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Good Morning guys, here is the best part, as you all know my Sammy days are over, my choice, the movie is about to wrap production, but as I told all of you I will be back today in the NBA forum under a different person, but in the meantime until they ban me, if they have the heart to, which I highly doubt, cause I didn't break any of the rules in the manifesto, I was told, but it is cool, I am done being "Sammy" and I am still going to post in here, just to be closer to my fans, and all the while be in the MLB and NBA forum, thats the best part, see if you all can spot me, I doubt you will ever know what guy I turn up as, nobody will ever know who Mighty Matt is, I will be posting my NBA playoff plays in the afternoon, look for it, if your as smart as me, you might be able to maybe figure out who I am, if not, you can always find my old character Sammy right here in the box of rocks. I think it's funny in a way I can still be Sammy in here, but a new guy out there in the main forum, oh well good thing I am an extraordinary actor, have a tremendously fine day my friends!!!!!!! see you later in here and later out there, Matt.
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sammy11 | 358 |
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Well I really didn't get to say my piece this morning to finish my character on "Sammy." I have to end this long lasting tumultuous wonderful ride done right, like a monkey that got no damn love growing up on the wrong side of the jungle, I too know that pain my monkey brother, but anyway it is hard to say goodbye to my old pal Sammy. I loved his spunk and tenor and trumpet and the nice way he made everybody feel, if you were like myself an actor you would know exactly how it feels when your role is complete, I was Sammy for 8 long months, and I actually liked being him on here, as a high house Thespian as myself letting go of your character is the toughest part in letting go, I will miss the way I came here and was given the royal treatment and felt like I was was at times walking down the red carpet. Any way in life you have to move on to move up, I loved playing the rold as "Sammy" and I wouldn't change it for the whole wide world. I was honest with all my wagers and hey it is not my fault I have money, I am wealthy OK, I work hard at my craft, and I get jobs in movies, all my guts and glory and grit paid off, I love sports and love to gamble, I came here as stated before was to research for a movie role I am in, I am playing a guy named Sammy, hence why I came here as Sammy, for those that wonder why 11? it is how many movies I have been in. I happen to play a degenerate gambler in my movie, but I came here not to lose my dough, but I did bet bad at times chasing and not better with a better money system, anyway I am closing the story on my dear friend Sammy, but since I absolutely love it here at Covers and even though my movie is about to end production early next week, I will stay on here, but not as "Sammy" as you all know why, but I will be just a guy being cool, talking sports, cause thats who I am in real life, sorry if I came here for my own reasons but hey thats life, and I always wanted to tell you all this, I helped over 50 guys here with advice and plays and if I told you how many PM's I received in my 8 months on everything from plays to advice on women and jobs and even pizza, and betting capping styles, so for all those that said I didn't do alot here, take a deeper look Jackson, I did all I could do, under the circumstances to make this place a little brighter and a lot more exciting and entertaining, my threads were a perfect masterpiece. All orchestrated by me. I am smart I mean too smart if you know what I mean, here's a little fact, I was tested at Duke University a few years back, and my IQ was 151. Now that my fans is very high, like it or not, I can spot a cat in the dark and a mule in the woods. I was down in Greensboro while making a movie and I always wanted to see Durham, NC. I digress, this is a new beginning for me and my life on Covers. Tomorrow when I post in the NBA forum, I will be somebody else, it will feel weird I will admit, and I know all eyes will be watching to see who can spot Sammy, but nobody will, cause I will be a brand new persona, but this one will be me. I know the Mods and all the guys will wonder is that Sammy or is that Sammy, nobody will ever have a clue who I will turn up as, as they shouldn't anyway, this is a free public sports forum,no fees and no special club, everybody gets in. I have the right to be here and speak my views. I am only coming back because even though my movie is about to wrap, thats a movie term guys, so is "Craft services" it means thats the people on set that feed you. I love being here, just cause my character "Sammy is done doesn't mean Matt is done, I will fit in nicely and not be a big shot or make cool expressions, OK this is the hardest part, really saying goodbye for the very last time, I am actually really sad and want to cry but because I am built to last and have my emotions on lock down, from being a brilliant actor, I can hold these tears in, 8 months of being "Sammy" and now it is over, I knew the last 2 weeks I had to make a bold move, so I did, OK guys I hope you all understand the way it is, and for all that that are my friends, see you tomorrow, and if I reply to your post, maybe you will know it is I Mighty Matt. I will see you all in the NBA......... Forum...... MY HOUSE, bright and early, Sammy has left the building.
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sammy11 | 358 |
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I know I said that my last post was my last as "Sammy" but I had to finish with all things cleared up. First of all I never swear on something, unless it is true, and I am here to say I swear I was not or am" Pizzmaker", it turns out she was a sweet southern lady who I got to be friends with in real life. It was cool she took in interest in me, I admit when she first came here, she was all over my threads, made me nervous and I did think it was a guy, but in time I realized she was a woman, who just loved sports. I have no aliases, some guys couldn't get the grasp that so many people loved me and supported me, hell I am a hell of a capper and superb actor, the legend of "Sammy11" will go into the Archives, I am hoping and I made a goal and accomplished it to an overwhelming margin, my movie is about to complete production, so that is why I had to close this chapter on "Sammy" like any good movie or book, the ending is the best part, and I am moving on to another persona on Covers, I couldn't sleep all night, I am sad that my character, Sammy is over, I had a marvelous time being him, but 2 truths were a constant, I am from Philadelphia and my name is Matt, and I love pizza!!!!! see you all tomm, in the NBA forum for the playoffs, but not as my buddy Sammy Sunshine! this time I will be more manly and normal. If anybody can figure out who I may turn out to be I will be very impressed, I am as smart as they come, and if you doubt that...........just go back to the NBA forum for the last 6 months and see who ran that show!
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sammy11 | 358 |
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This will be my final everlasting post on Covers as Sammy. I have waited a while for this last sentimental post, I am being totally honest when I say I have made a good many friends here, and if you think I am just saying that to be nice, check my friends list, I talk to and talk offline to a select few, even your famous MR. Bator, even though as I stated he would deny it for personal reasons, I loved being here on Covers from the bottom of my soul through my heart down to my waist. I will miss being Sammy or Mighty Matt. When I do return sadly I will only be a regular guy who doesn't stand out too much with better grammar and a more normal approach to life and gambling. I am thankful and grateful for all that Covers have allowed me to offer and do, I was honest and forthright, and helped anybody who needed a hand. I hope and wish all greatness for you all, even the ones that despised me, or Sammy. I am sorry I lied about being a pizza shop owner, and a freelance writer, as I said in my previous post, I work as an actor here in LA, I came here as research, and I am co-writing a book. I hope that I made an impression on all of you, that was my goal, and not to sound cocky, I did accomplish that, I am the center of attention here and I took over that NBA forum, and nobody can deny that, I studied long and hard capping those games, and working on my craft, I have been acting for 8 years, and gambling for 13 years, in retrospect, I might have done a few things differently, but we can not go back in life. So Sammy Sunshine and Mighty Matt are gone like a horse with 2 names. I will see you all very soon, but not as Sammy, it has to be this way guys, I know a lot of you will miss my magical words and thoughts and I will try to impute some of that in my new persona, but I can't be too Sammyish, or they might catch on, you know guys on here are very clever, too bad not as smart as me.
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sammy11 | 358 |
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Since I am going hopefully to be banned if they have the guts, I will tell you all the truth. I had this all planned out from day one, my whole persona and the way I talk, I am an actor, plain and simple, I came here to research for a role I have in an upcoming movie, and no I am not a free lance writer, but am co-writing a book that will become a movie, I am a big shot and a pretty good capper to go along with my other talents, and here is the best part, I waited till this day would come, then I am coming back and no one will be the wiser, and start another persona, and thats the way it is, and I have no aliases and when I come back as a new guy, it will be me, but I will not talk like this or act like this, believe me, you all will just think I'm am a new guy and thats why I am the best, I did bet every bet I claimed on here, I am rich bottom line, thats why my stories didn't seem believable, I have money, it might sound arrogant, but I worked very hard to get to where I am at, I am at pure peak for this role in the movie, maybe when the movie comes out, you might figure out who I am, until then the mystery will always continue........SEE YOU ALL.......... when I am banned........then come back, Sammy.
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sammy11 | 358 |
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DHOP, you really have no idea what you say, just cause they box me only means that guy here is friends with a mod, I hope they ban me I am not giving my time here it is not appreciated as I said before I came here for a favor to a friend, and if they ban me, which I highly doubt they will, because I have done nothing wrong, they are only doing this to make them selves look goos this is all part of the plan, and I am only me, no aliases, because I have been here since last summer, if I had other aliases they would have known, I am the one the only Sammy, and by the way, maybe I will be back as somebody brand new, nobody will ever know, will they.
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sammy11 | 358 |
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Who ever boxed me please let me know the reason please, I have done nothing wrong, and this is totally unfair and not right. I am a great capper who makes his plays each and every night, what did I do wrong? if you can answer that I would be grateful if not then I know the answer and I can figure out that some guys in here have it out for me, and must be telling them to box me, well if that is the case, then ban me, OK I like it here, but I will not be taken advantage of and my brain is not built for failure, in closing I see that I am not wanted here anymore, so do me a favor....... ban me so I can go on my way.Sammy
sammy11 | 358 |
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Hey Estes, gutsy call with my Phillies and the under, I got burned last night with under 10, anyway I love the play, they are my team but cant score 7-10 runs a night can they?
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estes1717 | 50 |
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You had the Suns in the 4th. spot because the game with the Jazz was still in progress, they won and now the Suns are the 3rd. seed. |
depeche2 | 15 |
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YTD. 3-5 -5 units. I will admit I love baseball, but haven't become a good capper yet, it comes hard for me unlike pro football and the NBA, but in time I will progress, rough night losing the under 10 runs in my Phillies game, in the 3rd.inning, and lost the Mets. Today will be different, my two plays are the NY. Mets +183 for 4 units, and the winless Houston Astros at +205 for 4 units,they will beat Loshe today in my opinion and get their first victory, have a remarkable day everybody, Mighty Matt.
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sammy11 | 19 |
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Just for the record Portland +4 won Sunday at the Lakers, if you gonna put stats up there at least be correct. They won the game outright!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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revengeissweet1 | 34 |
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Good Morning guys, I lost my Bobcats bet for 700, but won my big wager on the Suns for 1,000. +300 on the night, not bad for one nights work, and I finished the last game of the season on a high note!!!! see you all for the playoffs, where I continue to be the most exciting and innovative capper this side of the green mile.
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sammy11 | 50 |
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Great point Vaugnk, these guys are pretty sad and lonely and very hopeless and pathetic, and they will never get the main point................................I am a man made guy here, and not only that I have friends here in very high places, and by me saying that doesn't call anybody out, with the powers that be, I know I am cool with them and they have my back, like my brand new best buddy Revenge said......... I don't buy that crow, if that was the case any Mod would just get rid of him.
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sammy11 | 89 |
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Revenge wow you are slow, I was being sarcastic, man you guys from Canada are really cool, that is me being coy, it was a facetious comment, too bad your not that smart to pick up on it the first time.
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revengeissweet1 | 68 |
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Then I guess it will be no problem for you to accomplish your goal, good luck with that! Sammy, p.s. now you think I am a Mod. wow, you really go from one extreme to the other huh? have a good night skipper.
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revengeissweet1 | 68 |
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Hey Revenge how high can you go buddy? whether I know anybody is irrelevant, you still are helpless with your quest to get me out the side pocket, p.s. you will have to go higher than you think if you want me gone. I am known here by the right people in charge, if you doubt me pal, do something about it, see how you will be cut short in your valiant adventure, face it, I am as protected as one can get here. You said the easiest way to get rid of Sammy is to go over his head. HMM........... why do you need to go over my head? I am nobody you think, and if your really cocky go PM the brass here, and I am not referring to a Mod, I mean the ones who actually run this site, here is a little advice, make some supper, relax and watch a superb capper win both his plays tonight, and when you get me banned, at least have the kindness in your heart to let me know it is happening, it is the least you can do, little buddy.
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revengeissweet1 | 68 |
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Hey buddy I am going to talk to my buddy here on the inside to get to the bottom of your case, as you know I have friends in high places here, but I think the reason may be a few things, I can't divulge my sources but the other night, you mentioned Pitt Viper, and he is not a good name to use on here, and you even told the whole NBA forum about posting on his private website, not the best thing to shout out, and secondly as you mentioned you were giving the guys your email or vice versa, and they didn't like the fact you might have been maybe charging for your plays, not that you were, but the implication was there, and if you want to post your plays, simply do it in the NBA forum, for all to see,no private emails or outwardly dealings with your plays, just trying to shed some light on your situation, I will put a good word in for you, as you seem cool, and have been here since 2005, and yes you can still post your plays in here, and they guys that know you and support you will come here to see your plays, I hope that cleared up your dilemma, Sammy.
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Unstoppable Force | 43 |
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Hey Revenge I am so happy you will try to get me banned. I am waiting here and when I least expect it ,it will happen, good luck with that bro, kind of hard to ban a guy that runs this place and is a made guy here, one day sonny you will finally get this, in the meantime, I hope you see you in my thread. |
sammy11 | 89 |
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Why are you boxed? you seem nice and cool, what happened?
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Unstoppable Force | 43 |
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Hey does it feel to be told to keep your simple minded thoughts inside your dull brain by Wallstreetcapper?????????? I loved the fact I do not have to see your dumb ass jokes and comments anymore in my beautiful award winning thread. too bad if you had clout like myself it would have been left alone, too bad I had to put the brakes on you!
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revengeissweet1 | 68 |
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