WMU 17.0 o155.5
AKR -17.0 u155.5
BYU 2.5 o136.0
WVU -2.5 u136.0
EMU 4.5 o148.0
BALL -4.5 u148.0
BUFF 2.0 o152.5
NIU -2.0 u152.5
OHIO -4.5 o155.5
BGSU 4.5 u155.5
ISU -7.5 o158.5
UCF 7.5 u158.5
SYR 1.5 o153.0
MIA -1.5 u153.0
L-IL -4.0 o133.0
RICH 4.0 u133.0
UAB -2.5 o153.0
ECU 2.5 u153.0
UTAH 8.5 o139.0
CIN -8.5 u139.0
FLA -1.5 o152.0
MSST 1.5 u152.0
TOL 3.5 o158.5
M-OH -3.5 u158.5
AUB -9.0 o156.5
VAN 9.0 u156.5
TENN -2.5 o149.5
UK 2.5 u149.5
CMU 7.0 o134.0
KENT -7.0 u134.0
PUR 2.0 o150.5
MICH -2.0 u150.5
ARIZ -3.0 o150.5
KSU 3.0 u150.5
GMU -1.0 o132.0
SLU 1.0 u132.0
INST 8.0 o152.5
UNI -8.0 u152.5
UCLA 5.5 o149.0
ILL -5.5 u149.0
SEMO 5.0 o137.0
UALR -5.0 u137.0
UIC 1.5 o146.5
MURR -1.5 u146.5
DEP 18.5 o144.0
MARQ -18.5 u144.0
UNT -6.0 o126.0
RICE 6.0 u126.0
UGA 8.5 o138.0
TXAM -8.5 u138.0
PITT 4.5 o150.5
SMU -4.5 u150.5
ALA -2.5 o165.5
TEX 2.5 u165.5
CONN 3.0 o144.5
CREI -3.0 u144.5
LMU -2.0 o144.0
PEPP 2.0 u144.0
IND 11.0 o148.5
MSU -11.0 u148.5
COLO 16.5 o141.5
KU -16.5 u141.5
PSU 4.5 o151.5
USC -4.5 u151.5
AFA 15.0 o134.0
UNLV -15.0 u134.0
NW 9.5 o142.5
ORE -9.5 u142.5
CSU 6.0 o147.5
USU -6.0 u147.5
SCU 9.5 o137.0
SMC -9.5 u137.0
SDSU -6.0 o137.0
SJSU 6.0 u137.0
Jackson State 1st SWAC19-11
Baylor 2nd Big 1224-6

Jackson State @ Baylor injuries

The Ferrell Center

Jackson State's Injuries

Player POS Status Date Note
No injuries to report.

Baylor's Injuries

Player POS Status Date Note
No injuries to report.

Baylor Starters Last Game

Player Min. FGM-FGA Points Assists Rebounds Steals Blocks Fouls
E.Udoh 38:00 4-6 10 3 10 1 1 2
T.Carter 39:00 9-12 27 3 4 1 0 1
J.Lomers 14:00 3-3 7 0 2 0 0 4
L.Dunn 28:00 3-10 7 3 5 1 0 3
F.Ellis 3:00 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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