Quote Originally Posted by jimmydafreak:
I respect your opinion, but I wholeheartedly disagree with it.
Any questions that existed about Cam's eligibility prior to Cecil's Thursday interview with the NCAA, completely evaporated afterwards. What Cecil told NCAA investors corroborates the accounts of no less that 6 others withnesses all of who said Cecil and Rogers were trying to sell Cam's signature. If the investigation went no farther than that, that would be more than enough for the NCAA to vacate all of Auburn's wins for the season.
The bottom line is that Auburn knowingly played a player on Saturday when there was absolutely no question he was not elligible. That will not be a factor as far as vacting wins is concerned because that is pretty much a slam dunk at this point, but it will be a huge factor when Auburn's final punishment is rendered.
Jimmy, you seem like a good guy and by far the only rational alabama fan that posts on this board, but I have to seriously question what you claim to know.
You stated emphatically late last week that you had inside sources at Auburn, at ESPN and other places, and that 100% Cam was sitting out the uga game and done for the year.
Here is the bottom line. I don't know, you don't know, and none of the media knows jack about this situation.
The only thing I have heard Auburn beat writers confirm is that the NCAA met with the entire Newton family late last week.
You have got to be kidding me if you think Auburn, or any other school for that matter, would play a player they knew to be ineligible.
To take that a notch further, let's say some schools do flaunt the eligibility rule. Now please tell me what school would disregard the NCAA and play a supposed ineligible player with the giant spotlight being flashed on them like Auburn has had for the past 2 weeks.
This is all about common sense. There is NO WAY the Auburn compliance department, AD, school president, or coaching staff would risk their jobs, reputations, and the football program and playing an ineligible player in such a high profile media situation.
The supposed logic I've read on this board of people saying, well Auburn didn't know during the first 10 games, but they did before uga and just said what the heck doesn't matter now are just insane. No university would publicly tell the NCAA to f-off in a high profile media situation.
You guys are just disregarding all semblance of common sense because people either hate auburn, hate newton, want desperately to see newton ruled out, or just interested in seeing auburn knocked off the perch.