CONN -7.0 o144.5
PROV 7.0 u144.5
SYR 3.5 o143.0
VT -3.5 u143.0
JOES -8.5 o151.5
FOR 8.5 u151.5
CLEM -6.5 o132.5
UVA 6.5 u132.5
BUT 7.5 o144.0
VILL -7.5 u144.0
MD -4.5 o156.5
PSU 4.5 u156.5
MIA 16.0 o161.0
UNC -16.0 u161.0
AMER 4.0 o140.5
COLG -4.0 u140.5
ARK 1.0 o138.0
SCAR -1.0 u138.0
UVM -7.0 o142.5
UMBC 7.0 u142.5
M-OH 6.5 o159.5
OHIO -6.5 u159.5
AUB -5.0 o166.0
UK 5.0 u166.0
ETSU -11.5 o132.0
CIT 11.5 u132.0
BING 8.5 o151.5
MASSL -8.5 u151.5
CHS 9.0 o144.0
SFPA -9.0 u144.0
YSU 2.5 o144.0
NKU -2.5 u144.0
CHAT -9.5 o152.5
VMI 9.5 u152.5
LAF 3.0 o129.5
BU -3.0 u129.5
LEH 4.0 o141.0
ARMY -4.0 u141.0
RICH 14.0 o136.5
DAY -14.0 u136.5
CHSO 10.0 o140.0
RAD -10.0 u140.0
FUR 3.0 o142.5
WOF -3.0 u142.5
MONM 5.0 o134.5
DREX -5.0 u134.5
NE 3.0 o151.0
WM -3.0 u151.0
MINN 7.5 o134.0
NEB -7.5 u134.0
NCAT 10.0 o127.0
HOF -10.0 u127.0
ALBY -6.5 o145.0
NJIT 6.5 u145.0
WEBB 3.5 o143.5
PRE -3.5 u143.5
JVST -2.5 o137.5
FIU 2.5 u137.5
BUCK -5.5 o139.0
HC 5.5 u139.0
TTU 5.0 o144.5
KU -5.0 u144.5
BALL 2.0 o149.5
BGSU -2.0 u149.5
GMU -2.0 o126.5
DUQ 2.0 u126.5
NORF 2.0 o147.0
SCST -2.0 u147.0
BRY -1.5 o146.5
ME 1.5 u146.5
TULN -3.0 o141.0
TLSA 3.0 u141.0
AFA 21.5 o145.0
UNM -21.5 u145.0
OKLA 7.5 o153.0
MISS -7.5 u153.0
LONG -7.0 o161.0
SCUS 7.0 u161.0
ORU 10.5 o155.5
NEOM -10.5 u155.5
HALL 20.0 o133.5
SJU -20.0 u133.5
WRST -4.0 o153.0
IUPU 4.0 u153.0
AC 5.5 o145.5
UTA -5.5 u145.5
SDST -7.5 o148.0
DEN 7.5 u148.0
NCST 3.5 o140.0
GT -3.5 u140.0
IW -4.0 o137.0
TAMC 4.0 u137.0
AAMU 7.5 o148.5
ALST -7.5 u148.5
LSU 11.5 o150.0
MSST -11.5 u150.0
USU 1.5 o149.5
CSU -1.5 u149.5
DET 17.0 o146.0
MILW -17.0 u146.0
UNCA 4.5 o163.5
WIN -4.5 u163.5
UCF 4.0 o150.5
TCU -4.0 u150.5
LIU -1.0 o133.5
FDU 1.0 u133.5
YALE -10.5 o145.0
HARV 10.5 u145.0
BRWN 1.5 o146.0
DART -1.5 u146.0
L-MD 4.0 o138.0
NAVY -4.0 u138.0
PV 10.0 o143.5
ALCN -10.0 u143.5
ALA 4.0 o159.0
TENN -4.0 u159.0
LINW 4.5 o146.5
TNTC -4.5 u146.5
USC 7.0 o152.5
ORE -7.0 u152.5
MTST -6.5 o135.5
SAC 6.5 u135.5
COPP 9.5 o146.0
DSU -9.5 u146.0
SUU 14.0 o143.5
UVU -14.0 u143.5
SAM 1.5 o149.0
UNCG -1.5 u149.0
IPFW 3.0 o150.0
CLEV -3.0 u150.0
MTU 2.0 o145.0
UTEP -2.0 u145.0
HAMP 7.0 o132.5
TOWS -7.0 u132.5
MORG -4.0 o150.0
UMES 4.0 u150.0
TXSO 3.0 o142.0
JKST -3.0 u142.0
HOW 3.0 o157.0
NCCU -3.0 u157.0
L-IL 2.5 o139.5
SLU -2.5 u139.5
SEMO -6.0 o135.0
EIU 6.0 u135.0
HBU 4.0 o132.0
NWST -4.0 u132.0
MORE 5.5 o133.5
UTM -5.5 u133.5
TOL -7.0 o159.0
BUFF 7.0 u159.0
CREI 2.0 o152.0
XAV -2.0 u152.0
CIN 13.5 o126.0
HOU -13.5 u126.0
WMU -4.5 o148.0
NIU 4.5 u148.0
LMC 6.0 o146.5
STONE -6.0 u146.5
USI 7.5 o150.5
TNST -7.5 u150.5
UALR 1.5 o135.5
SIUE -1.5 u135.5
WCU 8.5 o158.0
MER -8.5 u158.0
MONT 3.0 o145.0
PRST -3.0 u145.0
WEB 5.5 o145.5
IDHO -5.5 u145.5
CSB 3.5 o162.5
CP -3.5 u162.5
IDST -2.5 o145.5
EWU 2.5 u145.5
SMU -1.0 o150.5
STAN 1.0 u150.5
UND 4.0 o176.5
SDAK -4.0 u176.5
ND 9.5 o140.0
WAKE -9.5 u140.0
UNO 10.0 o154.5
UTRGV -10.0 u154.5
SELA 2.5 o139.5
AMCC -2.5 u139.5
SOU -2.0 o139.5
COOK 2.0 u139.5
LT 2.0 o139.0
SHSU -2.0 u139.0
ELON -5.5 o137.5
STON 5.5 u137.5
IND -1.0 o145.0
WASH 1.0 u145.0
GRAM 2.0 o133.0
FAMU -2.0 u133.0
URI 2.0 o155.0
MASS -2.0 u155.0
PENN 1.5 o153.0
CLMB -1.5 u153.0
MIZZ -2.5 o158.5
VAN 2.5 u158.5
CAMP 6.5 o146.0
COFC -6.5 u146.0
LAS 9.5 o144.5
GW -9.5 u144.5
NICH -1.5 o140.5
SFA 1.5 u140.5
CCSU -7.5 o121.0
WAG 7.5 u121.0
PITT 10.5 o150.5
LOU -10.5 u150.5
WKU 4.0 o143.0
NMSU -4.0 u143.0
ASU 8.0 o148.5
UTAH -8.0 u148.5
ARPB -10.5 o143.0
MVSU 10.5 u143.0
MCNS -9.0 o134.0
LAM 9.0 u134.0
DEL 10.5 o155.5
UNCW -10.5 u155.5
BSU -17.0 o145.5
FRES 17.0 u145.5
FSU 22.5 o149.5
DUKE -22.5 u149.5
OAK -8.0 o147.0
GB 8.0 u147.0
UCSB 5.5 o150.0
CSN -5.5 u150.0
UGA 5.0 o145.5
TEX -5.0 u145.5
UMKC 9.0 o143.5
STT -9.0 u143.5
OKST 12.5 o152.5
BAY -12.5 u152.5
MARQ -8.5 o147.0
GTWN 8.5 u147.0
SCU -13.0 o149.5
PAC 13.0 u149.5
SDSU -7.5 o131.5
WYO 7.5 u131.5
TXAM 9.0 o148.0
FLA -9.0 u148.0
ARIZ 5.5 o151.5
ISU -5.5 u151.5
CBU -2.5 o145.5
DSU 2.5 u145.5
PORT -3.0 o159.5
USD 3.0 u159.5
ORST 11.5 o130.0
SMC -11.5 u130.0
LBSU 16.5 o136.0
UCI -16.5 u136.0
WVU 10.5 o139.0
BYU -10.5 u139.0
WSU -5.0 o160.5
PEPP 5.0 u160.5
UNCO -4.0 o153.5
NAU 4.0 u153.5
GC -1.0 o141.0
SEA 1.0 u141.0
BC 8.0 o143.5
CAL -8.0 u143.5
CSF 26.5 o142.5
UCSD -26.5 u142.5
GONZ -8.5 o157.5
SF 8.5 u157.5
UCD 3.0 o132.5
HAW -3.0 u132.5
Brown 5th Ivy14-11
Dartmouth 2nd Ivy13-12

Brown @ Dartmouth picks

Edward Leede Arena

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User Picks

Our user picks are made by you, our valued users - we highlight the best user picks, sharing the users who are on a hot streak.


'kermitfrog' picks Brown vs Dartmouth to go Under (145.0)

kermitfrog is #1 on picking games that Brown is in with a record of (14-6-0) and +7400 units on the season.


'kermitfrog' is picking Dartmouth to cover (-2.5)

kermitfrog is #1 on picking games that Brown is in with a record of (14-6-0) and +7400 units on the season.


'moneyformo' is picking Dartmouth to cover (-1.5)

moneyformo is #2 on picking games that Brown is in with a record of (7-6-0) and +6450 units on the season.


'pokersquirrel' is picking Brown to cover (+2.5)

pokersquirrel is #4 on picking games that Brown is in with a record of (13-10-0) and +6200 units on the season.


'pokersquirrel' picks Brown vs Dartmouth to go Under (145.0)

pokersquirrel is #4 on picking games that Brown is in with a record of (13-10-0) and +6200 units on the season.


'mjpalli' is picking Dartmouth to cover (-2.5)

mjpalli is #4 on picking games that Dartmouth is in with a record of (4-4-0) and +4650 units on the season.


'mccarthj' is picking Brown to cover (+1.5)

mccarthj is #5 on picking games that Brown is in with a record of (9-3-0) and +4150 units on the season.


'mccarthj' picks Brown vs Dartmouth to go Under (146.0)

mccarthj is #5 on picking games that Brown is in with a record of (9-3-0) and +4150 units on the season.


'Tbombs' is picking Brown to cover (+2.5)

Tbombs is #6 on picking games that Brown is in with a record of (10-6-0) and +4050 units on the season.


'Tbombs' picks Brown vs Dartmouth to go Under (145.0)

Tbombs is #6 on picking games that Brown is in with a record of (10-6-0) and +4050 units on the season.


'Alexandr1966' is picking Brown to cover (+1.5)

Alexandr1966 is #9 on picking games that Dartmouth is in with a record of (10-9-0) and +3800 units on the season.


'BPD72' is picking Brown to cover (+1.5)

BPD72 is #9 on picking games that Brown is in with a record of (6-1-0) and +3850 units on the season.


'Alexandr1966' picks Brown vs Dartmouth to go Over (146.0)

Alexandr1966 is #9 on picking games that Dartmouth is in with a record of (10-9-0) and +3800 units on the season.


'BPD72' picks Brown vs Dartmouth to go Under (146.0)

BPD72 is #9 on picking games that Brown is in with a record of (6-1-0) and +3850 units on the season.


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