Haven't been around lately
Noticed he bombed on Sat.........

I am sadly an Eagles fan (knowing all to well how bad they really are under Big Red and Donny Mac) from Philly...........
Saying that I think he probably wanted to drop a 30 DIMER on the birds but knowing mad heads will fade him I think he faded himself and dooped us all into fading him by taking the Eagles
Just saying - call me conspiracy theorist - anyway.............
So he got some back on us - its cool
He had a teaser tonight which is basically a no play but I think it still lost 15 DIMES - oh well
Oh yeah a 5 DIMER with ATL in the NBA
Whatever happened there but it was only 5 DIMES
Bump........... Found this below from elsewhere -

Re: Lang's Reply : Letter to Pianoman
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Link to Page 120 "Fade Thread"
Wow, a complete running thread about me? I am honored.
To know there is such hatred in the world for me. Seriously, you can
just feel the hate of Mr.Pianoman. You can feel it in his words. His
anger. His frustration. Could just imagine how much the Polamalu pick
six pissed him off even more.
Although not a big winning season in college football, it was a winning
season. Although not a big winning year in the NFL, a winning year.
3 straight winning weeks here in 2009 but to all of you in here,
none of that matters because of the hate you spew with your words of my
losses in the past.
I am so glad I am so significant to all of you that you would take a
second, a mintue of your day to come in here on this thread and vent
about me. Rip me. Shredd me.
Whatever works for you guys and makes you feel better. Life is way to
short so whatever you have to do to make yourself feel good, have at
Here is the thing. Deep down do you really think this shredd hurts me?
Do you really think it hurts my business? Hurts my wallet? Hurts my
reputation? Hurts anything?
I would love to make everyone of your guys day and says it does but I am so sorry to let you know it doesn't.
So you guys continue to live in the past of my losses, the losses that
turned your intial enthusiasm for going with me into the hate it is
now. Did I have some flat out horrific losing streaks. Hell yea, some
of the worst of anybody on the internet.
And if you guys want to live in the past of my losses to use as the
venom of your hate, please, by all means, continue to spew it out
because I just want you guys to feel good about yourselves. It is very
important to me.
I will continue to live in the here and now and as I said on the top, 3 straight winning weeks and counting here in 09.
Am I sorry I couldn't win for you guys when you signed up and rolled with me? Hell yes, nobody hates it more than me.
.but remember one most important thing. I never called your house like
an 800 service does and I never forced you to do a thing. You either
saw me on tv, heard me on radio, chose me and when I didn't step up and
that particular time and lost you money, here comes the hate.
So once again, if it makes you feel better, makes you feel more of a
man to rip me, please, continue on, I just want you to be able to live
everyday of your life doing whatever makes you happy. If hating me here
everyday on this thredd is it, more power to you boys.
Now, a few points about records.
Every loss is recorded on the website and noted on my daily video.
I finished 14-4 ATS with or against the Eagles on both WIP with Angelo
Cataldi and comcastsportsnet tv in Philly. Call WIP or comcast for
Now the big one. My super bowl record.
I came on the internet in 2005 and have hit everyone. Steelers over Seattle, Indy over Bears, Giants over Patriots.
However, every super bowl I have ever given out to people in my life
who have bet it, from my brother, to my very best friends, to clients I
have maintained going back to 1987, to tout services who have bought
the pick from me over the last 18 years, I have never lost for them.
It's 16-0-2 becuase you had a pair of pushes in there. 1997 you had the
Packers -14 over the Bill Parcells Patriots which fell right on the
number of 14 with a 35-21 final and in 2000 when the Kurt Warner led
St.Louis Rams (-7) to a 23-16 win over the Titans.
So there is your 16-0-2.
Ok my Lang haters. There you have it. I will check back in from time to time to see how you are all doing.
Maybe we should have a Lang hate day in Philly. Meet at a restraunt and
you can all come and just rip me for the whole lunch and I pick up the
tab. I love that idea.
I eat lunch every Friday at the Captiol Grill on Broad St. Won't be
there this week but the Friday before the Super bowl I will be there,
at the bar from 2 pm until 3:30.
Bring your hate in person. I will buy you lunch for your hate. Be a
man, show your face, and rip me in person. Don't hide behind your words
here. So cowardly.
Better yet, organize a Lang hate day. Seriously, organize it, tell me
when and where, and I will show and we can have it out. Have it out
however you guys want to have it out because there is just to much hate
in the world. It's the biggest problem in the world today.
Look forward to seeing you guys at Capitol Grill a week from Friday,
especially your Pianoman and if you don't live in Philly, let me know,
I will fly you in. I especially want your hate in person.
All the best,

............... What a tool