezee 5-5-1 W1 -40 VenomLugz 1-0 +100 Versety1075 1-0 +100 Vlack 1-0 +100 VP81 3-6 L1 -360 wakawaka 0-1 -110 whipton 12-7 L1 +430 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 Wolfeman82 3-3 L1 +130 youngmob 0-1 -110 yundragon 0-1 -110 zappanut 1-1 W1 -10
Nothingman | 66 |
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The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. ONLY 2 TEAM TEASERS AND PARALYS! TEASERS SHOULD BE PLAYED TO WIN 100 UNITS. PARLAYS CAN NOT EXCEED A 100 UNIT PLAY. PLEASE POST YOUR PAYOUTS ON PARLAYS EXCLUDING THE ORIGINAL 100 UNITS. JUST POST THE PROFIT 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Please post only 1 play per day! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money lines are acceptable if they are -200 or below. THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. ucf2124 11-1-2 W1 +990 2. Limsypker 13-3 W2 +970 3. abnormality 11-2 W6 +880 HOT!!! 4. khmerkid 14-5 L1 +850 5. markvick111 10-3 L1 +670 7. prostuntman 7-1 W3 +590 SuperMan777 7-1-1 W4 +590 8. whipton 12-6 W3 +540 9. Redlad 7-2 L1 +480 Raidernator76 7-2 L1 +480 ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 alexms_52 3-2 W1 +80 anya 2-0 +200 AW248508 1-1 L1 +423 b00ger 3-3-1 W1 -20 Bantam 8-6-2 W2 +140 belltheringer 2-2-1 -20 ben 0-1 -110 BettingSpree 0-1 -110 bigfish0607 2-1 W1 +90 BigRomes916 1-2 L1 -120 Bigtrip 1-0 +100 bizatches 1-0 +100 Bodogjoe 4-3 L1 +90 bpbeelen 1-2 -120 brent0887 6-3 L1 +280 BrokeStudent3 0-1 -110 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cashin 1-2 L1 -120 cashinsports 9-5 L1 +350 cesare6t9 0-1 -110 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 4-1-1 W1 +290 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 CMJohnson1 5-2 L1 +280 coachesplays 0-1 -110 CraigMac6 1-0 +100 crawf_10 5-3 W3 +170 crocnzeeba 1-0 +100 dabuffman 4-5 L2 -140 dangwenix 0-1 -100 DANMASTER 1-0 +100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 0-2 -200 defer 9-4-1 L1 +460 djmarks71 2-0 +200 djwill30 0-1 -110 dmddms 1-0 +100 Dnak2244 1-0 +100 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 EARLYBABY 1-0 +100 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 8-5-1 W2 +250 Everest17 3-1 W1 +190 Frank the Bank 0-1 -110 fulkgl 10-5 W1 +427 Gabbo 1-1 -0 gameto11 2-2 W2 -20 gbpackman 1-0 +100 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 GreekHotLover 2-0 +200 grripper 0-2 -220 gtam21 2-2-2 L1 -5 hahasonny 2-5 L1 -350 haithuy 1-2 L2 -120 Halofan 0-1 -110 handicapper168 2-3-1 L1 -130 Hawktalk 2-2 -20 Hot_Picks_61389 0-1 -110 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JAPES81 3-1-1 W1 +190 JayKay21 2-1 W2 +90 je5usPiece 9-5-1 W2 +360 jo14014 4-2 W1 +180 jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 jwarner1313 0-1 -110 KC4U2ENVY 2-1 +90 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 komot 0-2 -220 krg 4-2-1 W2 +180 kulprit 1+0 +100 Laroja 2-1 W2 +90 lazers97 5-2 L1 +280 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 livin2gamble 6-2 W5 +380 HOT! localboyz 0-2 -220 longstah 0-2 -220 M57 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 2-1 W1 +90 Make-It-Rain 4-3 W3 +70 MarchMadness05 3-2 L2 +80 mattlane22 2-0 +200 meatwhistle 4-0 +400 HOT! Messy 0-1 -110 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 10-9 L1 +10 mlgneo 2-1 W1 +90 mikesomoney 2-0 W2 +200 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 msluckyblue 3-1 W1 +190 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 NastyNate9 7-4 W2 +260 nba_capper 0-0-1 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 1-1-1 W1 -10 Nhenley 1-0 +100 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 Nothingman 0-2 -230 nyczyoungn 2-1 L1 +90 Odds1_stinker 5-3 W3 +270 own3dhaha 0-1 -100 Paidonjok 1-1 W1 -10 peiprophet 2-3 -120 phat03 2-1 W1 +90 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 PoRToRoKPuRo 4-1 W2 +290 Raiders22 1-2 L1 -120 Rain_Man 8-4-3 L1 +360 Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 Rakiztah 4-3 W1 +70 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 RedsFan11 2-5 -350 reygon 2-3 L1 -130 Scarbrojoe 2-0 +200 ScoGaun316 1-1 W1 -10 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 shimmersun 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 sm102279 1-2 W1 -120 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 1-2 W1 -120 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 4-2 W2 +180 swaggerpapa 1-0 +100 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 thams95 0-1 -110 Theslickerone28 1-0 +100 tiepcuu 0-1 -100 tjsupersports 1-0 +100 tland22 0-1 -100 tom-jerry 2-2-1 L1 -20 Trucanuck 4-2 L1 +200 turfdude 5-5 L4 -50 Unstoppable Force 1-3 -230 VancouverKiduck 0-1 -110 vasilli07 8-4 +350 W1 veezee 4-5-1 T1 -140 VenomLugz 1-0 +100 Versety1075 1-0 +100 VP81 3-5 W2 -250 wakawaka 0-1 -110 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 Wolfeman82 3-2 W3 +240 youngmob 0-1 -110 zappanut 1-1 W1 -10
Nothingman | 59 |
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The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. ONLY 2 TEAM TEASERS AND PARALYS! TEASERS SHOULD BE PLAYED TO WIN 100 UNITS. PARLAYS CAN NOT EXCEED A 100 UNIT PLAY. PLEASE POST YOUR PAYOUTS ON PARLAYS EXCLUDING THE ORIGINAL 100 UNITS. JUST POST THE PROFIT 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Please post only 1 play per day! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money lines are acceptable if they are -200 or below. THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. khmerkid 14-4 W1 +960 2. ucf2124 10-1-2 L1 +890 3 .Limsypker 12-3 W1 +870 4. markvick111 10-2 W8 +780 DAMN HOT!!! abnormality 10-2 W5 +780 HOT!!! 6. prostuntman 7-1 W3 +590 Redlad 7-1 W5 +590 HOT!! Raidernator76 7-1 W6 +590 HOT!! 9. defer 9-3-1 W5 +570 HOT! 10. SuperMan777 6-1-1 W3 +490 ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 alexms_52 2-2 L1 -20 anya 2-0 +200 AW248508 1-1 L1 +423 b00ger 3-3-1 W1 -20 Bantam 7-6-2 W1 +40 belltheringer 2-2 -20 ben 0-1 -110 BettingSpree 0-1 -110 bigfish0607 1-1 L1 -10 BigRomes916 1-2 L1 -120 Bigtrip 1-0 +100 bizatches 1-0 +100 Bodogjoe 4-3 L1 +90 bpbeelen 1-1 -10 brent0887 6-3 L1 +280 BrokeStudent3 0-1 -110 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cashin 1-2 L1 -120 cashinsports 9-4 W2 +460 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 3-1-1 L1 +190 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 CMJohnson1 5-2 L1 +280 coachesplays 0-1 -110 crawf_10 4-3 W2 +70 crocnzeeba 1-0 +100 dabuffman 4-5 L2 -140 dangwenix 0-1 -100 DANMASTER 1-0 +100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 0-2 -200 djmarks71 2-0 +200 djwill30 0-1 -110 dmddms 1-0 +100 Dnak2244 1-0 +100 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 EARLYBABY 1-0 +100 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 7-5-1 W1 +150 Everest17 2-1 L1 +90 Frank the Bank 0-1 -110 fulkgl 9-5 L1 +327 Gabbo 1-1 -0 gameto11 1-2 W1 -120 gbpackman 1-0 +100 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 GreekHotLover 1-0 +100 grripper 0-2 -220 gtam21 2-2-2 L1 -5 hahasonny 2-5 L1 -350 haithuy 1-1 L1 -10 Halofan 0-1 -110 handicapper168 2-3-1 L1 -130 Hawktalk 2-2 -20 Hot_Picks_61389 0-1 -110 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JAPES81 2-1-1 L1 +90 JayKay21 2-1 W2 +90 je5usPiece 8-5-1 W1 +260 jo14014 4-2 W1 +180 jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 jwarner1313 0-1 -110 KC4U2ENVY 2-1 +90 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 komot 0-2 -220 krg 3-2-1 W1 +80 Laroja 2-1 W2 +90 lazers97 5-2 L1 +280 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 livin2gamble 5-2 W4 +280 localboyz 0-2 -220 longstah 0-2 -220 M57 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 2-1 W1 +90 Make-It-Rain 4-3 W3 +70 MarchMadness05 3-2 L2 +80 mattlane22 2-0 +200 meatwhistle 3-0 +300 Messy 0-1 -110 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 10-8 W4 +120 HOT! mlgneo 2-1 W1 +90 mikesomoney 2-0 W2 +200 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 msluckyblue 3-1 W1 +190 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 NastyNate9 7-4 W2 +260 nba_capper 0-0-1 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 1-1-1 W1 -10 Nhenley 1-0 +100 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 Nothingman 0-2 -230 nyczyoungn 2-0 W2 +200 Odds1_stinker 4-3 W2 +170 own3dhaha 0-1 -100 Paidonjok 0-1 -110 peiprophet 2-3 -120 phat03 2-1 W1 +90 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 PoRToRoKPuRo 4-1 W2 +290 Raiders22 1-1 W1 -10 Rain_Man 8-3-3 W3 +470 Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 Rakiztah 3-3 L2 -30 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 RedsFan11 2-5 -350 reygon 2-2 W2 -20 Scarbrojoe 2-0 +200 ScoGaun316 0-1 -110 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 shimmersun 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 sm102279 1-2 W1 -120 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 1-2 W1 -120 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 4-2 W2 +180 swaggerpapa 1-0 +100 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 thams95 0-1 -110 Theslickerone28 1-0 +100 tiepcuu 0-1 -100 tland22 0-1 -100 tom-jerry 2-1-1 T1 +90 Trucanuck 4-2 L1 +200 turfdude 5-4 L3 +60 Unstoppable Force 1-3 -230 VancouverKiduck 0-1 -110 vasilli07 8-4 +350 W1 veezee 4-5-1 T1 -140 VenomLugz 1-0 +100 Versety1075 1-0 +100 VP81 3-5 W2 -250 wakawaka 0-1 -110 whipton 11-6 W2 +440 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 Wolfeman82 2-2 W2 -10 youngmob 0-1 -110 zappanut 1-1 W1 -10
Nothingman | 51 |
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Nothingman | 48 |
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The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. ONLY 2 TEAM TEASERS AND PARALYS! TEASERS SHOULD BE PLAYED TO WIN 100 UNITS. PARLAYS CAN NOT EXCEED A 100 UNIT PLAY. PLEASE POST YOUR PAYOUTS ON PARLAYS EXCLUDING THE ORIGINAL 100 UNITS. JUST POST THE PROFIT 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Please post only 1 play per day! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money lines are acceptable if they are -200 or below. THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. ucf2124 10-0-2 W10 +1000 FUCKING HOT! 2. khmerkid 13-4 L2 +860 3 .Limsypker 11-3 L1 +770 4. markvick111 9-2 W7 +680 HOT!!! 5. abnormality 9-2 W4 +680 6. prostuntman 6-1 W2 +490 Redlad 6-1 W4 +490 HOT!! Raidernator76 6-1 W5 +490 HOT!! 9. defer 8-3-1 W4 +470 HOT! 10. SuperMan777 5-1-1 W2 +390 ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 alexms_52 2-2 L1 -20 anya 2-0 +200 AW248508 1-0 WHAT WAS YOUR PAYOUT LAST NIGHT? PLEASE DO NOT USE DECIMAL FORM AND DO NOT INCLUDE THE STAKE WITH YOUR PAYOUT. b00ger 3-3-1 W1 -20 Bantam 6-6-2 L1 -60 belltheringer 2-2 -20 ben 0-1 -110 BettingSpree 0-1 -110 bigfish0607 1-1 L1 -10 BigRomes916 1-1 -10 Bigtrip 1-0 +100 bizatches 1-0 +100 Bodogjoe 4-2 W1 +200 bpbeelen 0-1 -110 brent0887 6-3 L1 +280 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cashin 1-1 W1 -10 cashinsports 8-4 W1 +360 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 3-1-1 L1 +190 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 CMJohnson1 5-1 W1 +390 crawf_10 4-3 W2 +70 crocnzeeba 1-0 +100 dabuffman 4-5 L2 -140 dangwenix 0-1 -100 DANMASTER 1-0 +100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 0-2 -200 djmarks71 2-0 +200 djwill30 0-1 -110 dmddms 1-0 +100 Dnak2244 1-0 +100 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 EARLYBABY 1-0 +100 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 6-5-1 T1 +50 Everest17 2-0 +200 Frank the Bank 0-1 -110 fulkgl 9-4 W1 +437 Gabbo 1-1 -0 gameto11 0-2 -220 gbpackman 1-0 +100 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 grripper 0-2 -220 gtam21 2-2-2 L1 -5 hahasonny 2-5 L1 -350 haithuy 1-0 +100 Halofan 0-1 -110 handicapper168 2-2-1 W1 -20 Hawktalk 2-2 -20 Hot_Picks_61389 0-1 -110 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JAPES81 2-1-1 L1 +90 JayKay21 2-1 W2 +90 je5usPiece 7-5-1 L1 +160 jo14014 4-2 W1 +180 jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 jwarner1313 0-1 -110 KC4U2ENVY 2-1 +90 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 komot 0-2 -220 krg 3-2-1 W1 +80 Laroja 2-1 W2 +90 lazers97 5-2 L1 +280 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 livin2gamble 5-2 W4 +280 localboyz 0-2 -220 longstah 0-2 -220 M57 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 2-1 W1 +90 Make-It-Rain 4-3 W3 +70 MarchMadness05 3-2 L2 +80 mattlane22 2-0 +200 meatwhistle 3-0 +300 Messy 0-1 -110 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 9-8 W3 +20 mlgneo 2-1 W1 +90 mikesomoney 2-0 W2 +200 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 msluckyblue 3-1 W1 +190 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 NastyNate9 6-4 W1 +160 nba_capper 0-0-1 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 1-1-1 W1 -10 Nhenley 1-0 +100 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 Nothingman 0-2 -230 nyczyoungn 2-0 W2 +200 Odds1_stinker 3-3 W1 +70 Paidonjok 0-1 -110 peiprophet 2-3 -120 phat03 2-1 W1 +90 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 PoRToRoKPuRo 4-1 W2 +290 Raiders22 1-1 W1 -10 Rain_Man 7-3-3 W2 +370 Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 Rakiztah 3-3 L2 -30 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 RedsFan11 2-5 -350 reygon 1-2 W1 -120 Scarbrojoe 2-0 +200 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 shimmersun 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 sm102279 1-2 W1 -120 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 1-2 W1 -120 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 4-2 W2 +180 swaggerpapa 1-0 +100 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 thams95 0-1 -110 Theslickerone28 1-0 +100 tiepcuu 0-1 -100 tland22 0-1 -100 tom-jerry 2-1-1 T1 +90 Trucanuck 4-2 L1 +200 turfdude 5-4 L3 +60 Unstoppable Force 1-3 -230 VancouverKiduck 0-1 -110 vasilli07 7-4 +250 L2 veezee 4-5-1 T1 -140 VenomLugz 1-0 +100 Versety1075 1-0 +100 VP81 2-5 W1 -350 wakawaka 0-1 -110 whipton 10-6 W1 +340 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 Wolfeman82 1-2 W1 -110 youngmob 0-1 -110 zappanut 1-1 W1 -10 |
Nothingman | 48 |
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The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. ONLY 2 TEAM TEASERS AND PARALYS! TEASERS SHOULD BE PLAYED TO WIN 100 UNITS. PARLAYS CAN NOT EXCEED A 100 UNIT PLAY. PLEASE POST YOUR PAYOUTS ON PARLAYS EXCLUDING THE ORIGINAL 100 UNITS. JUST POST THE PROFIT 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Please post only 1 play per day! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money lines are acceptable if they are -200 or below. THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. khmerkid 13-3 L1 +970 2. ucf2124 9-0-2 W9 +900 3 .Limsypker 11-2 W3 +880 4. markvick111 8-2 W6 +580 abnormality 8-2 W3 +580 6. lazers97 5-1 W2 +390 Redlad 5-1 W3 +390 Raidernator76 5-1 W4 +390 9. defer 7-3-1 W3 +370 10. vasilli07 7-3 +360 L1 9. 10. ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 alexms_52 2-2 L1 -20 anya 2-0 +200 AW248508 1-0 WHAT WAS YOUR PAYOUT LAST NIGHT? PLEASE DO NOT USE DECIMAL FORM AND DO NOT INCLUDE THE STAKE WITH YOUR PAYOUT. b00ger 3-3-1 W1 -20 Bantam 6-5-2 W3 +50 belltheringer 2-2 -20 ben 0-1 -110 BettingSpree 0-1 -110 bigfish0607 1-0 +100 BigRomes916 1-1 -10 Bigtrip 1-0 +100 bizatches 1-0 +100 Bodogjoe 4-2 W1 +200 brent0887 6-3 L1 +280 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cashin 0-1 -110 cashinsports 7-4 L1 +260 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 3-1-1 L1 +190 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 CMJohnson1 4-1 L1 +290 crawf_10 3-3 W1 -30 dabuffman 4-5 L2 -140 dangwenix 0-1 -100 DANMASTER 1-0 +100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 0-2 -200 djmarks71 2-0 +200 djwill30 0-1 -110 Dnak2244 1-0 +100 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 EARLYBABY 1-0 +100 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 6-5-1 T1 +50 Everest17 2-0 +200 Frank the Bank 0-1 -110 fulkgl 8-4 L1 +337 Gabbo 1-1 -0 gameto11 0-1 -110 gbpackman 1-0 +100 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 grripper 0-1 -110 gtam21 2-1-2 T1 +95 hahasonny 2-5 L1 -350 Halofan 0-1 -110 handicapper168 1-2-1 T1 -120 Hawktalk 2-2 -20 Hot_Picks_61389 0-1 -110 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JAPES81 2-1-1 L1 +90 JayKay21 2-1 W2 +90 je5usPiece 7-5-1 L1 +160 jo14014 4-2 W1 +180 jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 KC4U2ENVY 2-1 +90 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 komot 0-1 -110 krg 3-2-1 W1 +80 Laroja 2-1 W2 +90 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 livin2gamble 4-2 W3 +180 localboyz 0-2 -220 longstah 0-2 -220 M57 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 2-1 W1 +90 Make-It-Rain 3-3 W2 -30 MarchMadness05 3-2 L2 +80 mattlane22 2-0 +200 meatwhistle 3-0 +300 Messy 0-1 -110 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 8-8 W2 -80 mlgneo 2-1 W1 +90 mikesomoney 2-0 W2 +200 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 msluckyblue 2-1 L1 +90 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 NastyNate9 5-4 L1 +60 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 1-1-1 W1 -10 Nhenley 1-0 +100 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 Nothingman 0-2 -230 nyczyoungn 2-0 W2 +200 Odds1_stinker 2-3 L1 -30 Paidonjok 0-1 -110 peiprophet 2-3 -120 phat03 2-1 W1 +90 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 PoRToRoKPuRo 4-1 W2 +290 prostuntman 5-1 W1 +390 Raiders22 1-1 W1 -10 Rain_Man 6-3-3 W1 +270 Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 Rakiztah 3-2 L1 +80 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 RedsFan11 2-5 -350 reygon 0-2 L2 -220 Scarbrojoe 2-0 +200 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 shimmersun 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 sm102279 0-2 -220 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 1-2 W1 -120 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 3-2 W1 +80 SuperMan777 4-1-1 W1 +290 swaggerpapa 1-0 +100 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 thams95 0-1 -110 Theslickerone28 1-0 +100 tland22 0-1 -100 tom-jerry 2-1-1 T1 +90 Trucanuck 4-2 L1 +200 turfdude 5-4 L3 +60 Unstoppable Force 1-3 -230 veezee 4-5-1 T1 -140 VenomLugz 1-0 +100 Versety1075 1-0 +100 VP81 1-5 L3 -450 wakawaka 0-1 -110 whipton 9-6 L1 +240 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 Wolfeman82 0-2 -210 youngmob 0-1 -110 zappanut 1-1 W1 -10 |
Nothingman | 53 |
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ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 alexms_52 2-1 W2 +90 anya 2-0 +200 b00ger 3-3-1 W1 -20 Bantam 5-5-2 W2 -50 belltheringer 2-2 -20 ben 0-1 -110 BettingSpree 0-1 -110 BigRomes916 1-1 -10 Bigtrip 1-0 +100 bizatches 1-0 +100 Bodogjoe 3-2 L1 +100 brent0887 6-3 L1 +280 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 3-1-1 L1 +190 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 CMJohnson1 4-1 L1 +290 crawf_10 3-3 W1 -30 dabuffman 4-4 L1 -30 dangwenix 0-1 -100 DANMASTER 1-0 +100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 0-2 -200 defer 6-3-1 W2 +270 djmarks71 2-0 +200 djwill30 0-1 -110 Dnak2244 1-0 +100 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 EARLYBABY 1-0 +100 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 6-5 L1 +50 Everest17 1-0 +100 Frank the Bank 0-1 -110 Gabbo 1-1 -0 gameto11 0-1 -110 gbpackman 1-0 +100 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 grripper 0-1 -110 gtam21 2-1-2 T1 +95 hahasonny 2-5 L1 -350 Halofan 0-1 -110 handicapper168 1-2-1 T1 -120 Hawktalk 2-2 -20 Hot_Picks_61389 0-1 -110 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JAPES81 2-1-1 L1 +90 JayKay21 2-1 W2 +90 je5usPiece 7-4-1 W1 +270 I GAVE YOU THE WIN FOR LAST NIGHT SINCE YOU PROVED IT. jo14014 4-2 W1 +180 jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 KC4U2ENVY 2-1 +90 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 komot 0-1 -110 krg 3-2-1 W1 +80 Laroja 2-1 W2 +90 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 livin2gamble 3-2 W2 +80 localboyz 0-1 -110 longstah 0-2 -220 M57 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 1-1 L1 -10 Make-It-Rain 2-3 W1 -130 MarchMadness05 3-2 L2 +80 mattlane22 2-0 +200 Messy 0-1 -110 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 7-8 W1 -180 mlgneo 2-1 W1 +90 mikesomoney 2-0 W2 +200 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 msluckyblue 2-0 +200 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 NastyNate9 5-4 L1 +60 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 1-1-1 W1 -10 Nhenley 1-0 +100 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 Nothingman 0-2 -230 nyczyoungn 2-0 W2 +200 Odds1_stinker 2-3 L1 -30 Paidonjok 0-1 -110 peiprophet 2-3 -120 phat03 2-1 W1 +90 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 PoRToRoKPuRo 4-1 W2 +290 prostuntman 5-1 W1 +390 Raidernator76 4-1 W3 +290 Raiders22 1-1 W1 -10 Rain_Man 5-3-3 L1 +170 Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 Rakiztah 3-1 W2 +190 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 Redlad 4-1 W2 +290 RedsFan11 2-5 -350 reygon 0-2 L2 -220 Scarbrojoe 2-0 +200 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 shimmersun 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 sm102279 0-2 -220 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 1-2 W1 -120 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 3-2 W1 +80 SuperMan777 4-1-1 W1 +290 swaggerpapa 1-0 +100 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 thams95 0-1 -110 Theslickerone28 1-0 +100 tland22 0-1 -100 tom-jerry 2-1-1 T1 +90 Trucanuck 4-2 L1 +200 turfdude 5-3 L2 +170 Unstoppable Force 1-3 -230 veezee 4-5 L2 -140 VenomLugz 1-0 +100 Versety1075 1-0 +100 VP81 1-5 L3 -450 wakawaka 0-1 -110 whipton 9-5 W2 +350 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 Wolfeman82 0-2 -210 youngmob 0-1 -110 zappanut 1-1 W1 -10
Nothingman | 39 |
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The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. ONLY 2 TEAM TEASERS AND PARALYS! TEASERS SHOULD BE PLAYED TO WIN 100 UNITS. PARLAYS CAN NOT EXCEED A 100 UNIT PLAY. PLEASE POST YOUR PAYOUTS ON PARLAYS EXCLUDING THE ORIGINAL 100 UNITS. JUST POST THE PROFIT 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Please post only 1 play per day! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money lines are acceptable if they are -200 or below. THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. khmerkid 13-2 W4 +1080 2. Limsypker 11-2 W3 +880 3 .ucf2124 8-0-2 W8 +800 4. markvick111 7-2 W5 +480 abnormality 7-2 W2 +480 6. vasilli07 7-2 +470 W1 7. fulkgl 8-3 W2 +442 8. lazers97 5-1 W2 +390 9. cashinsports 7-3 W2 +370 10. meatwhistle 3-0 +300 |
Nothingman | 39 |
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updates coming...please post your plays!
Nothingman | 39 |
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The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. ONLY 2 TEAM TEASERS AND PARALYS! TEASERS SHOULD BE PLAYED TO WIN 100 UNITS. PARLAYS CAN NOT EXCEED A 100 UNIT PLAY. PLEASE POST YOUR PAYOUTS ON PARLAYS EXCLUDING THE ORIGINAL 100 UNITS. JUST POST THE PROFIT 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Please post only 1 play per day! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money lines are acceptable if they are -200 or below. THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. khmerkid 12-2 W3 +980 2. Limsypker 10-2 W2 +780 3 .ucf2124 7-0-2 W7 +700 4. CMJohnson1 4-0 +400 5. brent0887 6-2 W1 +390 6. markvick111 6-2 W4 +380 7. abnormality 6-2 W1 +380 8. vasilli07 6-2 +370 L1 9. fulkgl 7-3 W1 +342 10. lazers97 4-1 W1 +290 ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 alexms_52 1-1 W1 -10 anya 2-0 +200 b00ger 3-3-1 W1 -20 Bantam 4-5-2 W1 -150 belltheringer 2-2 -20 ben 0-1 -110 BigRomes916 1-1 -10 bizatches 1-0 +100 Bodogjoe 3-1 W3 +200 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cashinsports 6-3 W1 +270 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 3-1-1 L1 +190 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 crawf_10 2-3 L2 -130 dabuffman 4-3 W3 +80 dangwenix 0-1 -100 DANMASTER 1-0 +100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 0-2 -200 defer 5-3-1 W1 +170 djmarks71 2-0 +200 djwill30 0-1 -110 Dnak2244 1-0 +100 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 6-5 L1 +50 Gabbo 1-1 -0 gbpackman 1-0 +100 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 grripper 0-1 -110 gtam21 2-1-2 T1 +95 hahasonny 2-5 L1 -350 Halofan 0-1 -110 handicapper168 1-2 W1 -120 Hawktalk 2-2 -20 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JAPES81 2-1-1 L1 +90 JayKay21 1-1 W1 -10 je5usPiece 6-4-1 L3 +170 jo14014 3-2 +80 jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 KC4U2ENVY 2-1 +90 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 krg 2-2-1 -20 Laroja 1-1 W1 -10 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 livin2gamble 2-2 W1 -20 localboyz 0-1 -110 longstah 0-2 -220 M57 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 1-0 +100 Make-It-Rain 1-3 L2 -230 MarchMadness05 3-2 L2 +80 mattlane22 2-0 +200 meatwhistle 2-0 +200 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 6-8 L4 -280 mlgneo 1-1 -10 ONE PLAY ONLY! mikesomoney 2-0 W2 +200 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 msluckyblue 1-0 +100 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 NastyNate9 5-3 W1 +170 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 0-1-1 -110 Nhenley 1-0 +100 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 Nothingman 0-2 -230 nyczyoungn 2-0 W2 +200 Odds1_stinker 2-2 W1 +80 Paidonjok 0-1 -110 peiprophet 2-2 -10 phat03 2-1 W1 +90 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 PoRToRoKPuRo 3-1 W1 +190 prostuntman 4-1 +290 Raidernator76 3-1 W2 +190 Raiders22 1-1 W1 -10 Rain_Man 5-2-3 W1 +280 YOU DID NOT LIST OVER OR UNDER IN YOUR POST! Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 Rakiztah 2-1 W1 +90 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 Redlad 3-1 W1 +190 RedsFan11 2-5 -350 reygon 0-2 L2 -220 Scarbrojoe 2-0 +200 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 shimmersun 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 sm102279 0-1 -110 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 0-2 -220 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 2-2 -20 SuperMan777 3-1-1 L1 +190 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 Theslickerone28 1-0 +100 tom-jerry 2-1 W1 +90 Trucanuck 3-1 W1 +190 turfdude 5-2 L1 +280 Unstoppable Force 1-3 -230 veezee 4-4 L1 -30 VenomLugz 1-0 +100 Versety1075 1-0 +100 VP81 1-4 L2 -340 wakawaka 0-1 -110 whipton 8-5 W1 +250 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 Wolfeman82 0-1 -110 youngmob 0-1 -110 zappanut 1-1 W1 -10
Nothingman | 75 |
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The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Only 1 play allowed! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money line plays must not exceed 200 THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. khmerkid 11-2 W2 +880 2. Limsypker 10-2 W2 +780 3 .ucf2124 6-0-2 W6 +600 4. CMJohnson1 4-0 +400 5. turfdude 5-1 W2 +390 6. vasilli07 6-2 +370 L1 7. brent0887 5-2 L1 +290 8. markvick111 5-2 W3 +280 9. abnormality 5-2 L1 +280 je5usPiece 6-3-1 L2 +280 Rain_Man 5-2-3 W1 +280 ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 alexms_52 0-1 -110 anya 2-0 +200 b00ger 3-3-1 W1 -20 Bantam 3-5-2 L1 -250 belltheringer 2-2 -20 ben 0-1 -110 BigRomes916 1-1 -10 bizatches 1-0 +100 Bodogjoe 2-1 W2 +100 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cashinsports 5-3 L1 +170 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 3-1-1 L1 +190 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 crawf_10 2-3 L2 -130 dabuffman 3-3 W2 -20 dangwenix 0-1 -100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 0-2 -200 defer 4-3-1 L1 +70 djmarks71 2-0 +200 djwill30 0-1 -110 Dnak2244 1-0 +100 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 6-5 L1 +50 fulkgl 6-3 L2 +242 Gabbo 1-1 -0 gbpackman 1-0 +100 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 gtam21 2-1-2 T1 +95 hahasonny 2-4 W1 -240 Halofan 0-1 -110 handicapper168 0-2 L2 -220 Hawktalk 2-2 -20 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JAPES81 2-1-1 L1 +90 JayKay21 0-1 -110 jo14014 3-2 +80 jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 KC4U2ENVY 2-1 +90 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 krg 2-2-1 -20 Laroja 0-1 -110 lazers97 3-1 +190 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 livin2gamble 1-2 -120 longstah 0-2 -220 M57 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 1-0 +100 Make-It-Rain 1-3 L2 -230 MarchMadness05 W3 3-1 L1 +190 mattlane22 2-0 +200 meatwhistle 2-0 +200 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 6-7 L2 -170 mlgneo 1-1 -10 ONE PLAY ONLY! mikesomoney 2-0 W2 +200 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 NastyNate9 4-3 L1 +70 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 0-1-1 -110 Nhenley 1-0 +100 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 Nothingman 0-2 -230 nyczyoungn 2-0 W2 +200 Odds1_stinker 2-2 L2 -20 Paidonjok 0-1 -110 peiprophet 2-2 -10 phat03 1-1 -10 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 PoRToRoKPuRo 3-1 W1 +190 prostuntman 3-1 +190 Raidernator76 2-1 W1 +90 Raiders22 1-1 W1 -10 Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 Rakiztah 1-1 L1 -10 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 Redlad 2-1 +90 RedsFan11 2-5 -350 reygon 0-2 L2 -220 Scarbrojoe 2-0 +200 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 shimmersun 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 sm102279 0-1 -110 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 0-2 -220 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 2-2 -20 SuperMan777 3-1-1 L1 +190 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 Theslickerone28 1-0 +100 tom-jerry 2-1 W1 +90 Trucanuck 2-1 +90 Unstoppable Force 1-3 -230 veezee 4-3 +80 VenomLugz 1-0 +100 Versety1075 1-0 +100 VP81 1-3 L1 -230 wakawaka 0-1 -110 whipton 7-5 L2 +150 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 Wolfeman82 0-1 -110 youngmob 0-1 -110 zappanut 0-1 -110 |
Nothingman | 40 |
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The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Only 1 play allowed! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money line plays must not exceed 200 THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. khmerkid 10-2 W1 +780 2. Limsypker 9-2 W1 +680 3 .ucf2124 5-0-2 W5 +500 4. vasilli07 6-1 +480 W6 5. brent0887 5-1 +400 CMJohnson1 4-0 +400 7. abnormality 5-1 W2 +390 je5usPiece 6-2-1 L1 +390 turfdude 5-1 W2 +390 10. fulkgl 6-2 L1 +352 ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 anya 1-0 +100 b00ger 2-3-1 -120 Bantam 3-4-2 T1 -140 belltheringer 2-2 -20 ben 0-1 -110 BigRomes916 1-1 -10 bizatches 1-0 +100 Bodogjoe 1-1 W1 -0 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cashinsports 5-2 +280 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 3-0-1 W3 +300 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 crawf_10 2-2 L1 -20 dabuffman 2-3 W1 -120 dangwenix 0-1 -100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 0-2 -200 defer 4-3-1 L1 +70 djmarks71 2-0 +200 djwill30 0-1 -110 Dnak2244 1-0 +100 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 6-4 W1 +160 Gabbo 1-1 -0 gbpackman 1-0 +100 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 gtam21 2-1-2 T1 +95 handicapper168 0-2 L2 -220 hahasonny 1-4 -340 Hawktalk 2-2 -20 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JAPES81 2-0-1 T1 +200 JayKay21 0-1 -110 jo14014 3-2 +80 jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 KC4U2ENVY 1-1 -10 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 krg 1-2-1 -120 Laroja 0-1 -110 lazers97 3-1 +190 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 livin2gamble 1-1 -10 longstah 0-2 -220 M57 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 1-0 +100 Make-It-Rain 1-2 L1 -120 MarchMadness05 W3 3-0 +300 markvick111 4-2 W2 +180 mattlane22 2-0 +200 meatwhistle 1-0 +100 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 6-6 L1 -60 mikesomoney 2-0 W2 +200 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 NastyNate9 4-2 +180 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 0-0-1 Nhenley 1-0 +100 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 Nothingman 0-2 -230 nyczyoungn 2-0 W2 +200 Odds1_stinker 2-1 L1 +90 Paidonjok 0-1 -110 peiprophet 2-2 -10 phat03 1-1 -10 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 PoRToRoKPuRo 2-1 +90 prostuntman 3-1 +190 Raidernator76 2-1 W1 +90 Raiders22 1-1 W1 -10 Rain_Man 4-2-3 T1 +180 Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 Rakiztah 1-1 L1 -10 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 Redlad 1-1 -10 RedsFan11 2-5 -350 reygon 0-1 -110 Scarbrojoe 1-0 +100 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 shimmersun 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 sm102279 0-1 -110 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 0-2 -220 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 2-1 +90 SuperMan777 3-0-1 T1 +300 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 Theslickerone28 1-0 +100 tom-jerry 2-1 W1 +90 Trucanuck 2-0 +200 Unstoppable Force 1-2 -120 veezee 4-3 +80 VenomLugz 1-0 +100 VP81 1-2 -120 wakawaka 0-1 -110 whipton 7-4 L1 +260 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 youngmob 0-1 -110 zappanut 0-1 -110
Nothingman | 63 |
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HEY EVERYONE. I JUST STARTED RECORDING STREAKS BUT I AM NOT GOING BACK THROUGH ALL OF THE THREADS TO UPDATE THEM. SO IF YOU HAVE A GOOD STREAK GOING JUST POST IT AND I WILL CONFIRM AND UPDATE IT. THANKS. The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Only 1 play allowed! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money line plays must not exceed 200 THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. khmerkid 9-2 +680 2. Limsypker 8-2 L1 +580 3. je5usPiece 6-1-1 W1 +500 4. brent0887 5-1 +400 CMJohnson1 4-0 +400 ucf2124 4-0-2 W4 +400 7. cashinsports 5-1 +390 8. whipton 7-3 W1 +370 9. fulkgl 6-2 L1 +352 10. SuperMan777 3-0-1 T1 +300 abnormality 4-1 W1 +290 ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 anya 1-0 +100 b00ger 2-3-1 -120 Bantam 3-4-1 L1 -140 belltheringer 2-2 -20 ben 0-1 -110 BigRomes916 1-0 +100 bizatches 1-0 +100 Bodogjoe 1-1 W1 -0 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 3-0-1 W3 +300 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 crawf_10 2-2 L1 -20 dabuffman 2-3 W1 -120 dangwenix 0-1 -100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 0-2 -200 defer 4-3-1 L1 +70 djmarks71 2-0 +200 djwill30 0-1 -110 Dnak2244 1-0 +100 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 5-4 +60 Gabbo 1-1 -0 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 gtam21 2-1-1 L1 +95 handicapper168 0-2 L2 -220 hahasonny 1-4 -340 Hawktalk 2-2 -20 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JAPES81 2-0 +200 JayKay21 0-1 -110 jo14014 3-2 +80 jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 KC4U2ENVY 1-1 -10 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 krg 1-2-1 -120 Laroja 0-1 -110 lazers97 3-1 +190 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 livin2gamble 1-1 -10 longstah 0-2 -220 M57 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 1-0 +100 Make-It-Rain 1-1 -10 MarchMadness05 2-0 +200 markvick111 3-2 W1 +80 mattlane22 2-0 +200 meatwhistle 1-0 +100 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 6-5 +50 mikesomoney 2-0 W2 +200 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 NastyNate9 4-1 +290 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 0-0-1 Nhenley 1-0 +100 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 Nothingman 0-2 -230 nyczyoungn 2-0 W2 +200 Odds1_stinker 2-0 W2 +200 Paidonjok 0-1 -110 peiprophet 2-2 -10 phat03 1-1 -10 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 PoRToRoKPuRo 2-1 +90 prostuntman 2-1 +90 Raidernator76 2-1 W1 +90 Raiders22 1-1 W1 -10 Rain_Man 4-2-2 L1 +180 Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 Rakiztah 1-1 L1 -10 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 Redlad 1-0 +100 RedsFan11 2-5 -350 reygon 0-1 -110 Scarbrojoe 1-0 +100 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 shimmersun 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 sm102279 0-1 -110 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 0-2 -220 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 2-1 +90 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 Theslickerone28 1-0 +100 tom-jerry 1-1 -10 Trucanuck 2-0 +200 turfdude 4-1 W1 +290 Unstoppable Force 1-2 -120 vasilli07 5-1 +380 veezee 4-3 +80 VenomLugz 1-0 +100 VP81 1-2 -120 wakawaka 0-1 -110 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 youngmob 0-1 -110 zappanut 0-1 -110
Nothingman | 38 |
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The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Only 1 play allowed! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money line plays must not exceed 200 THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. khmerkid 9-1 +790 2. Limsypker 8-1 +690 3. fulkgl 6-1 +490 4. brent0887 5-1 +400 5. CMJohnson1 4-0 +400 je5usPiece 5-1-1 +400 7. cashinsports 5-1 +390 8. ucf2124 3-0-2 +300 SuperMan777 3-0 +300 10. Rain_Man 4-1-2 +290 abnormality 3-1 +190 ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 anya 1-0 +100 b00ger 2-3-1 -120 Bantam 3-3 -30 belltheringer 2-2 -20 ben 0-1 -110 BigRomes916 1-0 +100 bizatches 1-0 +100 Bodogjoe 0-1 -100 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 2-0-1 +200 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 crawf_10 2-1 +90 dabuffman 1-3 -220 dangwenix 0-1 -100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 0-2 -200 defer 4-2-1 +180 djmarks71 2-0 +200 djwill30 0-1 -110 Dnak2244 1-0 +100 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 5-3 +170 Gabbo 1-1 -0 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 gtam21 2-0-1 +200 handicapper168 0-1 -110 hahasonny 1-4 -340 Hawktalk 2-2 -20 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JAPES81 2-0 +200 JayKay21 0-1 -110 jo14014 3-2 +80 jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 KC4U2ENVY 1-1 -10 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 krg 1-2 -120 Laroja 0-1 -110 lazers97 3-1 +190 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 livin2gamble 1-1 -10 longstah 0-2 -220 M57 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 1-0 +100 Make-It-Rain 1-1 -10 MarchMadness05 2-0 +200 markvick111 2-2 -20 mattlane22 2-0 +200 meatwhistle 1-0 +100 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 6-4 +160 mikesomoney 1-0 +100 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 NastyNate9 3-1 +190 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 0-0-1 Nhenley 1-0 +100 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 Nothingman 0-2 -230 nyczyoungn 1-0 +100 Odds1_stinker 1-0 +100 Paidonjok 0-1 -110 peiprophet 2-2 -10 phat03 1-1 -10 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 PoRToRoKPuRo 2-1 +90 prostuntman 2-1 +90 Raidernator76 1-1 -10 Raiders22 0-1 -110 Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 Rakiztah 1-0 +100 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 RedsFan11 2-5 -350 reygon 0-1 -110 Scarbrojoe 1-0 +100 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 shimmersun 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 sm102279 0-1 -110 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 0-2 -220 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 2-1 +90 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 Theslickerone28 1-0 +100 tom-jerry 1-1 -10 Trucanuck 2-0 +200 turfdude 3-1 +190 Unstoppable Force 1-2 -120 vasilli07 5-1 +380 veezee 4-3 +80 VenomLugz 1-0 +100 VP81 1-2 -120 wakawaka 0-1 -110 whipton 6-3 +270 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 youngmob 0-1 -110 zappanut 0-1 -110
Nothingman | 38 |
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The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Only 1 play allowed! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money line plays must not exceed 200 THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. khmerkid 8-1 +690 2. Limsypker 7-1 +590 3. fulkgl 6-1 +490 4. brent0887 5-1 +400 5. ucf2124 3-0-2 +300 CMJohnson1 3-0 +300 je5usPiece 4-1-1 +300 turfdude 3-0 +300 9. Rain_Man 4-1-1 +290 cashinsports 4-1 +290 abnormality 2-1 +90 ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 anya 1-0 +100 b00ger 2-2-1 -10 Bantam 2-3 -130 belltheringer 2-2 -20 ben 0-1 -110 BigRomes916 1-0 +100 bizatches 1-0 +100 Bodogjoe 0-1 -100 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 1-0-1 +100 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 crawf_10 2-1 +90 dabuffman 1-2 -110 dangwenix 0-1 -100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 0-2 -200 defer 3-2-1 +80 djmarks71 2-0 +200 djwill30 0-1 -110 Dnak2244 1-0 +100 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 4-3 +70 Gabbo 0-1 -100 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 gtam21 1-0-1 +100 handicapper168 0-1 -110 hahasonny 1-4 -340 Hawktalk 2-2 -20 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JAPES81 2-0 +200 JayKay21 0-1 -110 jo14014 3-1 +190 ONLY 1 PLAY! jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 KC4U2ENVY 1-1 -10 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 krg 1-1 -10 Laroja 0-1 -110 lazers97 3-1 +190 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 livin2gamble 0-1 -110 longstah 0-2 -220 M57 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 1-0 +100 Make-It-Rain 1-1 -10 MarchMadness05 2-0 +200 markvick111 1-2 -120 mattlane22 2-0 +200 meatwhistle 1-0 +100 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 5-4 +60 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 NastyNate9 2-1 +90 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 0-0-1 Nhenley 1-0 +100 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 Nothingman 0-2 -230 nyczyoungn 1-0 +100 Paidonjok 0-1 -110 peiprophet 2-2 -10 phat03 1-1 -10 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 PoRToRoKPuRo 2-1 +90 prostuntman 1-1 -10 Raidernator76 1-1 -10 Raiders22 0-1 -110 Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 Rakiztah 1-0 +100 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 RedsFan11 2-5 -350 reygon 0-1 -110 Scarbrojoe 1-0 +100 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 0-2 -220 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 2-0 +200 SuperMan777 2-0 +200 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 Theslickerone28 1-0 +100 tom-jerry 1-1 -10 Trucanuck 1-0 +100 Unstoppable Force 1-2 -120 vasilli07 4-1 +280 veezee 3-3 -20 VenomLugz 1-0 +100 VP81 1-1 -10 wakawaka 0-1 -110 whipton 5-3 +170 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 youngmob 0-1 -110 zappanut 0-1 -110
Nothingman | 38 |
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The Rules: 1. Any plays will be accepted expect for quarter and second half plays. Teasers and parlays will be accepted but will count as one play. 2. Must post your odds and payouts! 3. Must post at least 15 minutes before tip off. 4. Only 1 play allowed! 5. Plays will be based on 100 units/dollars. 6. Money line plays must not exceed 200 THE TOP 10 NBA CAPPERS 1. fulkgl 6-0 +600 2. khmerkid 7-1 +590 3. Limsypker 6-1 +490 4. brent0887 5-1 +400 cashinsports 4-0 +400 6. ucf2124 3-0-2 +300 7. Rain_Man 4-1-1 +290 8. je5usPiece 3-1-1 +200 JAPES81 2-0 +200 mattlane22 2-0 +200 djmarks71 2-0 +200 NastyNate9 2-0 +200 PoRToRoKPuRo 2-0 +200 CMJohnson1 2-0 +200 abnormality 2-0 +200 ak7fan57 0-1-1 -110 anya 1-0 +100 b00ger 2-1-1 +100 Bantam 2-2 -20 belltheringer 2-2 -20 ben 0-1 -110 bizatches 1-0 +100 BrownGem 0-1 -110 BustTheHouse 0-1 -110 cambyspree99 0-1 -110 canadaguy_25 0-1 -110 CappaCappGirla 1-0 +100 CarsonJr99 0-0-1 cash_tickets 1-1 -50 cashaholic 1-0 +100 cheecheslions 0-1 -110 Chloeq 1-0-1 +100 chrispixlocks 0-1 -110 crawf_10 1-1 -10 dabuffman 0-2 -210 dangwenix 0-1 -100 dcgmt 1-0 +100 DDH420 0-2 -200 defer 3-1-1 +190 djwill30 0-1 -110 dreamteamjimmy 1-1 -10 Ecr32 0-1 -110 ellisodds 0-1 -110 enricus29 4-3 +70 Gabbo 0-1 -100 GoCougs33 1-0 +100 gtam21 1-0-1 +100 handicapper168 0-1 -110 hahasonny 1-4 -340 Hawktalk 2-1 +90 Hurtner2005 0-1 -110 ihavenopatience 0-1 -110 ikimihs 0-1 -110 JayKay21 0-1 -110 jo14014 3-1 +190 ONLY 1 PLAY! jonathonseay 0-1 -100 jredmond 0-1 -110 kludes 0-1 -110 KnightofSorrow 0-1 -110 krg 1-1 -10 Laroja 0-1 -110 lazers97 2-1 +90 Lefty1981 1-0 +100 lewis69692003 1-0 +100 longstah 0-1 -110 MADMAX23 1-0 +100 Make-It-Rain 1-1 -10 MarchMadness05 1-0 +100 markvick111 1-1 -10 meatwhistle 1-0 +100 Mexicutioner 1-0 +100 Mienballer03 5-3 +170 mrbusta380 0-1 -110 NakuspStyle 2-1 +90 nbk12ht 1-0 +100 neworlbush25 0-0-1 Nhenley 1-0 +100 NickeL9 1-0 +100 nippzOR 1-0 +100 Nothingman 0-2 -230 Paidonjok 0-1 -110 peiprophet 2-2 -10 phat03 1-1 -10 PIDI 0-1 -110 poolman11 0-1 -100 prostuntman 1-0 +100 Raidernator76 1-0 +100 Raiders22 0-1 -110 Rainmaker626 0-1 -110 ramblinwrek 0-1-1 -110 RedsFan11 2-4 -240 reygon 0-1 -110 Scarbrojoe 1-0 +100 scratchcapper69 0-1 -110 sglewi 0-1 -110 sir_smoka_lot 0-1 -110 SoreWinner 1-1 +0 SportsFreak69 0-2 -220 Springz 0-2 -220 stratos 1-0 +100 strshootr 1-0 +100 SuperMan777 1-0 +100 T99 0-1 -110 tae815 0-1 -110 tom-jerry 1-1 -10 Trucanuck 1-0 +100 turfdude 2-0 +200 Unstoppable Force 1-2 -120 vasilli07 3-1 +180 veezee 2-3 -120 VenomLugz 1-0 +100 VP81 1-1 -10 wakawaka 0-1 -110 whipton 4-3 +70 Willeydeal 0-1 -110 wiseman22 3-2-1 +80 youngmob 0-1 -110 zappanut 0-1 -110 |
Nothingman | 41 |
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