Quote Originally Posted by collegegambler:
this is my final comment as this clipper game in which I WON btw has been so greatly debated. Check out what I put in bold prior to the bet...
the line opened at clipshow -2.5 and then went to +3
I did not think Blake Griffin was worthy of a 5.5 pt swing in the line, hence I thought the spread should have been lower which is why I made the bet on the Clippers... It was made because of VALUE of an inflated line because of an overreaction to the VALUE of Blake Griffin.
Surprised the two biggest geniuses of this forum Scalabrine and Vanzack didn't pick up on that..

back to business today though, lets go Jayhawks and Bruins!
Well I was gonna leave "well enough" alone after Vazack pretty much said it all, but this guy is digging a hole and every pile of dirt is coming down on his head. At this point it's right up to his nose and if he keeps talking about the cap of this Clippers game, he won't be able to breathe.
So CG, it wasn't about the bench you say? Let's just say I concede that (even though it was in your original cap).
Now you say it was about Blake Griffin not being worth a 5.5 PT swing.
Let's examine that statement because now you say the cap for the Clips side was due to an overreaction to a Blake Griffin.
There's a slight problem with that logic (and I'm using 'slight' to be nice if you can't pick up the sarcasm).
Blake Griffin was declared out indefinitely due to a Staph infection on February 8, 2015.
They lost that night without him 131-108 to the Thunder.
They played another game the next night after that and beat the Mavs
They played the Rockets as well before the All Star break without him too.
The Spurs Clips game was played in February 19, 2015, also without Blake.
Now comes my questions for you.
Are you really trying to tell this forum, as a defense for your play and cap of the Clippers (and to call it a 'cap' at this point would be calling an American Idol contestant Frank Sinatra), that:
The reaction to the line move from -2.5 CLIPS to +3 CLIPS was because bettors were reacting to Blake Griffin being out of a game 11 DAYS AFTER IT WAS ANNOUNCED and 3 previously played games without him? (I'd expect to see a line move 11 MINUTES after an injury announcement, but 11 days takes the cake if that is what you are selling Mr. Baker).
Do you think Vegas opened up the line at -2.5 Clips thinking Blake would play and the public and/or sharps said ""WOAH! Blake must be in that line if they are giving points to the Spurs but he's actually out! Let's pound the Spurs!" even though he was announced to be out FOR WEEKS, 11 days prior?
What did Blake have to do with that line and its value the way vegas set it or the way it moved, opening or closing?
I know that may be hard for some of your oblivious fanboys to comprehend (if they even read the above which is unlikely) but an answer would be nice to hear.......wouldn't it?