About records, units, money management, and aslo bullsh*t!
What follows is a long series of posts linked together because this dissertation cannot fit into one single post.
Please read them all before commenting
Although I am very well read about sports betting, my actual results at achieving consistent profit are mediocre. This is why I track other successful handicappers in hopes I might learn tips from their skills to improve my own. I do not "tail" anyone's bets, but I do watch them to hopefully confirm my own selections are on the right side, as I am sure many others do as well.
What is the goal of Sports Betting?
The goal of sports betting is to achieve profit. Period.
I have noted 6 distinct methods for bettors to attempt to achieve this goal:
1. Good handicapping! Achieving many more wins than losses.
2. Tailing bettors who are achieving significant, winning records.
3. Big hits! Betting much more on key events, to overcome mediocre W/L record
4. Huge volume of bets, using multiplication factor despite tiny profit margins
5. Moneyline betting mostly on dogs, typically ML sports (W/L record is irrelevent)
6. Arbitrage betting (W/L record is irrelevent)
On sports gambling forums the first listed "Good handicapping" is the most prominent. To achieve profit this way, consistently over time, requires good handicapping skill. The main focus of my discussion centers around this.
On internet sports forums we see hundreds of members "posting picks."
But there's no accountability on the internet; people can make up anything.
Let's be candid here: few of those are actually betting significant sums (despite boasts to the contrary) and even fewer are achieving sigificant profits (despite false boasts to the contrary)