Total PicksEWU 132, MONT 46
lenny2098 is #1 on picking games that Montana is in with a record of (20-7-0) and +10250 units on the season.
faustobone is #1 on picking games that Eastern WA is in with a record of (16-7-0) and +9350 units on the season.
luckychance12 is #2 on picking games that Eastern WA is in with a record of (13-10-0) and +5700 units on the season.
Dalmeetz48 is #3 on picking games that Montana is in with a record of (14-7-0) and +7950 units on the season.
brooks13 is #4 on picking games that Montana is in with a record of (9-1-0) and +7450 units on the season.
fishter923 is #5 on picking games that Montana is in with a record of (16-10-0) and +7150 units on the season.
roxwawy20 is #6 on picking games that Eastern WA is in with a record of (17-7-0) and +4650 units on the season.
wiseguy43 is #8 on picking games that Eastern WA is in with a record of (10-7-0) and +4300 units on the season.
starpano is #9 on picking games that Montana is in with a record of (16-8-0) and +6200 units on the season.