BGSU 4.0 o148.5
EMU -4.0 u148.5
NIU 13.5 o149.5
M-OH -13.5 u149.5
BUFF 13.5 o152.5
CMU -13.5 u152.5
APP -1.5 o139.5
GASO 1.5 u139.5
OHIO -6.5 o156.5
WMU 6.5 u156.5
SLU 1.0 o147.5
DAV -1.0 u147.5
TOL 7.0 o150.0
KENT -7.0 u150.0
VCU -15.0 o134.5
RICH 15.0 u134.5
ODU 10.5 o148.0
MRSH -10.5 u148.0
BAY 2.0 o137.0
CIN -2.0 u137.0
PROV 13.5 o147.5
MARQ -13.5 u147.5
GT 8.5 o141.5
PITT -8.5 u141.5
AKR -7.5 o157.5
BALL 7.5 u157.5
DUKE -22.5 o152.5
MIA 22.5 u152.5
ARMY 4.0 o137.5
LAF -4.0 u137.5
NW 2.0 o131.0
MINN -2.0 u131.0
FLA -6.5 o149.0
UGA 6.5 u149.0
JMU -13.0 o138.5
ULM 13.0 u138.5
INST 6.5 o150.5
MURR -6.5 u150.5
ILST -1.5 o145.5
SIU 1.5 u145.5
ISU -10.5 o148.5
OKST 10.5 u148.5
TROY -2.0 o142.0
TXST 2.0 u142.0
LINW -1.0 o142.0
WIU 1.0 u142.0
SCAR 12.5 o146.0
MIZZ -12.5 u146.0
WASH 13.5 o148.5
WIS -13.5 u148.5
IOWA 10.5 o170.0
ILL -10.5 u170.0
LOU -10.0 o146.5
VT 10.0 u146.5
TCU 7.5 o130.0
WVU -7.5 u130.0
MSST 8.5 o173.5
ALA -8.5 u173.5
TENN -10.5 o139.5
LSU 10.5 u139.5
CSU -12.5 o136.0
AFA 12.5 u136.0
WYO 13.5 o134.5
NEV -13.5 u134.5
UNLV -2.5 o137.5
SJSU 2.5 u137.5
GONZ -6.0 o162.5
SCU 6.0 u162.5
UNM 2.5 o145.0
SDSU -2.5 u145.0
Final Feb 25
UNA 93 -11.0 o144.5
CARK 70 11.0 u144.5
Santa Clara 4th WCC21-10
Wright St. 3rd HORIZON19-11

Santa Clara @ Wright St. injuries

Ervin J. Nutter Center

Santa Clara's Injuries

Player POS Status Date Note
No injuries to report.

Wright St.'s Injuries

Player POS Status Date Note
No injuries to report.

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