Data base and Archive combined results:
HamKam score 01 - 01 Draw at + 254
You win more units following the draw approach so far for sure.
You come close to the units won via a split draw / underdog approach by wagering on the underdogs.
The catch is the winning percentage.
Split draw / underdog results 100 percent win rate. (Data base and live results combined)
Draw results 61.5 percent win rate. (Data base and live results combined)
Underdog results 38.5 percent win rate. (data base and live results combined)
A 100 percent win rate leaves you calm and satisfied.
A loss on the other hand such as the other two methods have had, for many people leads to wanting to (as a friend of mine referred to "hammer it" and get even and then some) Many times he would suffer a loss of days or weeks of profits in the chase to get even or at other times lose his entire bankroll and have to start all over again.
The grind is the safest way and most relaxing way to earn a profit.
If a person was to get + 2.00 units profit per month for 36 consecutive months you could turn $ 3,600 ($ 100 per month deposit into your savings account for 36 months.) into over $ 32,000 in just 3 years. following a money management method I call Sport 01K.
That same method taken another 48 months more without adding any funds nor taking any funds out until the 41st month (giving you a paycheck of $ 3,000 and increasing that paycheck by $ 100 each month thereafter) would lead you to having $ 2,884,755.00 in 84 months.
I ran a contest years ago in a forum promoting this and most said I can not get two net wins per month. (I can not get a 10 percent increase in my bankroll wagering 5 percent per pick in a month.) By the time the contest was over nearly every person if not every person was doing so with their own picks.
Quality over quantity and getting as close to 100 percent winners as you possibly achieve to keep you from getting tempted to enter the chase zone, (as much as humanly possible) is the best way to go.