A little YING for that YANG
Did you know that "pure" water could cause harm?
There are disadvantages. Many reverse osmosis systems remove the good with the bad. Iron, calcium, manganese, and fluoride are a few of the beneficial chemicals that may be removed, depending on your system. Removing these essential elements from our drinking water doesn't pose much of a problem, since a well-rounded diet will provide these as well. However, many Americans do not eat a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals. If these people also drink demineralized water, then they are more prone to vitamin and mineral deficiency.
Additionally, when used for cooking, demineralized water was found to cause substantial losses of all essential elements from foods such as vegetables, meat and cereals. Such losses may reach up to 60 percent for magnesium and calcium, 66 percent for copper, 70 percent for manganese, and 86 percent for cobalt. In contrast, when hard water (not treated with reverse osmosis) is used for cooking, there is minimal loss of these essential elements.
Also, for every gallon of pure water filtered by RO there are 3-4 gallons of waste water produced by backflushing the filters.
Digested methane gas production requires substantial capital investment. A great deal of the methane produced is required to heat the digester to keep it operating. But there is extra that can be harnessed at a cost. Digested methane gas to hydrogen fuel cells is an option. Only 2% of wastewater treatment plants utilize digesters. Why? 
Currently not cost effective.
Lithium ion battery backup systems will soon be replacing generators at large commercial complexes such as casinos. The drawback now is keeping them cool and preventing fires! Thermal runaway conditions are an issue for large banks.
New York would have to drill a hell of a lot deeper than 1 mile to hit magma heated rock. This can only be done near volcanoes or hot springs.
Geothermal is used by individual households that bury pipe in the constant 50 degree F ground. Circulating air in the summer cools and pre-heats winter air. Again, capital costs are prohibitive.
So how do we get these processes moving? Easy, the Biden administration will decrease oil production, raise taxes on all fuels, and wa-laaa, not cost prohibitive anymore! Nevermind it will push us to a huge recession, make us non-competitive with manufacturing countries, etc.