ETSU -6.5 o142.0
VMI 6.5 u142.0
HC 4.5 o144.5
ARMY -4.5 u144.5
BUT -5.0 o134.5
HALL 5.0 u134.5
MILW -9.0 o151.0
IUPU 9.0 u151.0
USM 8.0 o136.0
APP -8.0 u136.0
ORE 7.5 o152.0
MICH -7.5 u152.0
AMER 2.5 o138.5
BUCK -2.5 u138.5
CIN 3.0 o147.0
UCF -3.0 u147.0
TXST -2.5 o140.5
ODU 2.5 u140.5
DET 12.5 o138.0
RMU -12.5 u138.0
WRST 5.0 o160.0
IPFW -5.0 u160.0
DUQ -2.5 o128.0
RICH 2.5 u128.0
MIZZ 9.0 o134.0
TENN -9.0 u134.0
LOU -13.5 o146.5
BC 13.5 u146.5
L-MD 4.0 o139.5
LAF -4.0 u139.5
GMU -1.0 o131.0
GW 1.0 u131.0
UNI -4.0 o132.5
MOSU 4.0 u132.5
URI -1.0 o154.5
FOR 1.0 u154.5
RICE 7.5 o138.0
ECU -7.5 u138.0
NAVY 2.0 o130.0
BU -2.0 u130.0
WIN -3.0 o157.0
CHSO 3.0 u157.0
ULM 7.0 o149.5
GAST -7.0 u149.5
USA -7.5 o126.0
CCAR 7.5 u126.0
VALP 5.0 o161.5
INST -5.0 u161.5
WCU 16.0 o145.5
FUR -16.0 u145.5
UNCG -12.5 o131.5
CIT 12.5 u131.5
CLEV 1.5 o132.0
NKU -1.5 u132.0
SCUS 7.0 o148.0
PRE -7.0 u148.0
LIP -12.0 o145.5
UWG 12.0 u145.5
ULL 7.0 o146.5
GASO -7.0 u146.5
HP -6.0 o143.5
RAD 6.0 u143.5
TROY 1.0 o136.0
JMU -1.0 u136.0
DUKE -17.0 o142.5
SYR 17.0 u142.5
CHAT 2.5 o145.5
WOF -2.5 u145.5
MER 11.0 o158.0
SAM -11.0 u158.0
QNC -8.0 o146.0
CARK 8.0 u146.0
ILST 3.5 o149.0
UIC -3.5 u149.0
TLSA 16.5 o147.5
MEM -16.5 u147.5
SIU 2.0 o141.5
EVAN -2.0 u141.5
UNA -5.5 o145.0
PEAY 5.5 u145.0
TULN -2.0 o147.5
UTSA 2.0 u147.5
WVU 1.5 o128.0
TCU -1.5 u128.0
ILL -7.5 o156.5
RUTG 7.5 u156.5
CREI -3.0 o141.5
PROV 3.0 u141.5
VILL -5.5 o142.0
DEP 5.5 u142.0
SMU -4.5 o145.5
VT 4.5 u145.5
ARST -2.5 o152.0
MRSH 2.5 u152.0
ARK 7.5 o142.5
TEX -7.5 u142.5
LSU 8.5 o143.0
UGA -8.5 u143.0
BEL 7.5 o157.5
BRAD -7.5 u157.5
COLO 6.5 o142.0
UTAH -6.5 u142.0
NEB -2.0 o141.5
WASH 2.0 u141.5
CSU 8.0 o149.5
UNM -8.0 u149.5
WAKE 3.5 o141.0
STAN -3.5 u141.0
NCST 1.0 o139.0
CAL -1.0 u139.0
Roosevelt N/A0-0
Northern Illinois 7th MAC20-11

Roosevelt @ Northern Illinois injuries

NIU Convocation Center

Roosevelt's Injuries

Player POS Status Date Note
No injuries to report.

Northern Illinois's Injuries

Player POS Status Date Note
No injuries to report.

Northern Illinois Starters Last Game

Player Min. FGM-FGA Points Assists Rebounds Steals Blocks Fouls
M.Maric 31:00 6-15 17 2 11 1 3 3
A.Armstead 44:00 4-11 13 2 9 2 1 4
J.Key 25:00 3-5 8 0 5 1 2 4
M.Orris 36:00 2-8 4 4 2 1 0 1
T.Baker 43:00 4-8 12 1 3 0 0 4

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