The 42 gram protein ones have every daily amount of vitamins and other nutrients times about 1000%+ of what you need in them. Someone will say, "why do I need all that extra percentage"?
Because you are going to piss out a ton of the majority of that high percentage anyways. Also a bazillion other nutrients with equal mega percentages of each item.
(going to go look it up and cut n paste the into....)
The percentages listed on the left of the page that this link pulls up, does not accurately reflect the percentages on the 42Gs cartons.
I highly recommend this, and apparently from the sight, Larry Fitzgerald does also. I love watching that guy play Football...
Just recalled they are called "myoplex".
Anyone active, whether it's just hiking, running seriously, or weightlifting, etc.....would love these to supplement everything that they are already doing.
Awesome drinks.
I go with the Vanilla, because it's not quite as thick as the Rich Chocolate ones. Strawberry ones are kinda just whatever.
GNC sells them. Cost ends up being about $4.00 a pop, but each one of the 42G ones are a complete meal in themselves. Hell, when I go to a McDonalds, I'm pretty kucky if I ever spend less than $7.00, and I never get a softdrink. The food is unhealthy enough without all that crap in a fountain soda.
I'll guarantee these......