So to find a local I should go to Buffalo Wild Wings this weekend to watch the games and rub elbows with the people in there drinking and find out who is betting with a local bookie.
lol, man that sounds fun, I could just imagine how this would work out. I just don't see how anyone is going to give up their bookie off a first impression. Hey, I'll damn sure do it though.
What kind of luck could I have had to of hit EVERY SINGLE one of the parlays I picked this weekend?
I think I will play all the 30-33% plays again this weekend and go to BWW to watch how they unfold and try to find me a local bookie.
Thanks for all the help guys
lol well prolly the best place....unless you know any card rooms, you'll definilty find one there
I wouldn't go to a buffalo wild wings, you need to go to a smaller pub style TVs and beer hole in the walla type of place, but not complete hole in the wall ya know