Quote Originally Posted by TheDrizzle77:
You sound like a 12-year old, and I don't doubt your attention span and mind is that of something similar in age.
If you were serious you wouldn't be talking to anybody on a social forum filled with deadbeats, degenerates and general bums, you clown. I'm pretty sure Steve Jobs didn't get his engines fueled by 4Chan.
If you had a cure for a disease, an electronic device, a palpable item that would be in demand and used by many consumers regardless of age, race and gender, then I would say you have something.
But you don't have cell phone software, you don't have Facebook, Twitter or Quik Seal. YOU HAVE AN UNPROVEN PROGRAM FOR SOMETHING THAT IS ILLEGAL IN 48 STATES YOU MOMO. Not to mention, you said it yourself that even YOU don't want to get mixed up with offshore accounts. Why would the consumer? And then consumers are stricken to just Vegas to use your "guaranteed program." Any sane investor sees the massive road blocks put up by these facts alone.
And if you are looking for somebody to just give you money to add to a bankroll for your "system," then I'd say that Al Pacino's character in Two for the Money is about as realistic an option for you as Peter Pan pulling out his magical d**k and shooting off fairy dust jiz shots all over your room giving you the ability to fly by every lick of the wall. Get over yourself, Ballmer.
You're insulting me and making a mockery of how old you think I am. And who's supposed to be the one with class? I'm not going to join you in the internet battle. I understand why people such as yourself, react the way you do. I really do. So, in that understanding, I will not return fire. But, do me a favor...it's a very simple SIMPLE request, please, if you guys are going to respond to the topic, if you're not going to at least, show any actual interest in what I have, as just a small minority have, ...AT LEAST, at the VERY LEAST, read all of the thread and comprehend it before responding.
Again. I will repeat myself. Once again. As it is obvious, some people here need things broken down for them more than once before they fully understand. Which is not a problem for me. Everyone is not on the same level of intellect and comprehension. I repeat. I am not looking for anyone to give me money. I am not looking to sell my program. I am not looking to sell my picks. I am not looking to start a service.
If you can't comprehend the phrases being used in creating this thread, and can't see how incredibly lucrative it would be, to partner up with me (as a small minority has), and how I have stated that I will share my selections with a select few, totally free, for a while (months) before we make any serious arrangements, please, just avoid this thread. Is that too much to ask?