COFC -1.0 o138.5
DREX 1.0 u138.5
ORE 8.5 o155.0
WIS -8.5 u155.0
TENN 2.0 o130.5
TXAM -2.0 u130.5
NJIT 10.0 o150.5
UMBC -10.0 u150.5
FSU 13.5 o154.5
LOU -13.5 u154.5
TCU 7.0 o132.0
CIN -7.0 u132.0
VMI 12.0 o145.5
FUR -12.0 u145.5
RICH 14.0 o136.5
JOES -14.0 u136.5
MSST -4.0 o149.5
OKLA 4.0 u149.5
MRSH 4.0 o138.0
APP -4.0 u138.0
CMU -3.0 o149.0
WMU 3.0 u149.0
WVU 11.0 o135.5
TTU -11.0 u135.5
PSU 3.0 o142.0
MINN -3.0 u142.0
TLSA 6.0 o141.5
RICE -6.0 u141.5
STON 3.5 o135.0
NCAT -3.5 u135.0
DAV -2.5 o148.5
FOR 2.5 u148.5
FDU -1.0 o144.5
SFPA 1.0 u144.5
SCUS 7.0 o156.5
CHSO -7.0 u156.5
TOWS -2.0 o131.5
CAMP 2.0 u131.5
NDSU -4.0 o159.5
UND 4.0 u159.5
HP -8.0 o157.5
WEBB 8.0 u157.5
WAKE -4.0 o137.0
NCST 4.0 u137.0
LONG 2.5 o157.0
UNCA -2.5 u157.0
ME -3.5 o134.5
BING 3.5 u134.5
UNCG -3.5 o144.5
MER 3.5 u144.5
FIU 14.0 o139.5
LIB -14.0 u139.5
TNST 1.5 o151.5
TNTC -1.5 u151.5
UNCW -5.5 o140.0
HAMP 5.5 u140.0
CIT 20.0 o146.5
CHAT -20.0 u146.5
ISU 12.0 o130.5
HOU -12.0 u130.5
ETSU 2.5 o137.0
WOF -2.5 u137.0
WAG -2.5 o126.0
CHS 2.5 u126.0
GT -2.5 o142.0
BC 2.5 u142.0
PITT -1.5 o141.5
ND 1.5 u141.5
BUFF 9.5 o151.5
BALL -9.5 u151.5
URI 6.0 o152.5
SLU -6.0 u152.5
SHSU 5.0 o148.0
MTU -5.0 u148.0
WCU 17.0 o157.0
SAM -17.0 u157.0
ULM 21.0 o147.5
ARST -21.0 u147.5
FRES 2.0 o142.5
AFA -2.0 u142.5
EVAN 6.5 o145.0
UIC -6.5 u145.0
EIU 4.5 o129.5
MORE -4.5 u129.5
MISS 2.0 o152.5
VAN -2.0 u152.5
WIU 10.5 o134.0
UALR -10.5 u134.0
STONE 9.5 o136.5
CCSU -9.5 u136.5
UVA 9.0 o141.5
UNC -9.0 u141.5
UTRGV 4.5 o150.5
NICH -4.5 u150.5
BAY -5.5 o142.5
COLO 5.5 u142.5
DUQ 6.0 o129.0
SBON -6.0 u129.0
HOW -1.0 o165.0
MORG 1.0 u165.0
PRST -3.0 o141.5
WEB 3.0 u141.5
GMU 10.0 o131.0
VCU -10.0 u131.0
UGA 16.0 o147.0
AUB -16.0 u147.0
CLEM -2.0 o146.0
SMU 2.0 u146.0
HOF 1.5 o143.5
DEL -1.5 u143.5
BU 5.0 o127.5
AMER -5.0 u127.5
SJSU 4.0 o134.5
WYO -4.0 u134.5
GASO 8.5 o146.0
JMU -8.5 u146.0
WASH 6.5 o157.5
IOWA -6.5 u157.5
SCST -4.0 o150.5
DSU 4.0 u150.5
LIU 1.0 o136.5
LMC -1.0 u136.5
EWU 3.5 o145.0
NAU -3.5 u145.0
ALCN 6.0 o140.5
JKST -6.0 u140.5
SEA 6.0 o139.0
UVU -6.0 u139.0
OKST 14.0 o149.5
KU -14.0 u149.5
NORF -15.0 o140.0
COPP 15.0 u140.0
PRE 6.0 o134.0
RAD -6.0 u134.0
EMU -4.0 o145.5
NIU 4.0 u145.5
LAM -1.5 o136.5
HBU 1.5 u136.5
TAMC 8.5 o141.0
SELA -8.5 u141.0
MASSL 4.5 o139.0
UVM -4.5 u139.0
FAMU 4.5 o146.0
ALST -4.5 u146.0
CCAR 15.5 o134.0
TROY -15.5 u134.0
LINW 10.0 o144.5
SEMO -10.0 u144.5
AMCC 12.0 o140.5
MCNS -12.0 u140.5
LEH 2.0 o133.5
LAF -2.0 u133.5
COOK -1.5 o150.5
AAMU 1.5 u150.5
UTEP 3.5 o139.0
JVST -3.5 u139.0
CSN -4.5 o145.0
UCD 4.5 u145.0
UCRV -2.0 o160.0
CP 2.0 u160.0
ORST -12.5 o147.5
USD 12.5 u147.5
NMSU 4.5 o142.5
KENN -4.5 u142.5
SOU -3.0 o129.5
GRAM 3.0 u129.5
ARPB 5.5 o161.0
PV -5.5 u161.0
USA 2.0 o134.5
TXST -2.0 u134.5
MURR 7.0 o137.0
BRAD -7.0 u137.0
COR 1.0 o154.0
BRWN -1.0 u154.0
INST 6.5 o170.5
BEL -6.5 u170.5
BSU 1.0 o136.0
NEV -1.0 u136.0
FLA -10.0 o153.0
LSU 10.0 u153.0
UK 9.5 o180.0
ALA -9.5 u180.0
VT 2.5 o147.0
MIA -2.5 u147.0
NWST -7.0 o141.0
UNO 7.0 u141.0
AKR -2.0 o164.5
OHIO 2.0 u164.5
SCU -2.5 o155.0
WSU 2.5 u155.0
HARV 2.0 o143.5
PENN -2.0 u143.5
SFA 2.0 o136.0
IW -2.0 u136.0
MASS 7.0 o146.5
GW -7.0 u146.5
MVSU 23.5 o135.0
TXSO -23.5 u135.0
UCSB -7.5 o138.0
LBSU 7.5 u138.0
GAST 2.5 o152.0
ODU -2.5 u152.0
CLMB 17.5 o161.0
YALE -17.5 u161.0
VALP 6.0 o146.5
SIU -6.0 u146.5
DSU 7.0 o144.5
AC -7.0 u144.5
PORT 3.0 o147.0
PAC -3.0 u147.0
WM 3.5 o151.0
ELON -3.5 u151.0
UNH 13.0 o144.0
ALBY -13.0 u144.0
TST 7.0 o137.5
UTA -7.0 u137.5
SDSU 6.5 o143.0
USU -6.5 u143.0
SAC 10.0 o138.5
IDST -10.0 u138.5
SMC 6.5 o142.0
GONZ -6.5 u142.0
IDHO 9.0 o157.0
UNCO -9.0 u157.0
ILST -3.0 o136.5
MOSU 3.0 u136.5
ULL 4.5 o148.5
USM -4.5 u148.5
MIZZ -1.5 o149.0
ARK 1.5 u149.0
DART 6.5 o146.5
PRIN -6.5 u146.5
ILL 8.5 o156.5
DUKE -8.5 u156.5
BUT -4.0 o148.5
DEP 4.0 u148.5
STT -8.5 o158.0
ORU 8.5 u158.0
CBU 10.5 o149.5
GC -10.5 u149.5
LT 1.0 o146.0
WKU -1.0 u146.0
SDAK 5.5 o171.0
NEOM -5.5 u171.0
SIUE -4.5 o140.0
USI 4.5 u140.0
TEX -2.5 o139.5
SCAR 2.5 u139.5
MONT 1.5 o145.5
MTST -1.5 u145.5
PEPP 6.5 o146.5
LMU -6.5 u146.5
UCI -7.5 o141.5
CSB 7.5 u141.5
BYU 7.0 o154.5
ARIZ -7.0 u154.5
CAL 6.0 o148.5
STAN -6.0 u148.5
HAW 15.5 o138.0
UCSD -15.5 u138.0
CSU -3.0 o137.5
UNLV 3.0 u137.5
Coastal Carolina 14th Sun Belt9-19
Troy 4th Sun Belt17-10

Coastal Carolina @ Troy picks

Trojan Arena

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Our user picks are made by you, our valued users - we highlight the best user picks, sharing the users who are on a hot streak.


'fishercz' is picking Troy to cover (-15.5)

fishercz is #1 on picking games that Coastal Carolina is in with a record of (15-9-0) and +9300 units on the season.


'fishercz' picks Coastal Carolina vs Troy to go Over (134.5)

fishercz is #1 on picking games that Coastal Carolina is in with a record of (15-9-0) and +9300 units on the season.


'DaBoss80' picks Coastal Carolina vs Troy to go Over (134.0)

DaBoss80 is #10 on picking games that Coastal Carolina is in with a record of (20-3-0) and +4600 units on the season.


'DaBoss80' is picking Troy to cover (-15.5)

DaBoss80 is #10 on picking games that Coastal Carolina is in with a record of (20-3-0) and +4600 units on the season.


'Rossi35' is picking Troy to cover (-15.5)

Rossi35 is #3 on picking games that Coastal Carolina is in with a record of (10-3-0) and +6700 units on the season.


'Rossi35' picks Coastal Carolina vs Troy to go Under (134.5)

Rossi35 is #3 on picking games that Coastal Carolina is in with a record of (10-3-0) and +6700 units on the season.


'sprality777' is picking Coastal Carolina to cover (+16.0)

sprality777 is #4 on picking games that Coastal Carolina is in with a record of (13-10-0) and +6200 units on the season.


'sprality777' picks Coastal Carolina vs Troy to go Over (134.5)

sprality777 is #4 on picking games that Coastal Carolina is in with a record of (13-10-0) and +6200 units on the season.


'Geo Lazos' is picking Coastal Carolina to cover (+15.5)

Geo Lazos is #6 on picking games that Troy is in with a record of (15-9-0) and +4050 units on the season.


'Geo Lazos' picks Coastal Carolina vs Troy to go Under (134.5)

Geo Lazos is #6 on picking games that Troy is in with a record of (15-9-0) and +4050 units on the season.


'hogster' picks Coastal Carolina vs Troy to go Over (134.0)

hogster is #8 on picking games that Coastal Carolina is in with a record of (15-9-0) and +5100 units on the season.


'hogster' is picking Coastal Carolina to cover (+15.5)

hogster is #8 on picking games that Coastal Carolina is in with a record of (15-9-0) and +5100 units on the season.


'Gunner28' is picking Coastal Carolina to cover (+15.5)

Gunner28 is #9 on picking games that Coastal Carolina is in with a record of (14-10-0) and +5100 units on the season.


'Gunner28' picks Coastal Carolina vs Troy to go Over (134.5)

Gunner28 is #9 on picking games that Coastal Carolina is in with a record of (14-10-0) and +5100 units on the season.


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