Semi anonymous testimonial-
Lippsman is dead on. I have experienced it first hand.
Upon losing my job about 5 months ago, i looked at my options in terms of investment, and certain aspects of real estate, automotive and sports gambling looked like the best way to scratch out 60k a year. I do subscribe to the statistical tendency theory, meaning that I like to find trends that are historically profitable, about an avg of 12 units a year, and apply those angles. The only thing I am look for from sports betting is my long term goal, I don't really expect to see results for the next 4 years, but I feel I am getting a grip.
Part of my learning experience has been hours upon hours of reading what people give me as information, followed by hours and hours of researching historical information to verify the accuracy. I have found that information from people like vanzack have allowed me to be exactly where I wanted to be after 5 months- Extremely well informed with minimal red numbers.
One of the first things I did was buy morrisons sytem- not with dreams of $$$, but with a skepticism to learn why it would work or not work.
As I checked it, I dumped a measly $500 into Betus because I was just initiating myself. Vaneck, if I could say one thing, you are extremely knowledgable, but these things shouldn't be beyond your comprehension anymore. The current economic state is going to bring a helluva lot of suckers to the gaming industry in the short term, but it will also bring with it some people who will exhibit the determination, patience and money management to be successful enough to fulfill the abilities to be successful at this, atleast as thier budgets see fit.
While I agree that people using Betus as thier main book is obviously a flaw, I can surely comprehend why the book will make money and have no qualms about the line movements they offer. I am the fool if I continue to use it, and I am sure amny fools will. If there is one thing I have learned to be true, its that the term "gambling" has got to be the most accurate noun given to name a particular industry. These Betus people are playing by the rules... because they set thier own.
Ironically, I signed on one day and saw the same line as mentioned above- Feb 24th, Charlotte. On Betus main page, there was a blurb, Cha +7. Right when I signed on, it went to 5.5. I didnt need to be an expert on steam to realize, instantly, that this is because of the $100 a head fee that is getting.
I also understand this- If a small time book is adjusting its line by a pt and a half consistently.... then someone is on to something. You can't deny that.
I guess, what I'm saying is that Betus is pulling some bullshit, and people should avoid them because there are better options out there. To hate on Morrison, I am learning, is to not understand the game.
Personally, I don't bet on Morrisons word. I don't like the fact that his rules (3 straight Non conference, but 3pts, no firts place or last place teams, no teasm with star injuries) are not consitent to his picks. I also acknowledge the fact that, had I been making his suggested plays, I would be up 50 units on the NBA. Betus or not.
I also acknowledge that his system is very, very high risk, when 1 lose equals -18 units, you may have a 50+unit NBA season, but you can just as soon have a -50unit season with a mere 5 to 6 loses.
Put it to ya this way- Morrsion is getting his shit to the point where, win or lose, he is still profitable. He is using peoples uneducated risks to do so. Sound familiar?? Sounds like the books to me.
I find it hard to hate on a man who is using the system to profit the same way the system itself uses people to profit. I have learned that the gambling industry is more organized than the government, and I don't care if you are American, Swiss, Iranian, or North Korean, that sentence holds true. If you can make money in this, and it doesnt result in handcuffs, then I applaude you.
I have learned that the stupidity of the general public is the only reason this website exsists. Clap for the men who profit from it. Otherwise, you are jealous, and you are displaying emotions that do not equate to successful handicapping.
If the guy says hes 69-0, and hes not, but people are still paying him, then stop acting like this is a clean business and he should clean up... fuck, thats so stupid when you think about it.
Please, I am learning, and reactions always help. If you see a flaw in my logic, please attack it. I'll take any and all information, even if i don't agree with it. I know that this thread doesnt hold much criticism towards Morrison, but I'm also aware of what some of the posters have said of him elsewhere. I have learned a lot from some of the names above, namely vanzack, kangy and Lipps, so giving me shit is welcome, just keep it constructive please. I speak with respect, keep that in mind.
I just don't understand all the hate.