Totals 22 - 14
Overall 56 - 54
7 - 6 This past week. Overall I guess it was just another typical weekend for me this season. Tons of things to talk about, I feel refreshed, the sky isn't falling....Let's dive into this thing.
Ten Things We Learned
1. Something that needs to be addressed right out the gate here. Although I think Alabama is the best team in the country, they do not deserve to be ranked number 1. Kansas S.T and Bill Snyder IMO, deserves that honor. You want to talk about accomplishments, lets do it then. Kansas S.T went TO Norman and won, they went TO West By God Virginia and won. The resumes of the two schools aren't even comparable at this point. IF you want make a argument that Florida should be number 1, I will listen that. But as far as what has been accomplished on the field, it's not even close. Kansas S.T should be number 1.
2. Are there any gamecock fans alive? I'm checking right now to see if there is any life in cootville. Wow. Nice job Ole ball coach. I say this not as a Clemson fan, but as someone who sees this thing coming. The wheels are about to come off. Not because of the two losses, but I think Spurrier just cant help himself. If he starts rotating these two QB's, there season will go down the drain. Here's the thing. South Carolina has a good team, but I've seen this story before. Florida once again, wins in ugly fashion. They didn't dominate statistically, but they won the game and that's all that really matters.
3. Speaking of ugly. Notre Dame continues to win in the ugliest of ways possible. Did that make any sense? I not sure this team can score 20 points. But, if you dont need to then it dont matter. N.D currently is one of the best defenses in the country. Notice I said currently. Why? When N.D goes to Norman this week, it's gonna get ugly. I think Oklahoma will destroy N.D and it's not even gonna be close. I think the line will come out as Oklahoma being favored by 7 points. I think they will win this game by a minimum of 3 td's. Here is a hint, this is gonna be my 3rd large play of the season.
4. I guess little brother finally got beat. Michigan beating Michigan st yesterday in some ways was Denards final goal. I know he wanted to win the Heisman and other things like that, but this really meant alot to him and the Michigan program. How bad is MSU this year by the way? My goodness. Talk about a team falling flat on their faces this season! Michigan S.T pre season was a dark horse to win the NC. They better get there act in order or they wont even go to a bowl game. Well maybe that's going a little to far, but you get the point.
5. I know most of you guys here in the south and on the east coast dont think they play football out west. But you guys better wake up! Oregon scored 43 points in what, 17 minutes to open the game? They called the dogs off to BTW. Chip Kelly could have scored a 100 if they really really wanted to. As of right now, I think this team will go undefeated and play in the NC game. Probably against a SEC team because even tho I think Kansas S.T should be #1 right now doesn't mean I think they will run the table. There schedule is too hard and at some point I think they will slip up. And we all know that there is no way they would let a one loss Kansas S.t team play in the NC game over a one loss SEC team. Doesn't make it right, but that's just the reality of things.
6. Is Dooley gone in Knoxville? I think now you have to call for the guys head. At some point you have to win a big game. I know beating Alabama isn't likely no matter who you are, but still, you have to start to win some games that matter. If he would have taken Alabama to the 4th quarter and lost a close game I think it would have been more acceptable. But getting blown out like you did and just being a 3 TD underdog in your own house is embarrassing. I thought the guy had potential. But hell, I thought Tommy Bowden had potential years ago.
7. Is Oregon S.T for real? They actually have a pretty winnable schedule down the stretch. Beating Oregon obviously is gonna be very difficult, but they do get them at home. I'm personally still not buying Oregon S.T. At some point there gonna have to score some points and win a game. I know there defense is playing good, but your gonna have to beat Oregon by scoring. You wont hold them down. I like Mike Riley and have always thought he was a very underrated coach. But my money says this team is about to crumble and fall.
8. How far has Auburn fell? Wow. Getting beat by Vandy is about the lowest of low's. Im still waiting on you Auburn fans to get in here an defend your great coach. That's all I heard for the longest time. Gene Chizk needs respect, He won the NC, BLAH...BLAH...BLAH. Look the guy isn't any good. Anybody could have went 14-0 with Cam Newton! But now just like last year, we are seeing the real Gene Chizik. You know, the one who has a losing record as a Head Coach! Yeah that guy! The same guy that just lost to Vandy yesterday and was blown out by Ole miss last week. Yeah, that guy! Good Coach, please.
9. A few things are apparent to me about the Big Ten this year. None of these teams are really any good. Yeah Ohio S.T is undefeated. But there not eligible nor are they really any good IMO. Where are the good teams? Wisconsin although lately they have been good, but really a big disappointment overall. Is Michigan your trophy team? Without question I think that this league overall has been a HUGE disappointment. Normally they get two BCS bids, I just dont see it this year. Could the Big East get Two? Maybe the ACC. Or should we just give the SEC all of them and get this over with. I know that's what EsecPN would like, but yeah...whatever.
10. This past week was pretty rough around here. This forum has changed alot in the past two years. I enjoy what I do but some times it can get exhausting dealing with all the garbage. I feel as if at times people question who I am and what I'm about. I'm gonna tell you guys something about me. I'm about all the right things in life. I'm about doing and treating others the way they should be treated. That's why I get offended when people question my integrity or attack me. I was raised the right way, and some of you know what I mean by that. College football is a big part of my life, but overall it ranks low down the list of priority's. I think this forum can get back to the way it use to, but some things and people need to change. I hope well all have a great week and I look forward to all of your comments. I especially thank all of you that supported me during a few bad days there where things were getting out of hand this past week. If your not having the season yo hoped for, keep you heads up.......The Best Is Yet To Come.