I did a lot of my OWN research during the past couple of years and found a significant correlation between my bankroll increasing and blindly tailing Megalocks as opposed to the mediocre results produced when going too much on my own logic. I am a busy man, who acknowledges my inferiority, but does not profess to be a guru. Therefore, I make no bones about it. Would i bet on Mega in a box, with a fox, here or there? Yes, i would. I will bet him anywhere.
P.S. i'd gladly bet him Tuesday for a cheeseburger today.
P.P.S. "if i can change, and you can change, everybody can change."
P.P.P.S. "I hate rude behavior in a man...won't tolerate it.
Theodore Ruxpin
I want to frog like a bambi gamble