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Still michael jordan = GOAT.
Lbj has many seasons left, let it play out see what happens.
examine | 3 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
As you can see in order to become successful, sometimes you should let somebody have the limelight, the show, point all at him, and you can just quietly do your thing while all the lights is on him, this is one ingredient to win. At last this rare opportunity came for lebron james this time.
You know what i mean, all eyes this season are on the warriors, regular season warriors and curry outweighs lebrons popularity... true that! Because of the warriors and stephen curry's accomplishment, they deserved it, a great season for the warriors really. But this pave the way for lebron james to feel like not saying i am the best player in the world too early just like last year, we all know what happened. And this time he is more grounded and focus more on what really should be done to win a championship for cleveland. Less limelight, less distraction! Now he can brag all he wants, game is over he deserves it. Just like the warriors they deserved all their accomplishment too last season and this season, but came up short. |
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
So you see, everything revolves around getting advantage on your opponent, this happen in basketball, this happen in gambling.
But in casino, some fckn dealers, floor supervisor, managers whatever you call them those who wear suits feeling like a businessman professional office boys most of the wilk fck uo your plays if you are winning, just like in basketball. Lebron walking over green forget about it, not too much, let them psyche each other up, lebron got the last laugh. Maurees Speights made a statement losing his respect for lebron because of that? Lol. I guess it didnt went to his favor after that... After that statement he seems lost in game 5 really... it backfires. So man up! Forgive me for writing too many things here, i think i am just bored and wants to state some facts as a long time sports bettor and gambler. And hey, remember, not all fellow gamblers are willing to help you, sometimes people see you milking money wether in casino or sports and you bet, there will be people who is not happy seeing that, and when you lose, and feel desperate, some people will deceive you. So again if anyone here has a system in baccarat lol, fckn pm me, i needed to win in casino, lets talk about it. I know this game is not a positive ev game, but hey, who knows... |
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
Too much btching on a normal trash talking come on now, we as gamblers do some antics too, some psyching to feel protected and not lose our money.
In live casino this is a must, win or lose man up, covers shoulf have a casino forum here, casino forums are lacking really. A lot of people lost a lot in casino, most of the time people just let it happen without a fight, i too lose a lot, i can see all the fckn strategy dealr, floor manager use to fck up your play... Some of them, not all, but most of them, you lose a lot they wont do anything, you start winning a cpuple of $ this fckn morons, cowards and alligators will do some dirty tactics to distract you, hoping to fck up your play and lose your concentration. Someone should make a forum, more forum to talk about whats happening in live casino, in vegas, asia, all of the fckn casino outlet. You win a couple of $ fckn casino peoples eyes opens up wide like an alligator waiting to eat your chips fckn mrons! Man up, dont lose your cool if that happens, but man up, stare them, or talk to them with some other things, psyche them, say some funny stuff or leave the table if you think it doesnt go your way. Read their name on the tag, for future reference, bunch of asshles! A lot of people just staying and letting this happen, dealer makes faces, like its his/her money showing like they are not happy when you keep on winning, specially if the table are lacking of players who are loud and showing emotion, they will eat you alive i am telling you. Fck asshles thinking the world and money just belong to them!
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
We as a spectator gambler at the same time can girl and say something about it, but limit it, dont exaggerate it like this is the first time we saw this kind of things happened in a asketball game.
Honestly, the altercation, the trash talking in this finals is not even harsh, lacking in storyline to create a serious rivalry, unlike before when bulls jordan era vs detroit pistons. You can see even jordan is included on the altercation, he trash talk, he did some dirty things toom he fights back, he stares after a nice dunk or plays, specially when he got his revenge. In regular season you can see so many altercation too, fights, and dirty tactics. So whats wrong with that? We can girl about it to make it more fun or psyche it for our betting or whatever venting we need to do, wether it helps our bet to win or to help ourselves vent to feel pump up for our next capping chance, but limit it, we all know things like this happens in basketball. In reality, this finals, we can say, it starves us to see more action, more trash talking, more staring, it is not too much come on now... Not all teams are san antonio spurs, every team has different upbringing, organization, if the team feel like being silent, being classy, being organize, being not a show off make us win championship, then thats part of their ingredients, like spurs right. Some players of spurs can trash talk once in awhile or do some dirty work like bruce bowen before, it helps him, it helps them then to win thats why he do it. But sometimes bruce bowen do it a little too much, compare it to this finals, maybe you can say green kicking nuts can match bowens dirty antics on some point. But actually green kicking nuts is not even helping them, really, he doesnt need to do that, intenional or not he should took precaution on that, and not say thats how my body works flailing etc. Lol It doesnt help the team. But bruce bowen dirty tactics helps the spurs, but that you can girl about more seriously, sometimes bruce bowen play are dangerous and really hurt the players. But at the end of the day, its all part of the game until someone is seriously hurt.
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
Another thing, in fairness to lebron, he doesnt start a fight most of the time, you bump him, he bumps you, he is not the player who piss you off to lost focus on the game, but when he needed to do it he do it lowkey, just like curry...
But sometimes it backfires, it depends on the situation, if you got nothing to lose, and your backs are against the wall, most of the tine this will work. But if you got plenty to lose, and you know your opponent is slowly catching up, most of the times this will backfire and bites you. And hey its more interesting to watch the competitive sides of players, trash talking, dirty tactics, psyche, are all part of the game to feel that it will add edge to yourself or to your team, just like in gambling. Man up, when you go to casino, if its favorable to you to be silent and do your thing and you are winning, do it, but beware along the way someone will fck this thing up, players, dealers, floor managers you will never know... Intentional or not they will fck your focus up, fck your game up, man up! Dont just sit there do something, psyche him back, say something funny, whatever you think it can help you, but if you thing it doesnt going to your favor, man up! Leave, and change tables. So you dont expect basketball to be played silently right??? No trash talk, no bumping, no antics, tactics, psyching right?? Watch some old tapes nba basketball, tell me if lebron walking over green is too much? Lol. Tell me if curry saying something to lebron and lebron comes back to say something if this is too much? Seriously? Its not too much lol, i am starving to see more seriously...
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
And by the way, draymond has a great game which can make it up to klay's bad shooting night.
Thats why they lost only by 4 points. If green didnt have that kind of game, the way the game played, cavs will win more than 8 points. But thats how basketball played, you lock up the top scorer someone and somebody will be open, draymond took advantage of that which is good , he made majority of his shots, you leave him open you pay for it a special night for him... But somethings got to give right, we all know who will take the most crucial shot at the end, curry or thompson, they are not in the groove, and cavs locking them up on the three area, curry dont want to drive on that crucial play, trying to sway kevin love and hit a three, didnt go in. If only this is game 6, and this is the situation... And thompson and curry being guarded by the cavs beautifully in three point area... Draw a play for speights, yes, just draw a play for speights make him open on the three point area and take a risk... lol Probably he will make it. What can you do, your 2 superstar cant find their groove, forcing the threes, cant get an open look... By the way, i think speights is on the floor on that last seconds... If only they have the guts to draw it for him lol. |
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
You see, curry risk and gambled that play away on that last 3 point attempt...
I am sure as he mature, when the situation arise again, he will choose to make some plays, drive to the basket, or draymond pass it to the cutting klay, more patience maybe... But you cant blame them, pressure is on, you lost your passion, something is lacking really, and what is the cause? The situation, the circumstances they put themselves into... What is the remedy ? Time, but time is not on their side, experience... Kevin love defensive stoppage on curry one of the key they say? Like i said true... but... Curry and draymond were on the same page, they know they want curry to hit the three, if draymond got free, he too will hit it, they miss klay cutting in the middle... But if curry wants to leave kevin love on that play and try to go to the middle see what happens he can...... If that is san antonio, you bet on that situation, they will make a 2 point basket, cut it to one point lead and foul. Kevin love has a good game by the way, he hustled it out on that game. But what i am saying, curry can leave love on that play and lay it up or make some plays...
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting Quote Originally Posted by DavidGurney: The NBA and the NHL play their postseasons differently than do baseball and football. All year long they've been playing one shot affairs.Now they play series.Teams make adjustments during series.Plus,a long drawn out series opens up the possibility of one team's stars to have bad days at the same time You can say that... but you cant deny cleveland is very capable in winning it just like golden state. Like i said, as early as 2003, i believe and consider rig fix capping, always not counting them out. But we cannot do anything about it true or not we cant... If this cavaliers team let say is the new york knicks, the time when jeremy lin is the linsanity, and melo is healthy along with j.r smith and shumpert... Let just say they got lucky, other superstars players in the east got injured, and the new york knicks went on to the finals against this golden state warriors??? And warriors up 3 1 lol. And now the series is tied 3 3... who will win? Like i said i dont care about what the rig fixes is trying to do, i am use to it, the problem is how you can cap this thing out, will they give it to the warriors? Or give it to melo and linsanity? You know as the series go, i am sure to the eyes of many, there will be a storyline, of how melo become a defensive stopper, or how j,r smith defending curry is key etc and etc... But that is more unbelievable than you got lebron on your team, who we know too well can make things hapoen both ends of the floor... Not just a star player who came out of nowhere and become a defensive stopper lol. But i wont argue with that, the important thing for the serious bettors is to win their bet and consider that fixes rig into capping, everytime. You see how kevin love defend curry on that last 3 point attempt??? they say one of the most key defensive play of the night? True! But..... If curry wants to leave kevin love on that play, he can do it, the problem is, he wants a three? He pass the ball to draymond to recoup the play, thompson cut in the middle green didnt give him a chance, because green and curry that time are on the same page, which is to hit a three.... Feel me? Thats what i am talking about, that moment when your passion lost, distraction got the best of you, decision lost, you know you keep doing it over and over again and you always came up victorious, still unaware... That time curry can drive, and if only draymond waited and he could have pass the ball to klay who cuts in the middle, but he didnt,
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
I really can see the connection, the scenario of gambling and sports specially basketball...
From experience and seeing how sports results pamned out. You tolerate some plays you lost grip, opponent took advantage without knowing now you are down 10 after uo 8. Sometimes you make a run, sometimes you dont... Against a tough opponent, one blink of an eye, one bad stretch opponent make a run. One moment something get on your nerves, and you play it cool but deep inside your ego pride got hit, and now you do something you dont usually do and say something you dont usually say, all of this brings negativity and bam! You lose! On the other hand sometimes you are too nice, let your guard down, you know you can finish it off but you didnt do it, you lost passion, you feel contented(fooling yourself), or you felt laziness, you just dont want to take advantage, guess what, bam! You will lose too. Just like lebron, okay your team leading yeah? Okay its time to be a passer mode, even if i can score it at will i will pass the ball hope to make my teammate get into the zone, next thing you know bam! You lose? 1 championship lost, 2 championship lost, 3 championship lost! Now Us gamblers, $1000 lost, $2000, $20,000 lost. You see? I cant blame guys like you, like me, it is very hard to focus all the time, stay in the zone, passionate, discipline, along the way something will happen, decision is not always in tune in what we feel like doing. Just like the golden state warriors, got bored, too easy yeah? You have the opportunity to finish it off. You didnt do it, you have the opportunity to have a very competitive 1st halfm 1st quarter in game 5 and 6 you didnt do it, you guys always overcome the adversity, we all know, we saw it, but hey, its all about gambling, you gamble it, you chase, most of the time you will come up short. Cant blame golden state they are only human, cant blame lebron when he lost his chance for that 3 peat in miami... Hey they should have lost that game 6 before that year, they overcome it, they won game 6 vs spurs, ray allen hit the three remember, game 7 the won. 2nd championship for lebron. See? We are only human, we can be led astray most of the time if we overcome adversity over and over again, too easy yeah? Bam!
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
You know what i mean, those of you guys who gamble, there was a time when you are hot, its getting boring, every week you keep collecting money...
Until your passion worned out, you think you are untouchable, 3 losses is nothing, the way you piled up your winnings, 3 losses nothing. Passion worned out, its too easy right? Just like the golden state warriors, too easy, after they overcome that 3 1 deficit in okc series, and ul 3 1 in the finals. Too easy right? We are only human, too easy, we think hey, we were down 3 1 we won, we did it, 73 9 we did it, 2 straight mvp i did it, half court shot time and time again i did it, klay steps up in reg season and playoffs when curry is out or cold, he did it. Over and over again! Now you are unaware after 1 silly lost, you are still unaware you let your guard down and it is just a matter of time before you are aware that you are not in very favorable position. Just like in gambling, same thing, its easy too easy, i overcome it everytime... $1000? Pfff... i overcome it in just one day over and over again. Until one day you woke up you are not in favorable position anymore... Can you get it done overnight? No, can you build the same passion, the enthusiasm overnight just like you build that $10,000? No. Can you play defense and offense just like you play in game 6 game 7 in okc series right away? No! When? You build it slowly, but how time is against you now? There were chances when you can build $10,000 to 15 you didnt do it, you lost the passion, you gamble the gamble, your mind took a vacation lol, you felt untouchable, you think you can win 1 out of 3 times without that passion, just get lucky i will just need to hit 1 right play out of 3 then i am on $10,000 level again. Just like golden state, just 1 out of 3 tries and we win it all... But whe the 3rd time came, where is the passion you build?nthe enthusiasm, the purity of your game, inside and out, it always comes within, nowhere can be found. Lost it. |
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
While you are back to $4000, you keep thinking and as if trying to figure it out how to push the time to speed up so you can attain again that $10,000 and you know its not only $10,000 you want, you just want to get back to that amount as soon as possible and make it $15,000, because thats where you left the glory days, the stage when you are about to hop on that $10,000 and exceed that.
Guess what will happen? Bam! Most probably your $4000 will lose, while chasing, variance change, your system not working anymore to the highest level like before, lapses getting bigger, but you are in denial, you will lose, the passion aint pure anymore, its all about the amount now, the time you invested, you cant enjoy now purely the 7 out of 10 wins because the amount loss is big and the amount won is small. When you lose it all, thats the time the 4th level of chasing nappens... Money not intended for gambling being use now, borrow some more to strengthen your bankroll... You can fool yourself to be patient again, bet small, bet a fair amount of money make a goal 3 weeks il be in $6000 again and so on... I told you it can be done... After 3 weeks has passed, you did it, you won, but o ly $3000 lol Now, the devil hiding inside of you will come out, thats the time he will play his role, your undiscipline self and chasing will come into play... Guess what, a lot of things playing on your mind, what if i took a risk last 3 weeks and just bomb that $10,000 i could have won that miami bet, i cap that perfectly and i only place $500 tsk tsk. There are too many times you recall you could have bomb those play. Now that 3 weeks has passed and this the time you have given yourself to stay discipline but came up short, thats what your mind is telling you, and thats what you feel, you came ul short. Guess what bam! One mistake you are donem $3000 will lose, borrowed money, extra money not for gambling will lose, everything will lose bam! Finish you off!
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
There was a time, many times, when i keep on winning, i got bored, but still doing the basic things, same strategy to bet, 90% same, but surely with lapses and you will not be aware while you are doing it... what will be the lapses?
Games that you skip you dont skip anymore, trigger happy, no control like you use to do, then 1 2 or 3 straight lost bam, thats the time gambling got your attention, now you think you are working hard again in order to attain the amount you use to have, but you cant deny there is more pressure now, and you are on the early stage of chasing... Not evidently because you still got a good chunk of bankroll and winnings, but when you chase lapses double, your passion to win changes to passion to chase, the pleasure of winning is not the most impirtant now, the amount being chase replaced that. To tell you honestly, it can be done, most of the time you can back on your feet and win 6 out of 10, 3 out 4 while you are in the early stage of chasing, like i said you stilk got the resources, bankroll, although lessen, you still got some respectable money to win. The problem is... Pressure, the amount now that you want in order to exceed the amount that you have before you lose, there are so much going on your mind right now, you are not content and never will until you reach thatvstage again, now thats the problem. Maybe before you won 7 out of 10 bets and your money is $10,000. Now that you are chasing and lost some big amount last week, you only got $6000. I told you it can be done, but there will be a problem... You chase and thinking you are not, and won 7 out of 10 again, the problem is you are lying to yourself now, and thinking gambling gods will help you, you will just do some work again double time and stay discipline, not knowing deep inside you are chasing... 7 out of 10 you won, the problem is, the three losses you got are the big amount of money you place... Now your $6000 become $8000, 3 losses were big and the losses last week its big thats why you still cannot attain your goal to bring it back to $10,000. Thats the time the middle stage of chasing happens, bet $1000 each team, or $2000 one team, you told yourself i am discipline, look what i have done lastweek, i stayed discipline doing what i am doing all season long, now dthe 2nd week of chasing the highs build up, you bet, time to bomb, bam!, one mistake, one $2000 bet mistake and lose, thats the time the 3rd stage of chasing will happen... Now you are chasing more than ever, thinking all the high and low emotion and all the time spent, not one week, not two weeks, you are thinking now all the months from the start upto this day you invested and now you are back to $4000? |
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
Then i will search another way, i will not look on consensus, i will try just to base it which team is better, what situation is more favorable for this team, even though deep inside of me still says be careful this might be rig, i just stick to it and tried capping fairly and ignoring the fix thing, public, etc.....
Also won but it never stays that long, variance change and lose it all again lol. So i think i should learn to be flexible, use system wisely and learn to change ways which i did, every season i won big but my enemy now just like before is discipline. I can win 12 out of 15 games. But when lose 2 or 3 games with big bet, i go crazy and lose control, thats the problem most of us gamblers do. Fckn casino same thing! Oh well... So just pointing out, rig or not, you cannot do nothin to change that. Just include it when you are capping, skip it if you are skeptical on the game. But if you see this team is capable of covering today, then you check and think public is against your team, and that team is underdog with a +5 or more i say most of the time this team cover. If you get use to it, you will not say i told you its rig fix etc, no, deep down you know you won, what you see is right, fix or not leave it to them, you just know you think this team is capable of winning today against that team, and the public is against it and you got some plus to your advantage. You will get use to it and just concentrate to your method, and if you think its not working anymore, change it early, as early as you see that variance is changing system is not working anymore the better, cool down, switch to different strategy, like randomly and stay discipline you will survive. But without discipline you will lose. I dont have a constant discipline, we have our reasons, circumstances, just like i said, too many distraction along the way, situation sometimes favors you, sometimes dont, too many factors that can affect your game, my game but if you everything fall into place, i think we can win while its hot, and save some, and if you feel variance changing, thats the time discipline will be tested. So forget the rig fix or not, if you have doubt, tell it to yourself i know there is some funny things happening but i just cant figure exactly how and when, just keave it to them, cap it and consider it everytime you will get use to it.
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
Doing this strategy in 2003, and its working, very simple, and people, bookies didnt know how i was winning every week, and almost all the bomb play keep hitting.
Sometimes when my team is trailing big, i am so confident and just say ok, not yet finish, you will see, most of the time it goes on my way and i win. Now i build confidence and tested my system that works, never care who is playing or not, but if the line movement is so big i check maybe someone will not be playing thats it, and i skip that one out. I keep on winning, hitting parlays, bookies, companions shock how do i do it. Yeah you taught you found the holy grail, but when the variance change, you lose it all and find another ways to cap lol. So in early 2003, i already accept, that games maybe rig fix, i just follow the books, and bet against the public, confirmed this by consensus, perception and line movement, if all seems too perfect and on the right place i bet big. Then i lose it all, sooner or later it wont work anymore, you lose it all lol.
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
I tell you this...
In 2003 i think the first time i decided i am going full blast betting in sports, i do it like this and won a large amount of money every week. First thing first, check the odds in the afternoon on the net on my preffered and tested site and write it down... all of it... Then when then odds sent to my phone at night, i only cap this way... Example afternoon odds evening odds Bos+8@miami bos+7@miami Lal@sas+5 lal@sas+6 Cle+3@gsw cle+4.5@gsw Chi+15@detroit chi+14@detroit My only basis is the line movement, bos plus went down my thinking is public is on boston, if the consesus says 54% bos, 46% miami. Yo bet my bet will be miami, line went down and consensus confirmed it i lock it down. Chi+14@detroit, consensus on my preffered site says chi 80% detroit 20%, this confirmed it that the public are all over chi, my bet will be sas. I always bomb my preffered play, majority of the time i place big on the underdog if it falls on to my method. Example lal@sas+5 in the afternoon, true odds coming from my bookie and website at night become lal@sas+6. If Consensus confirmed it and my own perception says public will be on lal, and i saw lal 78% sas 22% on my preferred site, this is the time i will place a big bet and bomb the sas+6 play. And place some backups some small amount on three games that falls on the basis of my method and lock it up, Sometimed two big bets and thats it, most of the time underdogs who fall to this kind of capping. Thats it. Believe me that simple, and i won every week,big amount of money, as soon as i got the upper hand (money on my hand) No pressure no stress, just keep doing my strategy and thats it. I won big on that year until it didnt work anymore. And yes lose it all the next season lol.
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
And how many years has passed before somebody broke the record?
Its been a bunch of years already and this is the only time a team made history and win a championship after trailing 3 1. If this happen all the time, i can say all of us should not gamble anymore, it is rig and to the point that is so rig and we cannot do anything about it anymore. It is to the point that these people are too much in fixing and rigging majority of the games to the point that we cannot guess what will happen and put us in the situation where majority of us lose. Majority of us already losing in the history of gambling, then some people still making a major shake up to the point that it is impossible to win anymore... The odds always stack against us gamblers, investors from the start, what more if they tighten up more and increase the odds against us. A human being, a team with superstars are capable of winning 3 4 5 straight games in the playoffs, it is not impossible there are lots of distraction, changes happens along the way, and this affects teams who are not in the favorable position, and the other team we can say is much more desperate and got the upper hand in those situation, get it. What if nba said, or the people in power say, hey, game 1 to 6 will be rig, this is the plan, 1st q to 3rd q in game 1 we help gsw to win, game 2 same, 3 and 4 give it to cavs etc etc And the only fair and square game will be game 7, thats the plan. What if last year they also give some advantage to the cavs, but limited, because irving and love both injured, and they say, we help lebron to win 1st q to 3rd q, 4th q its upto him, but still didnt overcome that. Warriors won and its fair, just like some mafia rules, we give you your back ups and resources, its up to you to make it happen, if you came back winning then good, if not, then thats the only help we can give you, it is limited. Most of the time the one who has the resources and help has the advantage to come out successful. So what if the series is rig from game 1 to 6 from the start, both parties agreed, and just duel it out in gane 7. No one can still argue that if only this game is not rig we could have won, both parties agreed, they know both has a chance to win. This is just some imagination, examples for those who believe games are rig... and thinking how rig can be done lol. Like i said i believe in rig, fix, etc, but i dont care about that anymore, because nothing can be done about that true or not, nothing. Only thing we can do is include this to our capping and hope we are on the right side. |
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
And remember when lebron said he is the best player in the world last year? He failed to deliver upto the finish line...
Just like i said, every word, every action you make, there are consequence specially in competitive games, where your name, fame, money, ego, pride is being played all the time. Up and down emotion just like us, who gambles, who bet... But if you are experience enough, and the situation is on your side, sooner or later you can handle that, you can overcome whatever consequence come because of your action. And there will be a lot of time you can get out and be successful. Actually, i told myself this series will go game 7, they will give some advantage to each team and their preffered game and bring this to game 7, and thats the time they duel it out fair and square in game 7 lol. But i dont care much about the rig anymore, when you are in this world of gambling, you always consider everything, it is given, rig, fix bad beat etc, you should always include this then choose... In the end you can only blame somebody temporarily, but you know in the end you will blame yourself. It sucks. Fckn casino and gambling world. We cannot do something about the sports world, if it is rig, fix etc. What can we do? All we can do is be careful, include this when capping, find the missing link. But if we are talking about gambling that we can do so something? Just like in casino, if you caught dealer dojng something, or the flooor manager distracting you or etc and etc... this we can do something about it... But sometimes we just cant do something about it and just include this in every gambling plan we make to win... We all hate to lose... I am not good in gambling, i got some really hot years winning in gambling just like most of you guys, just like basketball, i got some great runs hitting and winning... But in order to be good in gambling, day in and day out you should not let your guard down, discipline is number 1 thats what they say... and you will deal a lot of things to along the way and this will make or break your focus which is key to win. And i know i still dont have that, and i wonder who had all that... |
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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replied to
Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
Like i said, i believe in fix, rig, conspiracy in the game, or whatever you call it, but you cannot tell when and how.
I also include the rig, fix, etc. When capping, that is why majority of the time, when i cap, before i lock it down, public % perception or consensus or whatever sources i can get to know where the public money is, or public perception will fall. If my team to bet is also against the public, that i feel more confident. And hey, remember, the players are also human, what if the warriors are too confident and say hey, we can live with that losing in game 6, it is much better to win at home in game 7? But not knowing the are slowly letting their guard down, they can do more in game 6 if this is last year, if they are not the defending champs, if they are the hungrier team. I am not saying this is their mentality, but hey subconsciously you can never tell, you are way too comfortable leading 3 1, accomplishing things in reg. Season, the new boys who are ruling the nba, the defending champs, what else? You can see the body language of curry, thompson, different than last year, now they are entitled to step up their bragging rights, swag, a little more, they deserve it and they earned it. But if a lot of people expect you to win, and you are on top of the world, pressure hunts you, when you say a word or do something controversial, it is much different when you got nothing to lose vs you got nothing to lose... yes its difficult to handle, specially if this the first time you experience that. But along the way i am sure, guys will discover some antidote in order to overcome the consequences of their actions. Some people pump them up when they brag, when they fight back, when they stand up for themselves, but this depends on the situation if the situation is an advantage to your side then good. But if not, you should be an expert to counter that consequences that may affect your game, you should be experience. And time will only give you that experience. Just like lebron, it takes long to finally capture the championship for his home town. Just like lebron said, steph curry performance this season is out of this world, and i agree, never seen a point guard like him who makes highlights after highlights every game i the reg season and some playoffs game. But the hungrier team won. Not the perfect story, when doubters increased like i said before, thats the time things happen. When you root for the perfect story to happen, it never happen, just like last season, the perfect story is as soon as lebron went back to cavs, armed with experience and the blue print to make it happen, it didnt happen. A warriors team came out of nowhere and won it all. |
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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replied to
Stop for awhile people. I believe in fix, rig, conspiracy whatever you call it... but...
in NBA Betting
As you can see, these things dont occur too much...
1968, 1979, 1981, 1995, 1997, 2003, 2006, 2015, 2016. And the latest is cleveland who done it in the finals. First team who overcome a 3 1 deficit and win it all in the finals. "First time" it happened, yes. And against a warriors team who is 73 9 in reg season at the same time the defending champs. If you will consider some good factors how does a team like Cavs accomplish this without thinking first the rig side? 1. One of the best player right now in the leauge lebron james is playing with the cavs. 2. Lebron james showed up evidently leading pts, reb, assists, steals, block in the finals. 3. Its his 13th season, he matured a lot, armed experience wise, lots of finals experience, went back to cavs boasting 2 rings from miami. 4. Irving is healthy, love is healthy, unlike last year. (I am not saying they could have won last year though if this two were healthy) 5. Cavs the hungrier team! Are they capable of winning it? Yes of course, read above. Okay, now lets see some factors why warriors lost 1. They are not the hungrier team. They already won last year, they achieved a lot this year breaking bulls record, they overcome 3 1 deficit against the thunder. Lets say all that accomplishment we convert it to money? Like us individual who gamble, who bet, how many times you let your guards down when you are on a roll? Against how many times you still focus and do the same amount of job and time to cap... I bet most of us, and majority fall on the category of the comfort zone, and tend to say i can live with that if i lose, but i am confident i will maintain this winning streak, but in reality you tone down your discipline and not aware you are letting your guard down. The result, you lose, but yeah, you earned last year, you earned last month, last week, but you lose this week, but yes you can live with that until all is finally gone. 2. Like i said the perfect story usually dont happen, last year the perfect story is for cleveland to win, didnt happen. This year the perfect story is for warriors to win, a 73 9 team, a team who overcome 3 1 deficit against the thunder, 2 time mvp in curry, one thing left to complete it, it didnt happen. 3. Curry, thompson, didnt show up in game 7, bad game.
scoutagent24 | 25 |
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