Quote Originally Posted by budhakhan:
I see they have put this thread where it belongs in WEBSITE PROMOTIONS. Advice to ALL: The promotion is for DWEST35!!
Sunny21: you are an example of a guy who knows how to cap. It's a shame you want to associate yourself with a tout and farce like DWEST. The two of you are night and day... water and oil. Start your own thread and give some guidance to members like Tiamat!
Tiamat: Buddy, do yourself a favor and stay away from this guy. You will PM him and he will ask you for money, most likely. No one is perfect with picking games. Educate yourself and bet small to make your own deductions. There are quite a few decent honest people on Covers that are willing to share their opinions and know how to cap. It's all about value in lines because any given team can win on any given day in baseball. GL to you!

There is absolutely no hate on my part.... just hoping my interjections help others avoid getting suckered by an obvious tout looking to solicit money through PMs.

First Off...........I have NEVER asked ANYONE for Money for ANY of my PLAYS. So my Friend your accusations is CLEARLY and I do mean CLEARLY a violation of not only the Law in the United States BUT also Covers Policy, (DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND LEARN TO READ). Your Statements in CLEARLY Defamation of Character......YOU DO KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS RIGHT?
Also my FRIEND I firmly believe that it is YOU that is the one that is the HATER on this thread, as you have clearly stated in this thread, by THREATENING me of being placed in the PENALTY BOX, the other Day, and low and behold who shows up on MY THREAD? a COVERS LINEMAN.
AND in regards to your statement that NO ONE is PERFECT, that is about the most HONEST and straight forward statement you have made. Since IF you are ABLE to READ then you will clearly see that I have constantly stated that "I am not PERFECT" but rather I aim to be correct. I HAVE NEVER GARANTEED ANY OF MY PLAYS. READ......READ......READ.....READ and remember "B" comes after A.
As for my association with people/members on this thread, I would recommend to you that you consult with them, BEFORE making statement in regards to them. SINCE THAT IS ALSO A VIOLATION OF THE LAW.
BUT, I do have ONE final question for you, or should I say TWO
- You stated that you have been surfing this site for information for quite a while now....Is that CORRECT? and if so then how come you are only a member as of JULY 2010?
- You have indicated that you are well adversed with Wagering and Capping Games RIGHT?.....If you are, and I kinda doubt it, then why are you hating and/or judgemental when you have not proven anything?
My friend I say this....RESEARCH and have ALL your FACTS available before you ever make STATEMENTS has you have on my THREAD.
Good Luck, and for my own thought I KNOW JUST WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU REALLY ARE, based on your flamboyant actions and statement. And I can only assume that the people you truly associate with are people like you