Lefty from a red state? Huh!
forced vaccine mandates don't work its a brutal form of control by the left and they will never stop. hardworking folks are losing their jobs including doctors and nurses who helped save lives during the pandemic now forced out by mandates.
forced vaccine mandates don't work its a brutal form of control by the left and they will never stop. hardworking folks are losing their jobs including doctors and nurses who helped save lives during the pandemic now forced out by mandates.
FORCING it is a giant awful bad decision. Let the people decide for themselves. I have no issues with people who CHOOSE to get vaccinated. But get forced? To lose the income and livelyhood? Come on now, give me a f'n break now folks.
FORCING it is a giant awful bad decision. Let the people decide for themselves. I have no issues with people who CHOOSE to get vaccinated. But get forced? To lose the income and livelyhood? Come on now, give me a f'n break now folks.
Instead of listening to people like Robert Gallo, or Larry Brilliant - you guys have convinced me
>> it's that medical giant Joe Rogan or Alex Jones from here on out brutha !!!!
In fact, drawing a MULE TEAM BATH as we speak - complete with a SHEEP DRENCH Martini !
SO tired of being lied to by these 'so called experts' - gimme a break man !!
In fact - bring back POLIO and SMALLPOX ! - them diseases was overrated brutha! Hell I hurt myself shaving every day worse that anything that shiit ever done man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TRUMP / JFK. Jr in 2024 !!!!!!!
Instead of listening to people like Robert Gallo, or Larry Brilliant - you guys have convinced me
>> it's that medical giant Joe Rogan or Alex Jones from here on out brutha !!!!
In fact, drawing a MULE TEAM BATH as we speak - complete with a SHEEP DRENCH Martini !
SO tired of being lied to by these 'so called experts' - gimme a break man !!
In fact - bring back POLIO and SMALLPOX ! - them diseases was overrated brutha! Hell I hurt myself shaving every day worse that anything that shiit ever done man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TRUMP / JFK. Jr in 2024 !!!!!!!
you are on a roll BA…stick these fools with wicked sarcasm, though most are too obtuse and or too ignorant to appreciate it and/or learn from it.
you are the man!
you are on a roll BA…stick these fools with wicked sarcasm, though most are too obtuse and or too ignorant to appreciate it and/or learn from it.
you are the man!
I’m sorry I think this is too funny. Everybody calls me a conspiracy theory us lol because they can’t handle the truth can somebody tell me why there’s hundreds and thousands of new Covid cases every week from people that are vaccinated and why is the number of Covid deaths almost 1 1/2 times it was in 2020 when they didn’t have the vaccine in 2020 …this is just a fucking big hoax I’m so glad I never got that bullshit vaccine and I never will God help everybody that did
I’m sorry I think this is too funny. Everybody calls me a conspiracy theory us lol because they can’t handle the truth can somebody tell me why there’s hundreds and thousands of new Covid cases every week from people that are vaccinated and why is the number of Covid deaths almost 1 1/2 times it was in 2020 when they didn’t have the vaccine in 2020 …this is just a fucking big hoax I’m so glad I never got that bullshit vaccine and I never will God help everybody that did
As my former wonderful President Trump said ““ they are not after me they are after you I am just in the way if anybody is too fucking blind to see it then you really are fucking stupid they’re coming after us like you wouldn’t believe and r never going to fucking stop really hundreds of thousands of illegals walking in this country no test no vaccination but we must get one or get fired you must show proof to go fuck eat st a restaurant get ready the Civil War is going to fucking happen and I am ready for one
As my former wonderful President Trump said ““ they are not after me they are after you I am just in the way if anybody is too fucking blind to see it then you really are fucking stupid they’re coming after us like you wouldn’t believe and r never going to fucking stop really hundreds of thousands of illegals walking in this country no test no vaccination but we must get one or get fired you must show proof to go fuck eat st a restaurant get ready the Civil War is going to fucking happen and I am ready for one
The clot shot is nothing more than an IQ test.
You can't call it a vaccine because it doesn't prevent you from contracting an illness, you aren't immunized against anything.
There have been enough superspreader events that caused zero outbreaks, and enough fully vaccinated lemmings that came down with Covid galore, to completely eviscerate any credibility that "experts" have. This whole approach to slowing the spread/getting past covid has been anti-scientific and counterproductive.
If they let it circulate naturally and quarantined the sick for the first few months it was in circulation, all the kids would have had asymptomatic cases, and innate immunity and would have served as a buffer to prevent the virus from circulating in the general population long-term. By wearing masks we prolonged the circulation of it, and the lockdowns accomplished absolutely nothing (see European countries implementing fresh lockdowns after removing all restrictions). We needed unmasked kids in schools and we needed healthy adults to take drugs they are using elsewhere in the world (Ivermectin, HCQ, etc) and get over it, with natural long-term immunity.
And most of the deaths are due to putting people on Remdesevir that kills off 40% of patients anyway, and causes pulmonary edema, which then causes doctors to shove a vent down your throat and almost certainly kill you off.
Looks good on the death toll spreadsheet for media fearmongers, but it really sucks for people who went to a hospital and got killed off.
Nobody's going to win any arguments on it, the only good thing to come out of it is that I can more easily identify retards when they brag about getting their shots and boosters.
Have fun getting your 27th booster shot in 2035, make sure you get your flu vax too. And of course, you'll keep getting Covid and the flu somehow anyway.
If the government told a certain group of people to eat their own feces, they would bust out a fork and do it. Just claim you are "following the science" or "saving lives" and they will line right up.
The clot shot is nothing more than an IQ test.
You can't call it a vaccine because it doesn't prevent you from contracting an illness, you aren't immunized against anything.
There have been enough superspreader events that caused zero outbreaks, and enough fully vaccinated lemmings that came down with Covid galore, to completely eviscerate any credibility that "experts" have. This whole approach to slowing the spread/getting past covid has been anti-scientific and counterproductive.
If they let it circulate naturally and quarantined the sick for the first few months it was in circulation, all the kids would have had asymptomatic cases, and innate immunity and would have served as a buffer to prevent the virus from circulating in the general population long-term. By wearing masks we prolonged the circulation of it, and the lockdowns accomplished absolutely nothing (see European countries implementing fresh lockdowns after removing all restrictions). We needed unmasked kids in schools and we needed healthy adults to take drugs they are using elsewhere in the world (Ivermectin, HCQ, etc) and get over it, with natural long-term immunity.
And most of the deaths are due to putting people on Remdesevir that kills off 40% of patients anyway, and causes pulmonary edema, which then causes doctors to shove a vent down your throat and almost certainly kill you off.
Looks good on the death toll spreadsheet for media fearmongers, but it really sucks for people who went to a hospital and got killed off.
Nobody's going to win any arguments on it, the only good thing to come out of it is that I can more easily identify retards when they brag about getting their shots and boosters.
Have fun getting your 27th booster shot in 2035, make sure you get your flu vax too. And of course, you'll keep getting Covid and the flu somehow anyway.
If the government told a certain group of people to eat their own feces, they would bust out a fork and do it. Just claim you are "following the science" or "saving lives" and they will line right up.
Vermont has the most vaccination rate than any other state.
Vermont now has one of the highest infection rate in the country per captia.
Michigan has large surge in infection rates. Wayne County (Detroit) the biggest hot spot. All those Trumper voters right? Fraid not LH.
44 postive tests at Cal. 99% vaccination rate. What did they do wrong??? NOTHING. They actually tested the vaccinated!!!! Remember the vaccinated need not be tested. Makes sense? nope. Does getting vaccinated help others? NOPE. Bullshit garbage. You can still get the virus and spread to the vulnerable,i.e. Colin Powell,you can spread the virus just like the unvaxed.
The vaccine was designed for the original COVID. Mutations has severly lessened the effectiveness of the jab. That Sucks. The vaccine is nothing more than a flu shot now, get the original COVID and it works pretty good, get the Delta or other mutations and it helps but no guarantee. Many vaccinated have died from COVID. But wait, they're mostly older people!! Nevermind the median age of unvaxed deaths is 74 years old.
Is the vaccine harmful? Short term only for a few. Long term WE DO NOT KNOW.
COVID will never be wiped out like polio and smallpox. Why? Animals spread COVID too. Deer, bats, racoons, minks, and many more have had COVID and it is documented minks have transfered COVID to humans. It's not going away.
Most on here don't care about real information, they exaggerate the few crazies out there who the media points out, never an ounce of factual information provided.
Bottom line, it's your choice, not BIDENS. Not anyone elses.
Amazing, a group 99% vaccinated has a huge outbreak and still total denial.
Vermont has the most vaccination rate than any other state.
Vermont now has one of the highest infection rate in the country per captia.
Michigan has large surge in infection rates. Wayne County (Detroit) the biggest hot spot. All those Trumper voters right? Fraid not LH.
44 postive tests at Cal. 99% vaccination rate. What did they do wrong??? NOTHING. They actually tested the vaccinated!!!! Remember the vaccinated need not be tested. Makes sense? nope. Does getting vaccinated help others? NOPE. Bullshit garbage. You can still get the virus and spread to the vulnerable,i.e. Colin Powell,you can spread the virus just like the unvaxed.
The vaccine was designed for the original COVID. Mutations has severly lessened the effectiveness of the jab. That Sucks. The vaccine is nothing more than a flu shot now, get the original COVID and it works pretty good, get the Delta or other mutations and it helps but no guarantee. Many vaccinated have died from COVID. But wait, they're mostly older people!! Nevermind the median age of unvaxed deaths is 74 years old.
Is the vaccine harmful? Short term only for a few. Long term WE DO NOT KNOW.
COVID will never be wiped out like polio and smallpox. Why? Animals spread COVID too. Deer, bats, racoons, minks, and many more have had COVID and it is documented minks have transfered COVID to humans. It's not going away.
Most on here don't care about real information, they exaggerate the few crazies out there who the media points out, never an ounce of factual information provided.
Bottom line, it's your choice, not BIDENS. Not anyone elses.
Amazing, a group 99% vaccinated has a huge outbreak and still total denial.
More deaths less people in the population..less people easier to control ..that so called poison jab wil either kill people kater on or make them sterile ..YOU WATCH ..mo other reason to FORCE INTO PEOPLE ..the 4 stages Stage one SCARE the Living fuck out of people so they do as we say ….stage two let’s praise him for doing the right thing and listening to everything we tell them to do ……stage three let’s bribe them to do as we say with $100 and stage 4 fuck them if they don’t do as we say we will ruin their lives do you see the picture now
More deaths less people in the population..less people easier to control ..that so called poison jab wil either kill people kater on or make them sterile ..YOU WATCH ..mo other reason to FORCE INTO PEOPLE ..the 4 stages Stage one SCARE the Living fuck out of people so they do as we say ….stage two let’s praise him for doing the right thing and listening to everything we tell them to do ……stage three let’s bribe them to do as we say with $100 and stage 4 fuck them if they don’t do as we say we will ruin their lives do you see the picture now
No you're not.
No you're not.
Your argument would be much better if all of the doctorates, poli-sci majors, NBC, Fauci, CNN hadn't been proven wrong time and time again for the past 1.5+ years. If they hadn't been caught using fake pictures of ER rooms, crying about ICUs being full capacity (when the hospital had a staffing problem, not a # of ICU beds problem), and an endless stream of fraudulent coverage.
What you want everyone to do is listen to "experts" who fed you a bunch of horseshit and you can continue to eat it up if you want, but some of us aren't retards.
The old "gosh you guys think you're so smart" angle works when all of the alleged experts don't have a 1.5 year streak of being wrong about damn near everything.
Their track record is so bad they literally redefined the word "vaccine" to reflect a shot that doesn't provide immunity against a disease, and "anti-vaxxer" to mean someone who opposes regulations mandating vaccines. Plenty of libertarians and conservative-types don't think the government should mandate that you be coerced into participating in a large-scale medical experiment without informed consent. That's actually in the Nuremburg Code.
But who needs human rights when you have "experts." Right?
Your argument would be much better if all of the doctorates, poli-sci majors, NBC, Fauci, CNN hadn't been proven wrong time and time again for the past 1.5+ years. If they hadn't been caught using fake pictures of ER rooms, crying about ICUs being full capacity (when the hospital had a staffing problem, not a # of ICU beds problem), and an endless stream of fraudulent coverage.
What you want everyone to do is listen to "experts" who fed you a bunch of horseshit and you can continue to eat it up if you want, but some of us aren't retards.
The old "gosh you guys think you're so smart" angle works when all of the alleged experts don't have a 1.5 year streak of being wrong about damn near everything.
Their track record is so bad they literally redefined the word "vaccine" to reflect a shot that doesn't provide immunity against a disease, and "anti-vaxxer" to mean someone who opposes regulations mandating vaccines. Plenty of libertarians and conservative-types don't think the government should mandate that you be coerced into participating in a large-scale medical experiment without informed consent. That's actually in the Nuremburg Code.
But who needs human rights when you have "experts." Right?
There are quite a few delusional and ignorant Trumpers on this string…I will give you this. You have the right to be as ignorant as you want to be…with regard to science…You also have the right to die, if you were to happen to get COVID, since you were too dumb to get vaccinated…This country would be a better place if a generation of old ignorant coots would just die off already…May karma bite you…
There are quite a few delusional and ignorant Trumpers on this string…I will give you this. You have the right to be as ignorant as you want to be…with regard to science…You also have the right to die, if you were to happen to get COVID, since you were too dumb to get vaccinated…This country would be a better place if a generation of old ignorant coots would just die off already…May karma bite you…
Exactly my point.
Exactly my point.
JFK jr. , And George Wallace are going to be reincarnated dual running mates of Donald Trump in 202
JFK jr. , And George Wallace are going to be reincarnated dual running mates of Donald Trump in 202
You have absolutly no talking points so you deflect to a handfull of loonies. Keep it on subject. This is NOTHING ABOUT TRUMP. HE SAID "GET THE VACCINE".
--How about a college football team where 99% are vaccinated and half the team is positive?
--How about Fauci in August saying the vaccinated should mask up because they can still catch and spread COVID, and have the same viral load.
--How about those vaccinated need not to be tested to attend large events or play sports even though Fauci said the above?
--Damn it Cal, you violated the protocols, you actually tested the vaccinated!!!!
Let us create a different senario; The President elect says African American violence is what plauges the United States. A bigger threat than ISIS. We must crack down on African American violence. Oh, by the way African Americans, STFU and take this shot or you lose your job and no unemployment. What would be the reaction? F-U BIDEN!!!!!
So much more than the shot involved here. And purposely done IMO, creates division and hate, hate blinds the logic, increases power, squash the opposition. Reminds me of Hitler. Same tactics.
For some delusional folks here it always comes back to "Trumpers". Easy way to avoid the real facts. Deflect the truth. Use HATE as your motivator. Point to a handful of loonies, "LOOK, they're all that way"
You have absolutly no talking points so you deflect to a handfull of loonies. Keep it on subject. This is NOTHING ABOUT TRUMP. HE SAID "GET THE VACCINE".
--How about a college football team where 99% are vaccinated and half the team is positive?
--How about Fauci in August saying the vaccinated should mask up because they can still catch and spread COVID, and have the same viral load.
--How about those vaccinated need not to be tested to attend large events or play sports even though Fauci said the above?
--Damn it Cal, you violated the protocols, you actually tested the vaccinated!!!!
Let us create a different senario; The President elect says African American violence is what plauges the United States. A bigger threat than ISIS. We must crack down on African American violence. Oh, by the way African Americans, STFU and take this shot or you lose your job and no unemployment. What would be the reaction? F-U BIDEN!!!!!
So much more than the shot involved here. And purposely done IMO, creates division and hate, hate blinds the logic, increases power, squash the opposition. Reminds me of Hitler. Same tactics.
For some delusional folks here it always comes back to "Trumpers". Easy way to avoid the real facts. Deflect the truth. Use HATE as your motivator. Point to a handful of loonies, "LOOK, they're all that way"
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