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Wake and Rake what is "very clear" is that u r a f****** moron that wouldnt know what is real and what is fake!! Mark Cohen and I are not anything close to being one another unless he is a women and lives on the East coast? This is why this site I have found is a whos who of stiffs and frauds? Where do you get your information from or is this just a stupid guess on your part? ask the monitors if my IP address is located on the east or west coast as i can assure you that Mark Cohen has an operation in California, same place as you live and I live in New England!! Please get your head out of your ass and get your FACTS straight! If you want to make shit up how about I start some shit about you? get the fuck out of my thread if you have nothing worth two shits to say!!
I have been with Cohen sports for the entire football season and will be with him as long as he will have me!! He pays on time all of the time and treats me with respect! I look at all the post on this site about know sitffs riping off know stiffs and then the stiffs complaning about being ripped off! I cannot help but laugh at that bt feel truly sorry for those of you that have sent anyone money only to get nothing in return! Mark Cohen has mentioned to me that if anyone needs any help n collecting money owed to them to please contact him via email and he will get the job done at a very mininiumal fee ONLY AFTER ALL the monies are collected! Also if anyone is looking for a legit place to play with NO POST UP needed email him as well! Dont get sucked in by the stiffs on this site and PLEASE dont listen to shitheads like W&R and others who have nothing but bad shit to say!! Thanks Houston Sports!! Good Luck to EVERYONE!!
Luv Ya All Suzzy Q |
Suzzyq4u2 | 27 |
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THEONE 324?? Please explain to me what "stfu scammer" means as you came into my thread without any invite from myself and left this message? If you know something that may be helpful to myself or others then please share it in a sensible logical way in which we can all understand!! UPDATE$$ WINNER$$ WINNER$$ STEAK DINNER$$$ Big Week for Miss SUZZY Q as I hit a very nice 4 team parlay on Saturday and a very sweet 4 team Super Teaser on Sunday capped off with the Pack Attacks sweet +14 pts (not needed) win Sunday night for a grand total of 2349 up for the week!! Got paid today via bank account deposit for 1750 leaving 500 in my Escrow account and the remainder in my account for this weeks fun!SWEEEEET!! Anyone looking for a LEGIT 100% RELIABLE place to play that offers EVERYTHING and then some more then please let me know and I will certainly point you to CohenSportsGroup and my good buddy Mark(who now hates me (lol) not really)!! Have fun and as my good friends at the Greek use to say! "SWEAT THE GAMES NOT THE PAYOUTS"
Luv Ya All Suzzy Q PS I want and answer from THEONE324!!!!!! |
Suzzyq4u2 | 27 |
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Hi Guys and Gals!! Hope all of you are having a great week and enjoying the football and playoff baseball! Before we know it the NBA and hopefully NHL(should have started today!) will be in full swing! I gave a little back last week but all has been going great with both the site I am currently using and the person behind it Mark Cohen has been awesome in all aspects of the company he runs! Upon speaking with Mark yesterday he commented to me that he was completely surprised at how many dishonest folks have tried to get accounts with him from this site ! Most notably was this one person posing to be one day one person and then a few days later after he was denied an account and calling back using the same phone number claiming to be another person!! Completely Outrageous!! For those that did get accounts 2 currently owe Mark a total of 594 bucks one being at -344 and the other -250! Dont know why or how someone would stiff a legite person who pays when the player wins over the crazy amount of 250 dollars is moronic and a waste of time! Hopefully you stiffs read this post and anyone looking for a real place to play well look no Anyone that wants to ask me any questions about how things have gone for me and what to expect please feel free to become a friend and ask me! Good Luck!! HaveFaith!! Suzzy Q
Suzzyq4u2 | 27 |
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Happy Days Are Here Again!! Woke up this morning and at 9am went to check my bank account and guess what? It grew by 420 dollars thanks to the deposit of a Mark Cohen from!!
I can finally say it with confidence that I believe this group of business men and women are here for myself and any of you to enjoy and be 100% confident that they will be there at the end of the day and most importantly the end of the week!! Please dont take my word for it(even though I waited until I saw the money to endorse then fully) give it a try yourself as ITS FREE!! NO DE{POSIT NEEDED!! Never thought that getting credit (1k) could be as easy as my name-my address and where and what I do for work!! Bottom line if you REALLY want a legit place to play with legit people then give them a shout!! If you are a person who only expects to give out and receive an email address and then look to get paid at the end of the week forget about it!! Turn to the guys who are on vacation in Hawaii or who change the payout day DAILY and never answer the phone!! Real people are not afraid to give up some information espeically if it is going to benefit them in the long run!! If you do contact Mark please tell him that Suzzy Q sent you! Good Luck To EVERYONE on this site!! Luv Suzzy Q |
Suzzyq4u2 | 27 |
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Hello All!! Hope everyone had a great weekend and made some money like sweet ol me!! I made my first request for a withdrawal from my account and as forewarned by Mark was requested to leave some funds in my ESCROW account! The "escrow account" is merely a savings account for me that can be used whenever needed and can also be used as a way of getting extra credit if my account goes tits up in the middle of the week or first thing Sunday morning! (As part of a reaccuring nightmare I have during football season I have a terrible Saturday and loose all my money and wake up Sunday with noting in my account) As part of the ESCROW account I can use the funds as extra credit as well as CohenSports will match what is in the escrow account for me to use that day(s). My opinion great idea as a savings account for me and an even better idea as the way to preventing my nightmare from ever stoping me from wagering Sunday morning before having to runing to western unioin!! I made 720 for the week (plus) and according to the rules at CohenSports was asked to leave at least 50% of my creditline 1k(or 500) in the account! Since I did only make 720 Mark suggest that I put in 300 and will be sent 420 which was fine with me!! Mark also suggested that he can also desposit the 420 directly into my account on Wednesday if that works with me! I did have many other options as well but chose the direct deposit as it is convienant and FREE! As I stated before I have been pleasantly surprised by how simple and easy things have gone thus far! I have had awesome customer service and Mark is great at what he does and has been so very helpful taking time to call me back on Saturday night to explain to me how an "IF" wager worked!! I will keep all posted as to how things go from here with my cash out as well as any good or bad actions to report! If my cash out goes well then I will certainly give these guys a ringing endorsement.(not that my opinion matters to anyone but me!!) I have been told by Mark that if and when the time is right with me and I feel 100% sure about him and his operation and want to make it a positive public endorsement to do so but let folks know that if they have read my posts and that is why they will contact Mark to let everyone know that Suzzy Q sent them and that I will be in line for a refferal bonus of up to 200 as will all others that give refferals! FREE MONEY for giving a true opinion of a true sports book!!STAY TUNED and GOOD LUCK to al!! Luv Ya! Suzzy Q |
Suzzyq4u2 | 27 |
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Hey Gang!! Hope you are all having as great of a week that I am? So many favorites in baseball just keep winning that its going to be a shame when the regular season comes to an end! Playoffs are always a bitch but lets see how things turn out! I have heard that some of you have taken my "thumbs up" and have contacted Mark from CohenSportsGroup to get yourself a credit account! Smart move I think as Mark is a sweet heart and his site is awesome and so easy to work around! Will check back next week to update all as to the payment schedule and delivery of funds! Lets hope with a little luck my balance stays the same or gets even larger! Have a great week all!!!! and a better weekend!!!! Luv All!!! Suzzy Q |
Suzzyq4u2 | 27 |
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Trust me sweetie you where just as dumb before you read anything! Dont blame MY THREAD for your brain cell count!Do me a favor and stay out of my threads and I will surely stay out of yours! I am not posting my opinions and thoughts for you or anyone for that matter t to disrespect or critique!! I would really like to know why my thread has been moved to the website portion of this site as I am NOT trying to sell anything!! I find many others talking about finding a place to wager at within the USA in the apprioate area(in my opinion) and they have not been moved!! Can someone please privately inform me why I have been moved to this area? Maybe I should solicate some real action here and take the highest bidder for a good ***K!!!! I really thought one needed a website to promote to be posting in the WEBSITE PROMOTION area?? FRUSTRATED(not sexually) Suzzy Q |
Suzzyq4u2 | 27 |
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Hello all!! First weekend with CohenSportsGroup and I must say I am very impressed and pleasantly surprised with the site that I am currently using(choice of a few) The customer service has been second to none compared to many offshore sports books that I have belonged to over the years.Had a problem with a horse ticket and Mark explained the wager and how it worked perfectly! Of course I already knew the answerI like to test my men to see if they are bullshitting me or are they straight up telling me the truth! Anyone want and further feedback on Mark's site or others who I have looked into then please email or befriend me and we can chat! Have a blessed day! Suzzy Q |
Suzzyq4u2 | 27 |
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As reported yesterday I applied for and got a 1k credit account with CohenSportsGroup and will keep all updated as to how things work out ? My weeks ends normally on Sunday after the last game but since I had come on at the end of this current week Mark gave me an additional week to make my money! Such a sweetie! My new week end will be on Sunday September 29 and if my balance is over 100 I need to check in with him to settle! Again will keep all posted and if anyone else has any other options please get in touch as I am trying to find myself a safe and reliable place to play! So far all is good with this site and my account! lets hope things stay that way! Good Nite All!! Suzzy Q |
Suzzyq4u2 | 27 |
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Its been a perfectly long day working my perfect little ass off and getting one about step further then when I walked in the door! I finally got someone to take notice in what I was asking for and thus far here is what I found. I promise to be as fair and as impartial as I can but if you find me talking more positive about one group then another please do me and yourself a favor and take the hint! I will say that Mark Cohen from CohenSportsGroup was the only person to actually call me and explained in detail who he was- where he was from and how he did business. I filled out a credit application namely asking for my name-address-phone and place of employment with salary-all that I was more then happy to give up if it gets me credit and a good place to play! He also offered me a Post Up account if I did not want to use my employer info but still needed all other info listed above! Please stay tuned for any further updates with this group! Ryan from bookking22 provided me with a phone number but I need to post up all funds that I want to play with! A surprising twist is that I will get the post up funds back after the first week only if I win? Dont know if I need to keep the funds in the account that I win as Ryan never got back to me? when pushed for his full name and city and state Ryan went silent?Please let me know if I am wrong and you offer any other service type I missed? A gentleman name Andrew in San Antonio from Loan_Shark75 emailed me and said that he "runs everything for Marcus Riley" who I assumed is the boss? No phone number or a chance to speak with Marcus was offered as I told Andrew via email that I would need to speak with the the "main man who will pay me if I win"as I did not want to rely on a middle man? Also when asked where the operation was out of Andrew stated that he was always on the move? Andrew wanted a deposit that will be what I play with and a bonus if I wanted it? Dont know what that meant but Andrew never got back to me as well when aked for further info? I will continue to keep the lines of communication open if Andrew or Marcus contact me? Dine from dpatterson81 did send me a phone number but I was unable to reach him as he stated above he did not have his phone with him at work? Sent further email about where and what is needed o get account and am waiting for feedback to pass on to everyone? So far I have had 4 gentlement solicate my business with 2 offering me post up account using my money alone-1 offered me a credit account that took an application of basic questions that I am waiting to get word on? Also same group offered me a post up account in which whatever I send for funds would be matched dollar for dollar? Last group I am still waiting to get further info on and will check back sometime Saturday afternoon-evening with where I am at and with whom I am with if anyone! I really hope this helps everyone and anyone interested as to be honest with you all it is very exciting seeing groups wanting my business! Lets hope that the outcome is a exciting as the setup? Bitches Rule!! Night All!! Suzzy Q
Suzzyq4u2 | 27 |
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somewhat silent out there considering I see many posts offering services that not only that I am looking for but many others as well! Let me be the first to offer myself in finding a service(s) that we all can rely on and use without fear of theft or disservice! Hurry up I waiting!
Suzzy Q |
Suzzyq4u2 | 27 |
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BOOKMAKER and not want to give me any basic information such as a phone number? Is there really anyone here at this site that can offer me and the many others looking for the same thing that I am what we want and be real about it! Lets see if anyone can offer me the basic services that I am looking for and save myself and others alot of the pain of the entire process! I want a person whom I can trust that can offer me fair credit based on my salary and who I am! A good site that offers all sports-all types of wagers and is accessible both online and by phone when needed! Someone who pays ontime and offers various types of services to pay me and allow me to pay-in! Bottom line- We win we get paid-we loose we pay you! Anyone out thee who has some or all of these charteristics? Come get me!! Just to put your minds at ease I am not a cop nor do I have anything to do with law enforcement! Thanks and lets have some fun and find a legit book! Suzzy Q |
Suzzyq4u2 | 27 |
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