ETSU -7.0 o143.0
VMI 7.0 u143.0
HC 4.5 o142.0
ARMY -4.5 u142.0
BUT -3.5 o136.5
HALL 3.5 u136.5
MILW -10.0 o151.5
IUPU 10.0 u151.5
USM 8.0 o138.0
APP -8.0 u138.0
ORE 8.0 o154.0
MICH -8.0 u154.0
AMER 1.5 o136.5
BUCK -1.5 u136.5
CIN 3.0 o145.5
UCF -3.0 u145.5
TXST -2.5 o141.5
ODU 2.5 u141.5
DET 13.5 o140.0
RMU -13.5 u140.0
WRST 5.5 o158.0
IPFW -5.5 u158.0
DUQ -3.0 o128.5
RICH 3.0 u128.5
MIZZ 9.5 o135.5
TENN -9.5 u135.5
LOU -13.0 o147.0
BC 13.0 u147.0
L-MD 4.0 o138.0
LAF -4.0 u138.0
GMU -3.5 o130.0
GW 3.5 u130.0
UNI -4.5 o131.5
MOSU 4.5 u131.5
URI -1.0 o154.5
FOR 1.0 u154.5
RICE 7.5 o137.0
ECU -7.5 u137.0
NAVY 1.0 o130.0
BU -1.0 u130.0
WIN -3.5 o153.5
CHSO 3.5 u153.5
ULM 7.5 o148.0
GAST -7.5 u148.0
USA -6.0 o127.0
CCAR 6.0 u127.0
VALP 5.0 o161.5
INST -5.0 u161.5
WCU 17.0 o143.5
FUR -17.0 u143.5
UNCG -13.0 o132.5
CIT 13.0 u132.5
CLEV -1.5 o132.5
NKU 1.5 u132.5
SCUS 6.5 o150.0
PRE -6.5 u150.0
LIP -13.0 o145.5
UWG 13.0 u145.5
ULL 6.0 o145.5
GASO -6.0 u145.5
HP -4.0 o145.0
RAD 4.0 u145.0
TROY 1.0 o136.0
JMU -1.0 u136.0
DUKE -17.5 o143.0
SYR 17.5 u143.0
CHAT 2.5 o143.5
WOF -2.5 u143.5
MER 11.0 o158.0
SAM -11.0 u158.0
QNC -8.5 o148.0
CARK 8.5 u148.0
ILST 3.5 o149.0
UIC -3.5 u149.0
TLSA 18.0 o147.5
MEM -18.0 u147.5
SIU 2.0 o141.5
EVAN -2.0 u141.5
UNA -6.0 o144.0
PEAY 6.0 u144.0
TULN -1.0 o148.5
UTSA 1.0 u148.5
WVU 1.5 o127.5
TCU -1.5 u127.5
ILL -8.5 o158.5
RUTG 8.5 u158.5
CREI -3.5 o143.5
PROV 3.5 u143.5
VILL -5.5 o141.5
DEP 5.5 u141.5
SMU -6.0 o145.5
VT 6.0 u145.5
ARST -3.5 o150.5
MRSH 3.5 u150.5
ARK 7.5 o144.0
TEX -7.5 u144.0
LSU 8.5 o142.0
UGA -8.5 u142.0
BEL 7.5 o158.5
BRAD -7.5 u158.5
COLO 7.5 o143.0
UTAH -7.5 u143.0
NEB -2.5 o142.0
WASH 2.5 u142.0
CSU 9.0 o149.5
UNM -9.0 u149.5
WAKE 3.0 o139.5
STAN -3.0 u139.5
NCST 3.0 o139.5
CAL -3.0 u139.5
Georgia St. 9th CAA11-18
Georgia Southern 12th Southern5-26

Georgia St. @ Georgia Southern injuries

Hanner Fieldhouse

Georgia St.'s Injuries

Player POS Status Date Note
No injuries to report.

Georgia Southern's Injuries

Player POS Status Date Note
No injuries to report.

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