Quote Originally Posted by fubah2: @zircon Hello and thank you Zircon for your help answering Hoyasaxa's question Been busy with other things today and not around much lately. So you're exactly correct, btw! +46.64 I update my lost juice daily and post it along with my wins, and so as I always say, if it matters to anyone (in this case Hoyasaxa) then it's easy enough to simply multiply wins by a factor of +100 (+16,800 won) then subtract my posted juice losses on bets (-12,136) to get +4,664, which is +46.64 units to most people who view records as one unit plays. I have more stats to wrap up my season coming. BoL to you through the remainder of the season BTW, what is sru ?
SRU is a term I coined specifically for comparing forum records fairly.
Standardized Recordkeeping Units. All picks counted at ONE UNIT, without any regard to how much $$$$ (units) one "claims" to bet on the pick, since money is not relevent to assessing the skills involved at picking more winners than losers (handicapping skill)
The term "units" is misunderstood by many. It has become "bastardized" by a number of sports-forum pretenders (not only at covers.com) who toss "units" around like confetti at a wedding! Usually in a vanity driven attempt to draw admirers to his threads by manipulating his forum "records" to look more appealing, often despite mediocre skills picking more winners than losers!
So I felt a different term has become necessary when I compare records.
Simply, SRU levels the playing field so all records are judged apples to apples.
If four different guys pick DUKE -6.5 and DUKE covers,
but one dude claimed it as his 50 unit **POD,**
second guy claimed his pick as a 30 unit **BOMB**
third guy posted it as his **20 unit MAX HAMMER**
and the 4th guy just posts "DUKE -6.5" (with no press conference; no parade)
it should be obvious that none of them has any more skill at picking more winners than losers over any other. They are all 1-0 equally.
Now if a dude wishes to chest thump how he "allegedly" wagered $15,000 on his pick and now his very mediocre 53.5% W/L record is up over +400 "units" then great! marvelous! oh boy! that's awesome! wowwee! But any win is still just 1-0 and no better skilled than any other who also won their pick regardless what $$$ they bet.
1-0 +1.0 sru