Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Diego'
Diego: Hello. How may I assist you today?
Chien Nguyen: hi is it something wrong with my account
Chien Nguyen: I can login
Chien Nguyen: 5d1917558
Chien Nguyen: pass: Cut12Duoi1
Diego: Just a moment please
Diego: Im checking on your account
Chien Nguyen: yes
Please wait while I transfer the chat to 'Lynda'.
You are now chatting with 'Lynda'
Chien Nguyen: Hi Lynda! something wrong with my acct? I can't login?
Chien Nguyen: hello
Lynda: Hello Mr. Nguyen the reason why your account is disabled is because you had an account with Vietbet that has negative balance
Chien Nguyen: no I never have any account with vietbet
Chien Nguyen: I never heard of it
Chien Nguyen: don't do this to me please
Lynda: then you need to send me proof of your ID in order to release your payout
Chien Nguyen: oh! no no no!!
Chien Nguyen: I need that money tomorrow