Friday The 13th...
Hello and welcome to all!!! Thank you to all of the contributors and followers of everything we're doing. It's been a good and profitable road thus far, but we can do better. Unlike every other capper on the web, this isn't all about money. It's about us collectively making money, but more than that working together for a common goal; beating the man.
With that said, the bDark Room will be reset from the dates of 02/14/15 to 07/14/15. That means that anyone that would like to continue to receive this valuable information moving forward will get:
M7 Star Selections
the blue Diamond (once a month) (44-16) over the last 60 months
This will be the BIGGEST bD season EVER....
So now this it what it takes to get involved:
1) $150 Contribution per month for 5 months
2) $500 Contribution for all 5 months (save $100 because that saves on resources long term)
And this is the BIG one:
3) $100 for my personal NBA All Star Game NEVER LOSE Selection - You get this, and you win. And when you do, you can apply that to either 1 or 2. If you don't, I will GIVE you 02/14 - 07/14 for FREE. EVERYTHING....
I'm putting my money where my mouth is, as you should. If you're a TRUE gambling investor, this is a WIN/WIN.
If you're ready to continue receiving the BEST Chasing and Wagering Information on the WEB and take the CHALLENGE, then email "CHALLENGE" with your name to:
The Winning and Earnings begins NOW!!!
And just for reading this, here's how you can get some start up cash:
*****Kent St 1st2nd Half ATS Chase*****
(FYI - This will be LIMITED to the First 100 Investors that respond)
I've been here since 1997 and am still here. If you want to be a part of this, don't delay!
This is what I'm bringing to the table. If you see a better value, GO FOR IT. But if not, the clock is ticking...