This is a great day for tennis! Couldn’t happen to a nicer person. This was Djoker’s best chance to get ahead of the other greats. I can’t believe he blew a chance at tennis immorality because he is worried about a vaccine that might or might not harm him.
Most guys would sell their souls for this opportunity. At 34, his next best chance is likely at Wimbledon, though grass is an unpredictable surface. If Nadal wins the French, then Djoker might never have this opportunity again to surpass him. Some will say he stood up for his principals, but I say he was a stubborn ass to the end.
To remove first post, remove entire topic.
This is a great day for tennis! Couldn’t happen to a nicer person. This was Djoker’s best chance to get ahead of the other greats. I can’t believe he blew a chance at tennis immorality because he is worried about a vaccine that might or might not harm him.
Most guys would sell their souls for this opportunity. At 34, his next best chance is likely at Wimbledon, though grass is an unpredictable surface. If Nadal wins the French, then Djoker might never have this opportunity again to surpass him. Some will say he stood up for his principals, but I say he was a stubborn ass to the end.
Dude, if that’s what you really think you shouldn’t be calling anyone retarded. How is it we’re two years into this thing now and you still don’t get it? It’s not possible to be as stupid as you are without actively trying to be ignorant.
The vaccines work. They lessen the severity of the infection. Most people in ICU’s are unvaccinated or elderly. They are clogging up the healthcare system preventing people with all the other medical shit from getting proper care. That’s what this is about. The government probably gives zero shiits about the the deaths other than the lost tax revenue and it’s easy bleeding heart points to score when mentioned. It’s about people having strokes, getting in car accidents, missing cancer treatments...all because fukking moron idiots won’t get the vaccine. They complain about life not returning to normal but they’re the reason. It’s a medical/health care problem and there’s a solution, yet they won’t take it. Even your Overlord Trump said you should take it.
You’re just fukking stupid. Period. End of story.
Dude, if that’s what you really think you shouldn’t be calling anyone retarded. How is it we’re two years into this thing now and you still don’t get it? It’s not possible to be as stupid as you are without actively trying to be ignorant.
The vaccines work. They lessen the severity of the infection. Most people in ICU’s are unvaccinated or elderly. They are clogging up the healthcare system preventing people with all the other medical shit from getting proper care. That’s what this is about. The government probably gives zero shiits about the the deaths other than the lost tax revenue and it’s easy bleeding heart points to score when mentioned. It’s about people having strokes, getting in car accidents, missing cancer treatments...all because fukking moron idiots won’t get the vaccine. They complain about life not returning to normal but they’re the reason. It’s a medical/health care problem and there’s a solution, yet they won’t take it. Even your Overlord Trump said you should take it.
Oh look it’s Howard Stern with an account on here. Get over your ridiculous fear, fright, hysteria, and hype. If Covid and all the mutations had already been infecting people long before we were born, nobody would be giving a flying rats ass any more than the common cold and seasonal flu. Turn off your fear porn produced by too much of the idiot box and mega corporate media conglomerates. Unvaccinated aren’t clogging up hospital beds and draining all available resources. That’s utter bullshit and not backed up by any data. At the end of the day, I don’t think the risks of taking the vaccine outweigh the risks of not taking it. But it’s really sad seeing sheeple continue to think the government bureaucrats have the know how and are authorized to mandate what you have to put into your own body. Yet so many of you that worship at the altar housing these government bureaucrats have lived thru these same power hungry pigs being wrong about everything else and stealing and looting our money. It’s going to be okay unless you have a preexisting condition. And even then, the unvaccinated aren’t going to put you at risk- ands that my friend IS backed up by scientific data.
Oh look it’s Howard Stern with an account on here. Get over your ridiculous fear, fright, hysteria, and hype. If Covid and all the mutations had already been infecting people long before we were born, nobody would be giving a flying rats ass any more than the common cold and seasonal flu. Turn off your fear porn produced by too much of the idiot box and mega corporate media conglomerates. Unvaccinated aren’t clogging up hospital beds and draining all available resources. That’s utter bullshit and not backed up by any data. At the end of the day, I don’t think the risks of taking the vaccine outweigh the risks of not taking it. But it’s really sad seeing sheeple continue to think the government bureaucrats have the know how and are authorized to mandate what you have to put into your own body. Yet so many of you that worship at the altar housing these government bureaucrats have lived thru these same power hungry pigs being wrong about everything else and stealing and looting our money. It’s going to be okay unless you have a preexisting condition. And even then, the unvaccinated aren’t going to put you at risk- ands that my friend IS backed up by scientific data.
I don’t have a dog in the vaccine fight, but I can’t believe Covid could prevent Djoker from becoming GOAT and he chose to have it go down this way. Like I said, most tennis players would give their right arm for an opportunity like this and he gives it up because of a vaccine.
I don’t have a dog in the vaccine fight, but I can’t believe Covid could prevent Djoker from becoming GOAT and he chose to have it go down this way. Like I said, most tennis players would give their right arm for an opportunity like this and he gives it up because of a vaccine.
@jimrockford22 just get vaxxed? they dont work u retarded sheep
gee, I don't know....
the smartest, most successful people get the vaccine without any misgivings whatsoever. they don't care which vaccine they get when as long as it's been vetted by their relevant medical authority.
the stupidest, inbred imbeciles who can't even find Mexico on a map are sure that the vaccines don't work. it's funny how one of the key determinants of vaccine hesitancy is strong political alignment. how does that work?
Quote Originally Posted by comebackid7:
@jimrockford22 just get vaxxed? they dont work u retarded sheep
gee, I don't know....
the smartest, most successful people get the vaccine without any misgivings whatsoever. they don't care which vaccine they get when as long as it's been vetted by their relevant medical authority.
the stupidest, inbred imbeciles who can't even find Mexico on a map are sure that the vaccines don't work. it's funny how one of the key determinants of vaccine hesitancy is strong political alignment. how does that work?
did I just read that unvaccinated are not clogging up ICU's? that is factually incorrect. I have some misgivings as to how the medical authorities are handling this, but ICU'S are bursting at the seams and the unvaccinated are wildly over-represented in ICU's.
did I just read that unvaccinated are not clogging up ICU's? that is factually incorrect. I have some misgivings as to how the medical authorities are handling this, but ICU'S are bursting at the seams and the unvaccinated are wildly over-represented in ICU's.
Djoker will use this experience and spin it to much bigger things in his life post tennis...he will have this "ace up his sleeve" forever when he turns to politics and runs for President/Prime Minister/King etc of Serbia a decade from now.
With respect to career slams and such, he will still end up smashing the overall record when he hangs it up...he's still going to be the odds on favorite this year at the USO and Wimbledon, if not next year as well assuming he's able bodied.
Victory Belongs to the Most Tenacious
Djoker will use this experience and spin it to much bigger things in his life post tennis...he will have this "ace up his sleeve" forever when he turns to politics and runs for President/Prime Minister/King etc of Serbia a decade from now.
With respect to career slams and such, he will still end up smashing the overall record when he hangs it up...he's still going to be the odds on favorite this year at the USO and Wimbledon, if not next year as well assuming he's able bodied.
Quote Originally Posted by comebackid7: @jimrockford22 just get vaxxed? they dont work u retarded sheep gee, I don't know.... the smartest, most successful people get the vaccine without any misgivings whatsoever. they don't care which vaccine they get when as long as it's been vetted by their relevant medical authority. the stupidest, inbred imbeciles who can't even find Mexico on a map are sure that the vaccines don't work. it's funny how one of the key determinants of vaccine hesitancy is strong political alignment. how does that work?
All the polls have shown that those not having the jabs are the intelligent, well-educated ones. Most of those refusing to be jabbed have college degrees.
But thank you for providing the glaring example of what an uneducated and hypnotized Covid Cult clown looks like when they've bought into the official narrative, adapt to it's absurdity and blindly obey a corrupt authority's fear porn.
Relax. I'm unvaxxed!
Quote Originally Posted by jimrockford22:
Quote Originally Posted by comebackid7: @jimrockford22 just get vaxxed? they dont work u retarded sheep gee, I don't know.... the smartest, most successful people get the vaccine without any misgivings whatsoever. they don't care which vaccine they get when as long as it's been vetted by their relevant medical authority. the stupidest, inbred imbeciles who can't even find Mexico on a map are sure that the vaccines don't work. it's funny how one of the key determinants of vaccine hesitancy is strong political alignment. how does that work?
All the polls have shown that those not having the jabs are the intelligent, well-educated ones. Most of those refusing to be jabbed have college degrees.
But thank you for providing the glaring example of what an uneducated and hypnotized Covid Cult clown looks like when they've bought into the official narrative, adapt to it's absurdity and blindly obey a corrupt authority's fear porn.
[Quote: Originally Posted by begginerboy]This is a great day for tennis! Couldn’t happen to a nicer person.
Wow. Spoken like a proudly fake vaxxed, boot licking - good Nazi who surrendered his soul along time ago to that evil regime.
NOVAX's parents disagree with your idiocy.
His mother alleges he suffered torture in Australia immigration detention.
His father has said: "My son is hostage in Australia tonight but has never been more free. From now on, Novak has become the symbol and leader of the free world, the world of countries and poor and oppressed people. My son Novak Djokovic showed that even a small heroic country like Serbia can have the greatest athlete and tennis player of all time, and that the truth can no longer be hidden. Tonight you can lock it up, tomorrow you can chain it up, but the truth is like water and it always finds a way. Novak is the Spartacus of the new world who does not tolerate injustice, colonialism and hypocrisy, but fights for the equality of all on this planet, regardless of skin color, religious belief and money they have. Novak has proven that you can achieve any goal if you have a dream, and his dream is shared by billions of people, including children who look at him as an example."
"Maybe the rich world won't let him continue playing tennis, but in doing so, he will reveal his true face and start a much more serious match. On one hand, there will be greedy oligarchy and on the other, a proud and free world that always believes in justice, truth, fair play and the dreams of it's children."...Srdjan Djokovic
The world's #1 player was deported from Nazis Down Under and banned entry for 3 years, not for being a threat to public health. But rather, it was his mere presence that could stir up anti-vaccine sentiment, and that scares the psychopaths that you align with to no end.
Relax. I'm unvaxxed!
[Quote: Originally Posted by begginerboy]This is a great day for tennis! Couldn’t happen to a nicer person.
Wow. Spoken like a proudly fake vaxxed, boot licking - good Nazi who surrendered his soul along time ago to that evil regime.
NOVAX's parents disagree with your idiocy.
His mother alleges he suffered torture in Australia immigration detention.
His father has said: "My son is hostage in Australia tonight but has never been more free. From now on, Novak has become the symbol and leader of the free world, the world of countries and poor and oppressed people. My son Novak Djokovic showed that even a small heroic country like Serbia can have the greatest athlete and tennis player of all time, and that the truth can no longer be hidden. Tonight you can lock it up, tomorrow you can chain it up, but the truth is like water and it always finds a way. Novak is the Spartacus of the new world who does not tolerate injustice, colonialism and hypocrisy, but fights for the equality of all on this planet, regardless of skin color, religious belief and money they have. Novak has proven that you can achieve any goal if you have a dream, and his dream is shared by billions of people, including children who look at him as an example."
"Maybe the rich world won't let him continue playing tennis, but in doing so, he will reveal his true face and start a much more serious match. On one hand, there will be greedy oligarchy and on the other, a proud and free world that always believes in justice, truth, fair play and the dreams of it's children."...Srdjan Djokovic
The world's #1 player was deported from Nazis Down Under and banned entry for 3 years, not for being a threat to public health. But rather, it was his mere presence that could stir up anti-vaccine sentiment, and that scares the psychopaths that you align with to no end.
"Novak is the Spartacus of the new world who does not tolerate injustice, colonialism and hypocrisy, but fights for the equality of all on this planet,"
Sounds just like how I talk about my son:
"Sergio is a tall man. He does wind up in foreign prisons from time to time but that is the fault of women and alcohol. He is independent and is usually able to support himself, except when he is living with older women and working on his Fortnite skills. He has 20/20 vision. He has 2 brothers who arent doing nearly as well in life. We are so proud!"
now THAT is proud parent!
"Novak is the Spartacus of the new world who does not tolerate injustice, colonialism and hypocrisy, but fights for the equality of all on this planet,"
Sounds just like how I talk about my son:
"Sergio is a tall man. He does wind up in foreign prisons from time to time but that is the fault of women and alcohol. He is independent and is usually able to support himself, except when he is living with older women and working on his Fortnite skills. He has 20/20 vision. He has 2 brothers who arent doing nearly as well in life. We are so proud!"
All the polls have shown that those not having the jabs are the intelligent, well-educated ones. Most of those refusing to be jabbed have college degrees.
FFS..... I googled "anti vaccination by education level".
and this is the FIRST RESULT google presented..... THE VERY FIRST...... NO CHERRY PICKING
Researchers with the Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR) at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences found that more than 3 out of 4 (76%) U.S. adults with at least a bachelor’s degree have already been vaccinated or plan to be, compared to just over half (53%) of those without a college degree. That’s a change from earlier in the pandemic, when level of education played less of a role in people’s willingness to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
Quote Originally Posted by mctrap:
All the polls have shown that those not having the jabs are the intelligent, well-educated ones. Most of those refusing to be jabbed have college degrees.
FFS..... I googled "anti vaccination by education level".
and this is the FIRST RESULT google presented..... THE VERY FIRST...... NO CHERRY PICKING
Researchers with the Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR) at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences found that more than 3 out of 4 (76%) U.S. adults with at least a bachelor’s degree have already been vaccinated or plan to be, compared to just over half (53%) of those without a college degree. That’s a change from earlier in the pandemic, when level of education played less of a role in people’s willingness to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
The disparity in vaccination rates has so far mainly broken down along political lines. The New York Times examined survey and vaccine administration data for nearly every U.S. county and found that both willingness to receive a vaccine and actual vaccination rates to date were lower, on average, in counties where a majority of residents voted to re-elect former President Donald J. Trump in 2020. The phenomenon has left some places with a shortage of supply and others with a glut.
stupid people vote for trump (proof upon request) and stupid people believe in anti-vaxx turdiness....... let's bring back republican VP candidate Sarah Palin who didn't know that South Africa is a country and that southern africa is a region. and she's a role model for the Trump turds.
The disparity in vaccination rates has so far mainly broken down along political lines. The New York Times examined survey and vaccine administration data for nearly every U.S. county and found that both willingness to receive a vaccine and actual vaccination rates to date were lower, on average, in counties where a majority of residents voted to re-elect former President Donald J. Trump in 2020. The phenomenon has left some places with a shortage of supply and others with a glut.
stupid people vote for trump (proof upon request) and stupid people believe in anti-vaxx turdiness....... let's bring back republican VP candidate Sarah Palin who didn't know that South Africa is a country and that southern africa is a region. and she's a role model for the Trump turds.
just gonna drop a not-too-sober opinion here on US politics. As someone born in South America, we see Trump as completely normal. (No self respecting Argentine politician admits defeat). Argentines see Trump as a strong leader...and we also see liberals as a direct path to transfering hard earned wealth to EXTREMELY lazy people who expect hand outs. Argentina is the petri dish for populist leaders (Peron) who promise to take from the rich and give to the poor. Of course, like Communism, it doesnt work.
Is Trump intelligent and reasonable? Fuck no! But where I grew up, no effective leader is such. The US will find a leader like Trump but without the personality flaws. America is looking so much like the 3rd world these days. A working class family cant afford to buy a house and raise kids. Like Argentina, kids in the USA will live with their parents untill they die and inherit the house.
The USA, for the magic of resources, geography, and luck, rules the world, but that will change. China to lift itself to world dominance. IMHO....learn Cantanese and Mandarin and wait for the new world order.
just gonna drop a not-too-sober opinion here on US politics. As someone born in South America, we see Trump as completely normal. (No self respecting Argentine politician admits defeat). Argentines see Trump as a strong leader...and we also see liberals as a direct path to transfering hard earned wealth to EXTREMELY lazy people who expect hand outs. Argentina is the petri dish for populist leaders (Peron) who promise to take from the rich and give to the poor. Of course, like Communism, it doesnt work.
Is Trump intelligent and reasonable? Fuck no! But where I grew up, no effective leader is such. The US will find a leader like Trump but without the personality flaws. America is looking so much like the 3rd world these days. A working class family cant afford to buy a house and raise kids. Like Argentina, kids in the USA will live with their parents untill they die and inherit the house.
The USA, for the magic of resources, geography, and luck, rules the world, but that will change. China to lift itself to world dominance. IMHO....learn Cantanese and Mandarin and wait for the new world order.
I can’t believe he blew a chance at tennis immorality because he is worried about a vaccine that might or might not harm him.
Begginerboy, Jimrockford22 and Dcp1985 are right. Smart majority of people get vaccinated early while the idiot minority hesitate. Sadly, they are misguided by misinformation. People shouldn't fear vaccines more than disease. In the US, over 800,000 covid deaths compared to just 9 blood clot deaths that might be linked to vaccines.
Quote Originally Posted by begginerboy:
I can’t believe he blew a chance at tennis immorality because he is worried about a vaccine that might or might not harm him.
Begginerboy, Jimrockford22 and Dcp1985 are right. Smart majority of people get vaccinated early while the idiot minority hesitate. Sadly, they are misguided by misinformation. People shouldn't fear vaccines more than disease. In the US, over 800,000 covid deaths compared to just 9 blood clot deaths that might be linked to vaccines.
I wasn't having a rebuttal with you, it was a very simple straightforward which you have chosen to ignore and have not answered, which is exactly what be expected by someone like yourself.
Your post 16 tried to imply only stupid people voted for one person while smart people voted for the other.
It's you who has the issue making a true chose to use smear tactics instead...I really couldn't care less about you or your political view...this is a sports betting website, and I'm sure you have countless hours on reddit and other sites posting the same stuff there.
Sweep your board Brother, Murica is in good hands with you fam.
Victory Belongs to the Most Tenacious
I wasn't having a rebuttal with you, it was a very simple straightforward which you have chosen to ignore and have not answered, which is exactly what be expected by someone like yourself.
Your post 16 tried to imply only stupid people voted for one person while smart people voted for the other.
It's you who has the issue making a true chose to use smear tactics instead...I really couldn't care less about you or your political view...this is a sports betting website, and I'm sure you have countless hours on reddit and other sites posting the same stuff there.
Sweep your board Brother, Murica is in good hands with you fam.
[Quote: Originally Posted by jimrockford22]Quote Originally Posted by mctrap: All the polls have shown that those not having the jabs are the intelligent, well-educated ones. Most of those refusing to be jabbed have college degrees. FFS..... I googled "anti vaccination by education level". and this is the FIRST RESULT google presented.....
Google, you don't say? Apparently Jim Rocks For Brains learned all of his investigative skills by watching re-runs of the Rockford Files.
Never used the term "anti-vaxx." But Google will always be there for the low comprehension, uneducated and easily mind controlled to conflate any issue that has given them a severe case of cognitive dissonance, in order to "prove" their belief system is in harmony with the fake reality, fake news, false narrative world that only the most scientifically illiterate exist in.
But when third person has a reason to chime in on your behalf, you can rest assured that your ready made answer you spent 2 seconds "researching" on Google, is pure propaganda that will be used to defile the truth. You fit the "Angel" character on Rockford perfectly.
Relax. I'm unvaxxed!
[Quote: Originally Posted by jimrockford22]Quote Originally Posted by mctrap: All the polls have shown that those not having the jabs are the intelligent, well-educated ones. Most of those refusing to be jabbed have college degrees. FFS..... I googled "anti vaccination by education level". and this is the FIRST RESULT google presented.....
Google, you don't say? Apparently Jim Rocks For Brains learned all of his investigative skills by watching re-runs of the Rockford Files.
Never used the term "anti-vaxx." But Google will always be there for the low comprehension, uneducated and easily mind controlled to conflate any issue that has given them a severe case of cognitive dissonance, in order to "prove" their belief system is in harmony with the fake reality, fake news, false narrative world that only the most scientifically illiterate exist in.
But when third person has a reason to chime in on your behalf, you can rest assured that your ready made answer you spent 2 seconds "researching" on Google, is pure propaganda that will be used to defile the truth. You fit the "Angel" character on Rockford perfectly.
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