A common misconception on Blankets is that I am run off by negative posters. This can hardly be farther from the truth. Trust me, a) I can take criticism, especially when it's well deserved, and b) my psyche is not so fragile that I would let some meatball dissuade me posting whatever I want. Basically I could not possibly care less what anyone else thinks. It's of no consequence to me whatsoever The truth of the matter is properly handicapping games is a lot of work, and I have a hard time with everything going on in my life to maintain a high level of handicapping through the course of an entire season. In short, I get burned out. When this becomes a second job, it is no longer fun for me.
What bothers me more than anything is when post plays that I have not had time to adequately handicap for whatever reason, and people follow those plays assuming otherwise.
I know that if I marketed myself on Blankets and other sites, I could probably be wildly successful in terms of followers, and even go tout. But that's not my goal. I eschew the spotlight, and there are reasons for that that you guys don't fully understand, and I can't explain on this forum. There are a few that know. Every time I have gotten a little too popular for my liking, I have stopped posting for a while to allow things to cool down.
Of course I understand that when I hit my first 9 plays of the new season, it's difficult to temper excitement and expectations.
The bottom line is that my popularity is much more of a burden to me than a blessing. I hope you guys can understand where I coming from here. That is not to say that I don't appreciate each and every one of you guys, this is not the case at all. Y'all help me more than you know. Just know that my spotty Blankets appearances have nothing to do with fellow posters. Quite to the contrary. It is for you that I do what I do, because obviously I could place my wagers without posting any of them. I have much love for my Blankets brethren, probably to a fault.