HEY JEFF you call it fantasy island and so do i call your chase system which you said first post of thread 2641 -0
also a fantasy world and a bold faced lie right out of gate so stop trying to diss this method of betting that's been in use for 100's of years by the pros of the gambling industry.
YOU having fun now? Yeah ok keep on laughing.
YOU go by UNITS i go by $ won or Made for the season
I forgot what i made in bases last year I do know i made a lot of money betting $50 per game or $100 I just don't keep records of my bets won or lost in real world i only know what's in my pocket at end of week or the day!
MY local i bet with is cash up front we do it weekly bal makes it easier
we start on mon. end sun
HE keeps bets recorded in his book ...i don't have to look because i see it written when i bet at the posted line.
I have too much going on around me working to worry about how many units i won or lost or made.
BOTTOM line I have a + at end of Year that's all it matters to me
after the year if i won $25,000 betting sports I did a great job
if i won $1000 at end of year I did a great job also PERIOD !
I will post my plays and wagers in MLB from start of season in april and end of each month record wins vs losses and MONEY Made!
NOTE i said MONEY Made now won I belive in treating sports betting as a JOB where i make money with 100% R O I in 3 hrs
A normal job you make maybe $100 per day but your taxed heavier than the 10% juice YOU are not getting 100% ROI on any day but hell yes your getting 70% of what you earn.
However your at the mercy of another who tells you what to do each day!
Plus he can can you any time HE feels like it.
have a nice day !