I've been following your NCAAFB threads since 2005. I've never had much to contribute, I just really like your philosophy on betting/handicapping college football games (as well as your sense of humor). I created an account here for the first time to basically say thank you for sharing with us! Keep on moving lines and changing lives!

THANKS buddy and welcome appreciate the kind words. Plan on keeping the train rolling win or lose so look forward to hearing from you this year.
And as a long time listener - first time caller - you know FIRST HAND that this is not always a bed of roses - we have and WILL have crappy weeks. If it wasn't fun we would not be doing it tho.
GL this wk.
MEGALOCKS - "Moving lines and changing lives"
MEGALOCKS - "Because we care"
MEGALOCKS - "Incoherent babbling is our forte"