Not attacking, I would like to know how last years spread of a game at the same arena has to do with this years game with different rosters, different talent levels, new recruits and in some cases new coaches? I COULD NOT HAVE SAID IT ANY BETTER,LOL....IF YOU GOT SENIORS AND JUNIORS THAT HAVE LEFT SCHOOL AND NOW U LEFT WITH SOPHS AND FRESH,AND NEW RECRUITS THAN LAST YEARS LINE MEANS BALL SACK!!....IF THE WHOLE TEAMS ARE INTACT FROM LAST MEETING THAN NOW WE GOT SOMETHING TO LOOK AT....THIS IS A NEW LIL KID TRYING TO GET ATTENTION,IT TOO SHALL PASS!! plays speak for themselves everyday in my forum...u all more than welcome to check them out no email needed and certainly no 6 hours of research,just smart capping!!...good luck to all |