not all that surprising. BYU defense is atrocious and anyone who has watched them this year knew that. I've seen them give up similar leads in games this year
not all that surprising. BYU defense is atrocious and anyone who has watched them this year knew that. I've seen them give up similar leads in games this year
I never root against anyone except NICK because he is an arrogant piece of crap who is so full of excuses. Van and Scal having been trying to help this idiot and he knows everything or blames his family for coming to town. He deserves it all. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I never root against anyone except NICK because he is an arrogant piece of crap who is so full of excuses. Van and Scal having been trying to help this idiot and he knows everything or blames his family for coming to town. He deserves it all. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haha Brady out of the woodwork with his Ole Miss bet. Would've been as quiet as a church mouse had they've never come back. There's some real pathetic people on this forum.
Haha Brady out of the woodwork with his Ole Miss bet. Would've been as quiet as a church mouse had they've never come back. There's some real pathetic people on this forum.
Dont you fuckin dare bet 19k on one game fool. Take a break for a couple weeks. Fuck person, eat talapia, workout and enjoy Vegas for a while. You still have a bunch of $ to work with. Dont bet the savings on a shit basketball game.
Dont you fuckin dare bet 19k on one game fool. Take a break for a couple weeks. Fuck person, eat talapia, workout and enjoy Vegas for a while. You still have a bunch of $ to work with. Dont bet the savings on a shit basketball game.
Cd why are you so obsessed with this thread? You and Scal literally live in here. You really don't have anything better to do throughout the day? You gotta be over 40 years old and this is what you come up with in your spare time? What a sorry and pathetic life you lead. Another capper that most likely hits at 50% AT BEST telling someone else how bad they are. Oh the irony..
Cd why are you so obsessed with this thread? You and Scal literally live in here. You really don't have anything better to do throughout the day? You gotta be over 40 years old and this is what you come up with in your spare time? What a sorry and pathetic life you lead. Another capper that most likely hits at 50% AT BEST telling someone else how bad they are. Oh the irony..
Dont you fuckin dare bet 19k on one game fool. Take a break for a couple weeks. darn person, eat talapia, workout and enjoy Vegas for a while. You still have a bunch of $ to work with. Dont bet the savings on a garbage basketball game.
Hes a total idiot to even be thinking about something so stupid.
What will really be awful to take is if he does do it and it wins. His head will swell about 10 sizes and he will start beating his chest, saying how great of a capper he is and how hes up so much money.
Quote Originally Posted by TreyInventor:
Dont you fuckin dare bet 19k on one game fool. Take a break for a couple weeks. darn person, eat talapia, workout and enjoy Vegas for a while. You still have a bunch of $ to work with. Dont bet the savings on a garbage basketball game.
Hes a total idiot to even be thinking about something so stupid.
What will really be awful to take is if he does do it and it wins. His head will swell about 10 sizes and he will start beating his chest, saying how great of a capper he is and how hes up so much money.
Dont you fuckin dare bet 19k on one game fool. Take a break for a couple weeks. darn person, eat talapia, workout and enjoy Vegas for a while. You still have a bunch of $ to work with. Dont bet the savings on a garbage basketball game.
He's going to go broke eventually so might as well. I've been there. Can only hope to learn from it, it's unfortunate to not be able to learn before it happens.
Quote Originally Posted by TreyInventor:
Dont you fuckin dare bet 19k on one game fool. Take a break for a couple weeks. darn person, eat talapia, workout and enjoy Vegas for a while. You still have a bunch of $ to work with. Dont bet the savings on a garbage basketball game.
He's going to go broke eventually so might as well. I've been there. Can only hope to learn from it, it's unfortunate to not be able to learn before it happens.
Cd why are you so obsessed with this thread? You and Scal literally live in here. You really don't have anything better to do throughout the day? You gotta be over 40 years old and this is what you come up with in your spare time? What a sorry and pathetic life you lead. Another capper that most likely hits at 50% AT BEST telling someone else how bad they are. Oh the irony..
Hey chump, why are you so obsessed with what i do in my life? Take a hike goofball.
Maybe i dont like guys like CG
Quote Originally Posted by L-Jay:
Cd why are you so obsessed with this thread? You and Scal literally live in here. You really don't have anything better to do throughout the day? You gotta be over 40 years old and this is what you come up with in your spare time? What a sorry and pathetic life you lead. Another capper that most likely hits at 50% AT BEST telling someone else how bad they are. Oh the irony..
Hey chump, why are you so obsessed with what i do in my life? Take a hike goofball.
Cd why are you so obsessed with this thread? You and Scal literally live in here. You really don't have anything better to do throughout the day? You gotta be over 40 years old and this is what you come up with in your spare time? What a sorry and pathetic life you lead. Another capper that most likely hits at 50% AT BEST telling someone else how bad they are. Oh the irony..
Next time i decide to post something, i will check with you and see if its okay Heres a thought mind your own business
Quote Originally Posted by L-Jay:
Cd why are you so obsessed with this thread? You and Scal literally live in here. You really don't have anything better to do throughout the day? You gotta be over 40 years old and this is what you come up with in your spare time? What a sorry and pathetic life you lead. Another capper that most likely hits at 50% AT BEST telling someone else how bad they are. Oh the irony..
Next time i decide to post something, i will check with you and see if its okay Heres a thought mind your own business
Hey chump, why are you so obsessed with what i do in my life? Take a hike goofball.
Maybe i dont like guys like CG
Oh really? I never would've guessed after the 100+ posts you've made displaying it. My bad man..
What a clown. Literally sitting in this thread all day, hitting refresh every 5 seconds just to put someone down. We clearly have a winner on our hands.
Quote Originally Posted by cd329:
Hey chump, why are you so obsessed with what i do in my life? Take a hike goofball.
Maybe i dont like guys like CG
Oh really? I never would've guessed after the 100+ posts you've made displaying it. My bad man..
What a clown. Literally sitting in this thread all day, hitting refresh every 5 seconds just to put someone down. We clearly have a winner on our hands.
Oh really? I never would've guessed after the 100+ posts you've made displaying it. My bad man..
What a clown. Literally sitting in this thread all day, hitting refresh every 5 seconds just to put someone down. We clearly have a winner on our hands.
Maybe because i want to see this clown go bust and see a real good guy Vanzack, win his bet.
and p.s. am nowhere near 100 posts but thanks for following
Quote Originally Posted by L-Jay:
Oh really? I never would've guessed after the 100+ posts you've made displaying it. My bad man..
What a clown. Literally sitting in this thread all day, hitting refresh every 5 seconds just to put someone down. We clearly have a winner on our hands.
Maybe because i want to see this clown go bust and see a real good guy Vanzack, win his bet.
and p.s. am nowhere near 100 posts but thanks for following
L-jay, do you want to make some more, so you can go back and count them all? Since you havent got anything else to do in your life, but worry about what others write on a messgaeboard,lmfaoooooo
L-jay, do you want to make some more, so you can go back and count them all? Since you havent got anything else to do in your life, but worry about what others write on a messgaeboard,lmfaoooooo
L-jay, do you want to make some more, so you can go back and count them all? Since you havent got anything else to do in your life, but worry about what others write on a messgaeboard,lmfaoooooo
Since I have nothing better to do? LMFAO. You're the one that has nearly 20K posts and continuously bash CG. Doesn't it get old? And like I said, you're definitely over 40 years old and this is the sh*t you pull? Grow up.
Also, click back the past 10 pages and count just how many posts are yours. You've gotta be kidding me. The people on here are amazing.
Quote Originally Posted by cd329:
L-jay, do you want to make some more, so you can go back and count them all? Since you havent got anything else to do in your life, but worry about what others write on a messgaeboard,lmfaoooooo
Since I have nothing better to do? LMFAO. You're the one that has nearly 20K posts and continuously bash CG. Doesn't it get old? And like I said, you're definitely over 40 years old and this is the sh*t you pull? Grow up.
Also, click back the past 10 pages and count just how many posts are yours. You've gotta be kidding me. The people on here are amazing.
Since I have nothing better to do? LMFAO. You're the one that has nearly 20K posts and continuously bash CG. Doesn't it get old? And like I said, you're definitely over 40 years old and this is the sh*t you pull? Grow up.
Also, click back the past 10 pages and count just how many posts are yours. You've gotta be kidding me. The people on here are amazing.
Then leave
What i post on this site and too who is none of your business. How i use my time in life, is none of your business. So save your speeches to me, because i could careless what you post and if you dont like my posts, dont read them.
Quote Originally Posted by L-Jay:
Since I have nothing better to do? LMFAO. You're the one that has nearly 20K posts and continuously bash CG. Doesn't it get old? And like I said, you're definitely over 40 years old and this is the sh*t you pull? Grow up.
Also, click back the past 10 pages and count just how many posts are yours. You've gotta be kidding me. The people on here are amazing.
Then leave
What i post on this site and too who is none of your business. How i use my time in life, is none of your business. So save your speeches to me, because i could careless what you post and if you dont like my posts, dont read them.
It's sad I lose that game. I'm tired of this. Life savings on one soon
That's not what I read this "journey" was going to be about when I started reading this thread at page 1. I read it was going to be about ...
Getting to your best sport...Football.
Being a professional.
Since when does one loss define you, Nick?
It only does so if you allow it to do so. You are not a victim.
Redefine yourself. Find out what makes you a good capper all over again. It's inside you, it's always been there. You just have to find it again.
It is time for reflection...not rash, impulsive action.
Adjust your bets down to $500 and start the grind. Steady, boring at times, 57% or better.
There is still time to succeed beyond your wildest dreams...if that is what you truly want. If you want to self destruct like so many others have done in Vegas, Vegas will certainly help you do so.
If you want to rise above and be part of the 5%, you must re focus on your goals and grind it out. Don't let Vegas win, Nick
Pass the test.
PM for the skinny on the down low
Quote Originally Posted by collegegambler:
It's sad I lose that game. I'm tired of this. Life savings on one soon
That's not what I read this "journey" was going to be about when I started reading this thread at page 1. I read it was going to be about ...
Getting to your best sport...Football.
Being a professional.
Since when does one loss define you, Nick?
It only does so if you allow it to do so. You are not a victim.
Redefine yourself. Find out what makes you a good capper all over again. It's inside you, it's always been there. You just have to find it again.
It is time for reflection...not rash, impulsive action.
Adjust your bets down to $500 and start the grind. Steady, boring at times, 57% or better.
There is still time to succeed beyond your wildest dreams...if that is what you truly want. If you want to self destruct like so many others have done in Vegas, Vegas will certainly help you do so.
If you want to rise above and be part of the 5%, you must re focus on your goals and grind it out. Don't let Vegas win, Nick
I'm blacked out up 17 at half and lose. Lmao typical the undisiplined people of ole piss pull one out of there a$$ am I prejudice ? 100% I a hate niggersss unreal I'll drop a Bomb play soon
Wow, really? And this is a person that people are supposed to take seriously?
Quote Originally Posted by collegegambler:
I'm blacked out up 17 at half and lose. Lmao typical the undisiplined people of ole piss pull one out of there a$$ am I prejudice ? 100% I a hate niggersss unreal I'll drop a Bomb play soon
Wow, really? And this is a person that people are supposed to take seriously?
Not sure about the 40-70 range but that sounds about right. The gold was flying all over the place in the first 100 pages that's for sure.
I will see what I can do about getting it all together into one document and posting it for you. Can't promise a time frame as work has been crazy.
Good luck on BYU tonight CG. I am on it as well.
I'll try to do some digging myself. Appreciate it buddy. Was on BYU as well. Had them as the last leg of a teaser and a parlay as well as a flat bet. Sickening but Nick and the rest of us BYU backers gotta keep our head up. Another day another dollar tomorrow.
Quote Originally Posted by smacksmiter:
Not sure about the 40-70 range but that sounds about right. The gold was flying all over the place in the first 100 pages that's for sure.
I will see what I can do about getting it all together into one document and posting it for you. Can't promise a time frame as work has been crazy.
Good luck on BYU tonight CG. I am on it as well.
I'll try to do some digging myself. Appreciate it buddy. Was on BYU as well. Had them as the last leg of a teaser and a parlay as well as a flat bet. Sickening but Nick and the rest of us BYU backers gotta keep our head up. Another day another dollar tomorrow.
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