also i appologize for those who read this stuff and thought it was drama, and senseless bickering or fighting.
but in reality it was therapy for mgmprofits.
you see i believe he has multiple personality or is bipolar.
in emails i realized he had some serious issues in the mental realm, but also his drug problem.
but if you try to approach it as a friend, you just getting him denying he has a problem, or he plays some kind of childish game with it or makes up wacked out excuses.
so any attempts to give him advice as a friend when relating to his problem in drugs or other things, his alter personality kicks in with the ego and he just sees it as an ego game. he doesnt take it seriously. he just makes excuses.
so i thought maybe if he is questioned in a public forum it will be different. but again he just lied and did his game of dancing around it or denying it after he admitted it.
so it came into this thread which already started by people who were onto mgmprofits.
because his ego here is strongest because he has an attachment here to other gamblers and he doesnt want to feel weak or have his integrity questioned.
so it was here that it might work. because its here where all the questions could be asked and he had an emotional attachment to his identity and also a certain amount of self worth attached. His ego. To him, what you think of him here matters to him.
So throug the various arguements and drama you witnessed in the questions i asked and the responses he gave. I guided the direction of this thread where i broke apart his logic and reasoning. Where his ego was emotionally attached.
To him his ego would always kick in. He has this edipus complex where he believes he is this great debater. So i picked him apart, getting him to face the reality of the truth. Which as you saw, he denies and lies a bit.
Until his ego realized he was not winning the arguement or debate.
And where his ego had an emotional attachment, he realized he wasnt winning.
Our identities are the stories we tell ourselves. Real or imagined, repeated enough times to preserve our model of the world as we want to believe it to be true.
And as i wore down his ego, he was able to go through the various stages of the kubler ross cycle, granted he regressed into denial and anger many times, as he has been in his entire life.
But effectively with his ego beaten down, he went through the 5 stages of denial, anger , bargaining, depression, and for the first time if he is honest with himself. he may arrive at acceptance, and this story he has been telling himself which he has identified with, he might be able to let it go . and realize he needs help.
to mgmprofits he thought it was about smear campaign or something else which his ego found to blame.
but this was really about mgmprofits being able to arrive at a point where he can be honest with himself and arrive at acceptance where he realizes he needs to get help.
it may have seemed like bickering or drama to those reading. but for him, giving him advice as a friend to see he has a problem doesnt work.
so the other route of direct confrontation had to be used, where all his excuses and rationalizations had to be picked apart and broken down.
where his ego realized he was over matched, and so he could arrive in a position where he could arrive at acceptance. and really be honest with himself, without this story that he created as his identity getting in the way.
might have seemed brutal or drama, but was the only way to get him to go through the various stages of kubler ross, after his ego was broken down.
now the ball is in his court. this thread is done with regards to me commenting on it.