Well iv been cold, mostly playing halves as i used to play. One thing i observed no matter how big of a lead my play had, play still lose these past few days, not sure what kind of element is there to get me so i say phck it and played what i cap, this time i went for the full game.
Seems to me they got lots of liberty toying with my plays in fh and end up losing no matter how my play looks good earlier in the game, money to be made by them but not me.
strings of luck not going on my side too many times almost every play.
one example yesterday i got a tremendous lead having ncstate in fh and howard fh over both loss in the end after looking great the entire fh.
Im ready to pack my bags if this dont hit and call it done. It ain’t funny anymore and not even realistic how i lose each and every play.
you could have made a fortune if you had fade me this week.
Even a system play lose imagine that system play keeps hitting and the moment i went for a huge bomb of all days the play loss again.
that would be coastal carolina fh plus points.
a 7 0 system play started in the first week of january…
finally went south playing coastal carolina. Of all the days they decided to stop it that day.
so today i decide to went for the full game. Let my play play all through out and see if they still can phck up my play.
oh and if you dont know i already said this before… seems to me the moment i start capping and betting all my pc and phone go slow, jammed is what i called, aint only this year, slow and most of the time i need to changed multiple wifi connection in order to continue what i am doing.
this books hates me because iv been vocal in what they are doing. Im the only one who spill the beans on what’s been happening each day in multiple leagues. Lol
i expose it if the day all dogs won i wrote it down, all first q under in nba then 2h all over i wrote it down etc……. Lol
karma will get you specifically those who are in charge phcking everything that i do. Playing too dirty.
it’s ok i had cash out multiple times though and i made sure i get some but looks to me they’l get it all back 3 folds.
bravo but atleast i pissed you off .!.
exposing some weird results you got every week but it’s happening each day.
who does that everyday there’s a choreography in nba lol. You fck.
Fck this .!. My play full game.