I am starting a pay for picks service under PayPal for anyone still interested in my plays. I work very hard to select plays and cap them according to the line to give you the best pick to win you money. It is not easy capping these sports as you all well know. I know that some of you may find this news very discouraging and UN-welcomed. And that is fine. But I am moving forward with this anyhow.
But please don't fret as I am offering this as only a ONE TIME ONLY fee for the year and it is a (early bird special $149.99+tax)
Click now:
What you will get:
**RAZOR SHARPS NCAAF (Bowl season picks)
**RAZOR SHARPS NFL (rest of season and Playoffs)
**RAZOR SHARPS NCAAB (season and tournament)
**RAZOR SHARPS NBA (season and playoffs)
**Every subscriber get's one game of their choice per month of any game you want me to cap that is not on my plays list**
**I do not cap Hockey (like it matters at this point)
**I do not cap Soccer.
For those of you that know me and have signed up you understand that I am capable of winning you some serious money with my plays, and now that this is set up as a pay for picks service I am going to put all my knowledge and resources in this to make sure you get paid.
I am only accepting PayPal payments for this service (no goods will be shipped)
***Early bird special for only a one time fee of($149.99+Tax) USD will last for two weeks only and then full price of ($199.99+Tax) USD will kick in thereafter. So act fast to get Razor Sharps Plays now while Early bird price is still available.
Click LINK to get plays now: PAYPAL
Payment can be sent to razorsharpsrz@gmail.com from paypal link or your paypal account, Be sure to include your ID number and email so I can add you to the picks list via email
This is for serious bettors only, as you know that I am a real, solid and expert capper. And you will have my UN-divided
attention as a paying customer.
Act now and get in the game.
(Note, to players that have not paid for this service as of yet will not receive emails with Razor Sharps plays. Only those that have paid the one time fee will be added to the email list and recieve My picks in the sports stated above for the rest of the season)
Act now and let's make some money: PAYPAL
Razor Sharps