Quote Originally Posted by Mack05:
Mohjo I know you feel strongly about "the commissions messing up the sport we love" but it is not up to Floyd Mayweather the change the rules here. If you want real change then the boxers/trainers, boxing organisations and commissions need to work together to bring about the change that is probably needed.
If you get people like Mayweather, then have a few people follow him you could conceivably have a situation like MMA or wrestling (bad example) where fighters are fighting for different organisations and due to contract restrictions can't fight each other (eg Fedor and Lesnar).
How the hell is that good for boxing?. Mayweather is not entitled to make the rules and this could be the start of something terrible for boxing. He isn't doing this to clean up the sport, that is a pile of horsesh!t.
Yes we would all like to see USADA drug testing but you know the costs how is this realistic? You have seen the cost of these tests, for most fighters the tests would cost the fight fee they are getting! Its not a realistic option or worse again boxing gets split in two where you have the fighters that can afford the tests and those who can't.
Look at the super 6. There have been drug allegations and rumours made about both Andre Dirrell and Andre Ward. Do you see Carl Froch, Kessler or AA whingeing about drug tests? No they leave it to the commissions to do their jobs.
Yes there needs to be changes to clean up the sport as best as possible but its not up to Floyd Mayweather or any other boxer to insist what these changes should be! The drug cheats will always be one step ahead of the testers. There may never be a solution that's fair to all, but right now the rules specified by the commionssions are the fairest way to dictate terms of a fight.
People involed heavily in boxing should be working on improving those current standards, instead of having renegade fighters who think they are bigger then the sport making their own rules (so they can find the best way to duck an opponent, they really don't want to fight).
Sorry Mohjo but you are wrong here. Pacquaio or any other fighter should never agree to Floyd making these demands. Because if they do, that is the start of boxing going down a path we don't want it to go down on.
Ok there are so many things that are wrong in this post I'm starting to reconsider if we should even talk about this anymore
It comes down to your stance is Mayweather shouldn't be calling the shots even if they are the right rules that should be in place...
I'll keep it simple and plain Do you think that there should be testing? If no then we don't even have to argue anymore b'c you sir are wrong and anyone w/ half intelligence knows that
I'd love to get Nuttyrich to chime in but am afraid he doesn't want to take any sides
Then you claim that Mayweather is going to split boxing into different sanctions are you mad how would he get the money to back that? So that is basically a pointless reason due to no realistic possibility of it happening let alone it would make no sense for Floyd business wise...
The cost is great but not as great as having your life ruined and if the cost is the problem than have it for only title fights or blockbuster fights were the amount won't hurt as much it's possible and won't make a dent in the plus million dollar range of fighters even after all their other fees...
And as far as the super 6 if you're fine w allegations not being checked out then you're in the wrong this is a privilege you should have to earn and one of the requirements should be testing clean before a fight to make sure the playing field is level...
So if the boxing commission inducted the same rules that Mayweather is asking for you'd be ok with it then but only b'c they were the ones asking
where is the logic in that? I'm not saying he even gives a fuck about boxing but that doesn't make his stance wrong. It's the right thing to do not only b'c it will level the playing field but also b'c peoples lives are at stake...
Do you understand that you're arguing against something not b'c it's wrong but b'c it's not brought up in the manner you think is correct. I can't believe you have this stance and you're only argument is it's right but Pacman shouldn't do it only b'c Floyd is asking for it up to the day of the fight... The man is taking the same test and will be subject to the same fatigue Manny will be but that plays nothing into your thought process the only thing you can say is that it shouldn't fly b'c Mayweather is demanding it even though you state that it is the right thing to do...
And last but not least you want us to wait for the commissions and trainers to clean it up and do what's right? The same group that has never made one fight for the fans that didn't fill their pockets before anything else or the same type of trainers (Roach as an example w/ James Toney) who willingly allow fighters to use PED's and turn a blind eye or maybe the trainer for Margirito who stuffs his gloves or Pryor's magical juice bottle. If you want to wait for these types of people to clean this sport it's like saying let's wait for politicians to do whats right for the country and not the lobbyist who pay them. Newsflash it's never going to happen that way not in this lifetime....