What it does is gives my most probable plays that will win and it runs thru all dogs and favs disecting them from diff angles.
I strayed on some last week and did not do as well as expected,,,,,,,(that will not happen this week.)
In reviewing its HISTORY it does tell me that the # of plays will be in dogs and Favorites but i just don't know who.The probability formula does and can state from past years and weeks what the CYCLICAL probability will be.Thus this week its history says there will be or should be a total of 30 plays with the favorites at
an advantage in plays it posts this week.
This ratio is predicated on games offered and lines and is subjected to the specific offering this week vs previous years.
What i do like to do upon posting matchups is ask the guys here esp the good cappers for their EXPERT opinions just to be sure due to injuries,coaches,missing players and etc.their expertise
OFFICAL POSTING FOR WEEK # 4 per Mathematical Formula
These plays are not final plays ,,,,,,,as want members opinions but they are posted as the best per Formulas selection
APPEARS computor has apprx 30 plays this week from HISTORY of previous years.
This group is selected to WIN at a Ratio of 2 W's for every 1 Loss
your job is to select the losers to omit them but understand if omitted the other side should win???????????????
FINAL PLAYS WILL BE POSTED FRI NIGHT in time for all to review for SAT play
NOTE all plays have hook so there is no PUSHES
DOGS first ( 2-1 Ratio) ,,,,,,,,,,,,ALL LINES are Vegas
LINES,,,,,so 4 should lose
COLORADO,,,,, +2.5
BAYLOR,,,,,,,,,, +11.5
MIA OH,,,,,,,,,,,, +11.5
MISS ST,,,,,,,,,, +8.5
N/D,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, + 8.5
A/F,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +7.5
N/ MEX ,,,,,,,,,,,+10.5
CMU,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +10.5
NC ST,,,,,,,,,,,,, +7.5
TENN ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+7.5
ARIZ ST,,,,,,,,,,, +6.5
SJS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, +8.5
Next group is selected to cover at a 5-3 clip (DOGS)
WAKE,,,,,,,, +4.5
RICE,,,,,,,,, +30.5
IDAHO,,,,,,, +5.5
SMU,,,,,,,,, +24.5
IOWA ST,,,, +2.5
FAVORITES ( At 3-1 ,,,will win,,, and cover spread )
PENN ST,,,,,,, - 28.5
MISS,,,,,,,,,,,,, - 6.5
BYU,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - 28.5
LSU,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - 2.5
ALAB,,,,,,,,,,,,, - 9.5
S/ MISS,,,,,,,,,,- 9.5
HOUST,,,,,,,,,, - 6.5
RUTG,,,,,,,,,,,, - 6.5
UNC,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - 2.5
IND,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - 3.5
AKRON,,,,,,,, - 10.5
MIA FL,,,,,,,,,, - 3.5
UTEP,,,,,,,,,,,, - 6.5
ARIZ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - 2.5
So approx 5 will lose and not cover,find them and play the other side
This group is on a ratio to WIN 1,,,- for every 2,,, that LOSES just opposite DOG posting
WV,,,,,,,,,,,,, - 2.5
UCONN,,,,,, - 11.5
CINN,,,,,,,,, - 11.5
G/TCH,,,,,,, - 8.5
MICH ST,,,,, - 8.5
UTAH,,,,,,,,, - 7.5
TULSA,,,,,,, - 10.5
PURD,,,,,,,, - 10.5
ECU,,,,,,,,,, - 7.5
FLA,,,,,,,,,, - 7.5
GEO,,,,,,,,, - 6.5
STAN,,,,,,,, - 8.5
That is all the formula is projecting as the best plays with the best odds. Its your judgement to finalize them
remember if you omit onr the other should be a WINNER
if i have any errors plz don't beat me up as this is a lot of work
Now i need all the EXPERTS here to say who will win and cover,one additional NOTE,,,,,,,,,History says amongst this group there will be 4 dog Ml SU winners
Next week there will be 25 dog winners with 11 SU dog winners and history says don't miss it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regarding the NFL i have one group DOGS that are comming up as strong canadates as WINNERS ,in fact they should sweep
3 hours to put this all together, hope you win some money, need to burn this mountain of spread sheets don't want book to get it