weekly resume
wvga games are very very entertaining , and so far , for a team to win against them is ... ground and pound , milk the clock ... and with a decent and athletic deffense .... but well theres none in the rest of wvga schedule... so its amust play overs in wvga games
bos col,AF , what the fuck i mean WTF ..... im out of words ...
LSU .... .... , ...... i wont say a thing about their offense because is less than garbage, but what the heck happened to the deffense i mean i know they got a flucky lucky turn over and hence shutdown florida 1h.... but it seems like they stayed on the lcoker room because there was no effort... a well deserved lose
last tnf games .. have been less than stelar, extremely fucking boring and they show case ... rubbish boring teams whom might be playing on sat at 12. am along with hawaii
MSU what a PIECE OF SHIT this team is now ... they needed to pull out a houdini like act to scape from INDIANA

KSST the kats are in a roll .... i think they are the only team capable to stop wvga ..just because its the only team with a mastermind coach, i just hope snyder figure out a way to do it

clemson , well , it looks like ga tech has their number, and by the way, ga tech only throws the kitchen sink and wake up to play clemson or va tech, the rest of their schedule they just dont put an effort...
ucla wtf happened to you guys, had such a great start, now...
ok , ok , so the events of this week end have set the stage for a Bama-Oregon NC game .... to whom the ducks will lose.... unless they lay a HUGE egg... or shiet da bed.... against USC or the Tree .. there is no way they are losing.. BUT ... yes theres a HUGE --BUT .... if by any means or sort of miracle So Car survives the next stretch of conf games,.... there will be Bama on SEC championship

this week Rank of Rubbish teams
1.- LSU
2.-Air Farce
3.-Bos Col
6.-TNF games
8.-Mich State
9.-Clemson Deffense
10.- Texas game plan and deffense
12.-BYU stupid bone head coach