In fact, drugs and suicides account for more than 2 out of every 3 gun deaths in the USA
And your point would then be _____?
It’s pretty obvious mwhit82 has no point. Read posts #105, 106, and 110 (among many, many others). Nothing but mindless ramblings about whatever random thought pops into his deluded mind.
He doesn’t have a leg to stand on in this argument and he knows it.
Quote Originally Posted by 14daroad:
In fact, drugs and suicides account for more than 2 out of every 3 gun deaths in the USA
And your point would then be _____?
It’s pretty obvious mwhit82 has no point. Read posts #105, 106, and 110 (among many, many others). Nothing but mindless ramblings about whatever random thought pops into his deluded mind.
He doesn’t have a leg to stand on in this argument and he knows it.
I got my answer, you believe everything Palin says, lamestream media like all the media outlets except the 1 who pays for her like fox...You must have 0 bias, I cannot stand religion, I think history can prove me true...Guess you don't understand the person, Muslims, or Catholics. That's what pisses me off the most, your fucking blind faith in god yet you don't even understand Einsteins General Relatively....My problem is unintellectual thought w/out reason, granted a drink may get my courage to post, but it sure as fuck doesn't make me blind to the world of science....Again I ask you simple questions, tell me 1 thing I'm incorrect on, if I'm wrong I will admit it, but my knowledge of space-time-philosophy-religion is a passion of mine, and calling me a fool sounds like the dumb-dicks who told Columbus the world was flat....I guess you think the earth is the center of the universe as well...Maybe you think pulling a gat will keep you from getting shot, well evidence/common sense proves otherwise....C'mon you gotta have a stronger rebuttal
This thread is about gun rights.
You randomly started ranting about religion and Sarah Palin and then made the comical claim that it strengthened your argument about gun control.
With every random rant you post (religion, Sarah Palin, etc.) all you are doing is making it clear that you don’t have a leg to stand on in this gun debate and you know it.
Quote Originally Posted by mwhit82:
I got my answer, you believe everything Palin says, lamestream media like all the media outlets except the 1 who pays for her like fox...You must have 0 bias, I cannot stand religion, I think history can prove me true...Guess you don't understand the person, Muslims, or Catholics. That's what pisses me off the most, your fucking blind faith in god yet you don't even understand Einsteins General Relatively....My problem is unintellectual thought w/out reason, granted a drink may get my courage to post, but it sure as fuck doesn't make me blind to the world of science....Again I ask you simple questions, tell me 1 thing I'm incorrect on, if I'm wrong I will admit it, but my knowledge of space-time-philosophy-religion is a passion of mine, and calling me a fool sounds like the dumb-dicks who told Columbus the world was flat....I guess you think the earth is the center of the universe as well...Maybe you think pulling a gat will keep you from getting shot, well evidence/common sense proves otherwise....C'mon you gotta have a stronger rebuttal
This thread is about gun rights.
You randomly started ranting about religion and Sarah Palin and then made the comical claim that it strengthened your argument about gun control.
With every random rant you post (religion, Sarah Palin, etc.) all you are doing is making it clear that you don’t have a leg to stand on in this gun debate and you know it.
Goddamnit SS, you kept me from watching my PBS program Nova about how the Challenger and Columbia disasters and how they could've been avoided....Like I said Ignorance is Bliss, I hope you enjoy putting your head in the sand and not recognizing these common facts....I guess the gun is your solution,well that's passed, this century has the NUKE so I hope you recognize 1 disaster is the entire world's problem....But thought/concept probably isn't your strong suit. Maybe I should say I got a tommy gun and you got a simple colt, how dumb down should I have to go until you recognize your ignorance just sounds foolish w/ every comment???
Goddamnit SS, you kept me from watching my PBS program Nova about how the Challenger and Columbia disasters and how they could've been avoided....Like I said Ignorance is Bliss, I hope you enjoy putting your head in the sand and not recognizing these common facts....I guess the gun is your solution,well that's passed, this century has the NUKE so I hope you recognize 1 disaster is the entire world's problem....But thought/concept probably isn't your strong suit. Maybe I should say I got a tommy gun and you got a simple colt, how dumb down should I have to go until you recognize your ignorance just sounds foolish w/ every comment???
You randomly started ranting about religion and Sarah Palin and then made the comical claim that it strengthened your argument about gun control.
With every random rant you post (religion, Sarah Palin, etc.) all you are doing is making it clear that you don’t have a leg to stand on in this gun debate and you know it.
I know you probably agree w/ palin and Paul Revere's ride...He clearly rang bells and shot of his gun telling the british they couldn't take our guns...Dude my shit has a lot more knowledge than your incompetent "he doesn't know" ramblings....Like I said dude, REBUT ANY COMMENT I MADE...I am willing to say You're right, but you haven't made 1 intelligent comment, I will ask you again rebut anything I said
Quote Originally Posted by StraightShooter:
This thread is about gun rights.
You randomly started ranting about religion and Sarah Palin and then made the comical claim that it strengthened your argument about gun control.
With every random rant you post (religion, Sarah Palin, etc.) all you are doing is making it clear that you don’t have a leg to stand on in this gun debate and you know it.
I know you probably agree w/ palin and Paul Revere's ride...He clearly rang bells and shot of his gun telling the british they couldn't take our guns...Dude my shit has a lot more knowledge than your incompetent "he doesn't know" ramblings....Like I said dude, REBUT ANY COMMENT I MADE...I am willing to say You're right, but you haven't made 1 intelligent comment, I will ask you again rebut anything I said
So it’s better to be a “man” and try to use your fists to defend yourself from a guy with a gun than to be a “box” and try to use a gun to defend yourself from a guy with a gun?
Genius, I guess in today's world we all walk 10 paces, you're fucking talking early 1900 shit, that doesn't pass today, sorry for awakening, guess I'm arguing against a dude stuck a 100 yr's back...They have this thing called phones, computers, and robots...Hope I don't awake you from your amish upringing
Quote Originally Posted by StraightShooter:
So it’s better to be a “man” and try to use your fists to defend yourself from a guy with a gun than to be a “box” and try to use a gun to defend yourself from a guy with a gun?
Genius, I guess in today's world we all walk 10 paces, you're fucking talking early 1900 shit, that doesn't pass today, sorry for awakening, guess I'm arguing against a dude stuck a 100 yr's back...They have this thing called phones, computers, and robots...Hope I don't awake you from your amish upringing
Goddamnit SS, you kept me from watching my PBS program Nova about how the Challenger and Columbia disasters and how they could've been avoided....Like I said Ignorance is Bliss, I hope you enjoy putting your head in the sand and not recognizing these common facts....I guess the gun is your solution,well that's passed, this century has the NUKE so I hope you recognize 1 disaster is the entire world's problem....But thought/concept probably isn't your strong suit. Maybe I should say I got a tommy gun and you got a simple colt, how dumb down should I have to go until you recognize your ignorance just sounds foolish w/ every comment???
You are the master of ignorance. Rather than focusing on the topic of the thread (gun rights)you have decided to instead rant and rave about religion, Sarah Palin, and whatever sick and demented thing pops into your deluded mind.
Guns for self defense are pointless because “this century has the NUKE.”
I have been here for almost 5 years and have almost 20,000 posts and I can now say without a shadow of a doubt that the posts you have made in this past few pages (specially 105, 106, and 110) have been THE most idiotic and incoherent posts I have ever seen someone make on this site.
Quote Originally Posted by mwhit82:
Goddamnit SS, you kept me from watching my PBS program Nova about how the Challenger and Columbia disasters and how they could've been avoided....Like I said Ignorance is Bliss, I hope you enjoy putting your head in the sand and not recognizing these common facts....I guess the gun is your solution,well that's passed, this century has the NUKE so I hope you recognize 1 disaster is the entire world's problem....But thought/concept probably isn't your strong suit. Maybe I should say I got a tommy gun and you got a simple colt, how dumb down should I have to go until you recognize your ignorance just sounds foolish w/ every comment???
You are the master of ignorance. Rather than focusing on the topic of the thread (gun rights)you have decided to instead rant and rave about religion, Sarah Palin, and whatever sick and demented thing pops into your deluded mind.
Guns for self defense are pointless because “this century has the NUKE.”
I have been here for almost 5 years and have almost 20,000 posts and I can now say without a shadow of a doubt that the posts you have made in this past few pages (specially 105, 106, and 110) have been THE most idiotic and incoherent posts I have ever seen someone make on this site.
SS, we clearly agree to disagree....But you sound like a little child who can't defend themselves. You haven't rebutted 1 comment I made w/ logic/intellect so I cannot argue w/ this foolish shit. I'd like to say you're right or have to defend myself, but your intellect is clearly not on certain levels....Maybe after you read and understand some history as well as current issues I will try to argue w/ you, but you truly sound like my 6 yr old niece explaining shit....Ignorance is Bliss, so maybe you never have to understand anything other than your Gun goes Bang, but I personally require a little more physics
SS, we clearly agree to disagree....But you sound like a little child who can't defend themselves. You haven't rebutted 1 comment I made w/ logic/intellect so I cannot argue w/ this foolish shit. I'd like to say you're right or have to defend myself, but your intellect is clearly not on certain levels....Maybe after you read and understand some history as well as current issues I will try to argue w/ you, but you truly sound like my 6 yr old niece explaining shit....Ignorance is Bliss, so maybe you never have to understand anything other than your Gun goes Bang, but I personally require a little more physics
I know you probably agree w/ palin and Paul Revere's ride...He clearly rang bells and shot of his gun telling the british they couldn't take our guns...Dude my shit has a lot more knowledge than your incompetent "he doesn't know" ramblings....Like I said dude, REBUT ANY COMMENT I MADE...I am willing to say You're right, but you haven't made 1 intelligent comment, I will ask you again rebut anything I said
So rather than post about the retorts I made to your posts on the last page you’d rather rant about Sarah Palin.
Hmm, I wonder why.
It’s pretty obvious you know you’ve lost and now are just posting for that sake of posting.
But at least watching you make an ass of yourself is pretty entertaining.
Quote Originally Posted by mwhit82:
I know you probably agree w/ palin and Paul Revere's ride...He clearly rang bells and shot of his gun telling the british they couldn't take our guns...Dude my shit has a lot more knowledge than your incompetent "he doesn't know" ramblings....Like I said dude, REBUT ANY COMMENT I MADE...I am willing to say You're right, but you haven't made 1 intelligent comment, I will ask you again rebut anything I said
So rather than post about the retorts I made to your posts on the last page you’d rather rant about Sarah Palin.
Hmm, I wonder why.
It’s pretty obvious you know you’ve lost and now are just posting for that sake of posting.
But at least watching you make an ass of yourself is pretty entertaining.
You are the master of ignorance. Rather than focusing on the topic of the thread (gun rights)you have decided to instead rant and rave about religion, Sarah Palin, and whatever sick and demented thing pops into your deluded mind.
Guns for self defense are pointless because “this century has the NUKE.”
I have been here for almost 5 years and have almost 20,000 posts and I can now say without a shadow of a doubt that the posts you have made in this past few pages (specially 105, 106, and 110) have been THE most idiotic and incoherent posts I have ever seen someone make on this site.
Yes you keep saying the same shit w/out 1 competent rebuttal, I don't know if your trying to win over the forum, I give 2 shits what they think, I am in a discussion w/ you and you haven't said 1 intelligent thing. My thoughts come from your foolish comments, guess you have nothing to say, are you Olivia my 6 yr niece cuz you sure as fuck sound like her, at least she recognizes somewhat intelligent thought so are you sarah my 4 yr old niece??? She isn't so smart so that sounds like YOU
Quote Originally Posted by StraightShooter:
You are the master of ignorance. Rather than focusing on the topic of the thread (gun rights)you have decided to instead rant and rave about religion, Sarah Palin, and whatever sick and demented thing pops into your deluded mind.
Guns for self defense are pointless because “this century has the NUKE.”
I have been here for almost 5 years and have almost 20,000 posts and I can now say without a shadow of a doubt that the posts you have made in this past few pages (specially 105, 106, and 110) have been THE most idiotic and incoherent posts I have ever seen someone make on this site.
Yes you keep saying the same shit w/out 1 competent rebuttal, I don't know if your trying to win over the forum, I give 2 shits what they think, I am in a discussion w/ you and you haven't said 1 intelligent thing. My thoughts come from your foolish comments, guess you have nothing to say, are you Olivia my 6 yr niece cuz you sure as fuck sound like her, at least she recognizes somewhat intelligent thought so are you sarah my 4 yr old niece??? She isn't so smart so that sounds like YOU
Genius, I guess in today's world we all walk 10 paces, you're fucking talking early 1900 shit, that doesn't pass today, sorry for awakening, guess I'm arguing against a dude stuck a 100 yr's back...They have this thing called phones, computers, and robots...Hope I don't awake you from your amish upringing
I called you out on your claim that it’s better to be a “man” and try to use your fists to defend yourself from a guy with a gun than to be a “box” and try to use a gun to defend yourself from a guy with a gun and I’M the one stuck 100 years ago?
Quote Originally Posted by mwhit82:
Genius, I guess in today's world we all walk 10 paces, you're fucking talking early 1900 shit, that doesn't pass today, sorry for awakening, guess I'm arguing against a dude stuck a 100 yr's back...They have this thing called phones, computers, and robots...Hope I don't awake you from your amish upringing
I called you out on your claim that it’s better to be a “man” and try to use your fists to defend yourself from a guy with a gun than to be a “box” and try to use a gun to defend yourself from a guy with a gun and I’M the one stuck 100 years ago?
Yes you keep saying the same shit w/out 1 competent rebuttal, I don't know if your trying to win over the forum, I give 2 shits what they think, I am in a discussion w/ you and you haven't said 1 intelligent thing. My thoughts come from your foolish comments, guess you have nothing to say, are you Olivia my 6 yr niece cuz you sure as fuck sound like her, at least she recognizes somewhat intelligent thought so are you sarah my 4 yr old niece??? She isn't so smart so that sounds like YOU
I was posting about guns and gun rights in a gun and gun rights thread.
Instead of responding to my posts you randomly started ranting about religion, Sarah Palin, etc and then demanded that I post rebuttals to your tangents.
I know you don’t want to hear this, but this thread is about guns and gun rights. I realize you are aware you lost that argument, but ranting about religion and Sarah Palin isn’t going to change that.
Quote Originally Posted by mwhit82:
Yes you keep saying the same shit w/out 1 competent rebuttal, I don't know if your trying to win over the forum, I give 2 shits what they think, I am in a discussion w/ you and you haven't said 1 intelligent thing. My thoughts come from your foolish comments, guess you have nothing to say, are you Olivia my 6 yr niece cuz you sure as fuck sound like her, at least she recognizes somewhat intelligent thought so are you sarah my 4 yr old niece??? She isn't so smart so that sounds like YOU
I was posting about guns and gun rights in a gun and gun rights thread.
Instead of responding to my posts you randomly started ranting about religion, Sarah Palin, etc and then demanded that I post rebuttals to your tangents.
I know you don’t want to hear this, but this thread is about guns and gun rights. I realize you are aware you lost that argument, but ranting about religion and Sarah Palin isn’t going to change that.
I love your intellect, master of posting, rambling, pathetic, gun right....yet no constructive argument....Dude you sound like a fucking person trying to get whatever forum on your side, w/out making 1 single legit argument....I know we should pander to the forum since they are the kings of thought
I'm fucking out man, maybe you should go invest in Goldman's CDO's on credit default swaps w/ Mezziane level AAA rated bonds, since you probably fall into the class of subprime mortgage individuals who think you will be better off in 2 yr's...I get that my intellect is talking a foreign language to you, but you started this argument, yet never had 1 intelligent comment. I'm disappointed since I thought we could have some good banter...I'm probably the moron for not recognizing your competence was the level of a HS kid who has no knowledge or experience in this world and you think you know everything w/out understanding jack shit....Fuck it SS, go play w/ your guns since I'm sure in a year or 2 I won't have to hear from you again
My point IGNORANCE IS BLISS seems to hold true in this discussion...Do you know our current President is Barack Obama??? Maybe I should teach you some Algebra so you can get through college, how but stats, or philosophy??? Dude I'm ready for a smart fight, you just aren't on your game yet
I love your intellect, master of posting, rambling, pathetic, gun right....yet no constructive argument....Dude you sound like a fucking person trying to get whatever forum on your side, w/out making 1 single legit argument....I know we should pander to the forum since they are the kings of thought
I'm fucking out man, maybe you should go invest in Goldman's CDO's on credit default swaps w/ Mezziane level AAA rated bonds, since you probably fall into the class of subprime mortgage individuals who think you will be better off in 2 yr's...I get that my intellect is talking a foreign language to you, but you started this argument, yet never had 1 intelligent comment. I'm disappointed since I thought we could have some good banter...I'm probably the moron for not recognizing your competence was the level of a HS kid who has no knowledge or experience in this world and you think you know everything w/out understanding jack shit....Fuck it SS, go play w/ your guns since I'm sure in a year or 2 I won't have to hear from you again
My point IGNORANCE IS BLISS seems to hold true in this discussion...Do you know our current President is Barack Obama??? Maybe I should teach you some Algebra so you can get through college, how but stats, or philosophy??? Dude I'm ready for a smart fight, you just aren't on your game yet
I called you out on your claim that it’s better to be a “man” and try to use your fists to defend yourself from a guy with a gun than to be a “box” and try to use a gun to defend yourself from a guy with a gun and I’M the one stuck 100 years ago?
Clearly you were the anti-gun advocate
Quote Originally Posted by StraightShooter:
I called you out on your claim that it’s better to be a “man” and try to use your fists to defend yourself from a guy with a gun than to be a “box” and try to use a gun to defend yourself from a guy with a gun and I’M the one stuck 100 years ago?
SS, we clearly agree to disagree....But you sound like a little child who can't defend themselves. You haven't rebutted 1 comment I made w/ logic/intellect so I cannot argue w/ this foolish shit. I'd like to say you're right or have to defend myself, but your intellect is clearly not on certain levels....Maybe after you read and understand some history as well as current issues I will try to argue w/ you, but you truly sound like my 6 yr old niece explaining shit....Ignorance is Bliss, so maybe you never have to understand anything other than your Gun goes Bang, but I personally require a little more physics
I responded to all your posts that were relevant to this thread and instead of responding to them you randomly started ranting about religion, Sarah Palin, etc. Not only that, but you then started demanding that I post rebuttals to your tangents that had nothing to do with the thread.
Once again: this thread it about guns and gun rights.Every time you try to make it about religion, Sarah Palin, or whatever random thought jumps into that deluded mind of yours it makes you look dumber and dumber. Although there’s not much further you could fall after posts 105,106, 110.
Quote Originally Posted by mwhit82:
SS, we clearly agree to disagree....But you sound like a little child who can't defend themselves. You haven't rebutted 1 comment I made w/ logic/intellect so I cannot argue w/ this foolish shit. I'd like to say you're right or have to defend myself, but your intellect is clearly not on certain levels....Maybe after you read and understand some history as well as current issues I will try to argue w/ you, but you truly sound like my 6 yr old niece explaining shit....Ignorance is Bliss, so maybe you never have to understand anything other than your Gun goes Bang, but I personally require a little more physics
I responded to all your posts that were relevant to this thread and instead of responding to them you randomly started ranting about religion, Sarah Palin, etc. Not only that, but you then started demanding that I post rebuttals to your tangents that had nothing to do with the thread.
Once again: this thread it about guns and gun rights.Every time you try to make it about religion, Sarah Palin, or whatever random thought jumps into that deluded mind of yours it makes you look dumber and dumber. Although there’s not much further you could fall after posts 105,106, 110.
I was posting about guns and gun rights in a gun and gun rights thread.
Instead of responding to my posts you randomly started ranting about religion, Sarah Palin, etc and then demanded that I post rebuttals to your tangents.
I know you don’t want to hear this, but this thread is about guns and gun rights. I realize you are aware you lost that argument, but ranting about religion and Sarah Palin isn’t going to change that.
Of course Sarah Palin is an anti gun advocate
Maybe reading between any lines, or rebutting comments I made in response to you is above your intellect. Who gives a shit what the thread started as, that wasn't how we started discussing it, yes I know guns and Palin are your backdrop...Am I talking politics w/ Sharron Angle of Nevada, you sure as fuck avoid any/all questions like her...Damn avoid answers and blame the other, sure as fuck sound like that dumb bitch
Quote Originally Posted by StraightShooter:
I was posting about guns and gun rights in a gun and gun rights thread.
Instead of responding to my posts you randomly started ranting about religion, Sarah Palin, etc and then demanded that I post rebuttals to your tangents.
I know you don’t want to hear this, but this thread is about guns and gun rights. I realize you are aware you lost that argument, but ranting about religion and Sarah Palin isn’t going to change that.
Of course Sarah Palin is an anti gun advocate
Maybe reading between any lines, or rebutting comments I made in response to you is above your intellect. Who gives a shit what the thread started as, that wasn't how we started discussing it, yes I know guns and Palin are your backdrop...Am I talking politics w/ Sharron Angle of Nevada, you sure as fuck avoid any/all questions like her...Damn avoid answers and blame the other, sure as fuck sound like that dumb bitch
I responded to all your posts that were relevant to this thread and instead of responding to them you randomly started ranting about religion, Sarah Palin, etc. Not only that, but you then started demanding that I post rebuttals to your tangents that had nothing to do with the thread.
Once again: this thread it about guns and gun rights.Every time you try to make it about religion, Sarah Palin, or whatever random thought jumps into that deluded mind of yours it makes you look dumber and dumber. Although there’s not much further you could fall after posts 105,106, 110.
quote me man, no response just makes you classier
Quote Originally Posted by StraightShooter:
I responded to all your posts that were relevant to this thread and instead of responding to them you randomly started ranting about religion, Sarah Palin, etc. Not only that, but you then started demanding that I post rebuttals to your tangents that had nothing to do with the thread.
Once again: this thread it about guns and gun rights.Every time you try to make it about religion, Sarah Palin, or whatever random thought jumps into that deluded mind of yours it makes you look dumber and dumber. Although there’s not much further you could fall after posts 105,106, 110.
I love your intellect, master of posting, rambling, pathetic, gun right....yet no constructive argument....Dude you sound like a fucking person trying to get whatever forum on your side, w/out making 1 single legit argument....I know we should pander to the forum since they are the kings of thought
I'm fucking out man, maybe you should go invest in Goldman's CDO's on credit default swaps w/ Mezziane level AAA rated bonds, since you probably fall into the class of subprime mortgage individuals who think you will be better off in 2 yr's...I get that my intellect is talking a foreign language to you, but you started this argument, yet never had 1 intelligent comment. I'm disappointed since I thought we could have some good banter...I'm probably the moron for not recognizing your competence was the level of a HS kid who has no knowledge or experience in this world and you think you know everything w/out understanding jack shit....Fuck it SS, go play w/ your guns since I'm sure in a year or 2 I won't have to hear from you again
My point IGNORANCE IS BLISS seems to hold true in this discussion...Do you know our current President is Barack Obama??? Maybe I should teach you some Algebra so you can get through college, how but stats, or philosophy??? Dude I'm ready for a smart fight, you just aren't on your game yet
I responded to all your relevant posts. If you were serious about having a debate about the topic of the thread you would have responded to the retorts I made to your posts in the previous page. But no, you know you lost that debate so you’d rather rant and rave about Sarah Palin, religion, and whatever other random thoughts pop into that sad deluded mind of yours.
Post #105, 106, and 110 sum up your mental capacity.
Quote Originally Posted by mwhit82:
I love your intellect, master of posting, rambling, pathetic, gun right....yet no constructive argument....Dude you sound like a fucking person trying to get whatever forum on your side, w/out making 1 single legit argument....I know we should pander to the forum since they are the kings of thought
I'm fucking out man, maybe you should go invest in Goldman's CDO's on credit default swaps w/ Mezziane level AAA rated bonds, since you probably fall into the class of subprime mortgage individuals who think you will be better off in 2 yr's...I get that my intellect is talking a foreign language to you, but you started this argument, yet never had 1 intelligent comment. I'm disappointed since I thought we could have some good banter...I'm probably the moron for not recognizing your competence was the level of a HS kid who has no knowledge or experience in this world and you think you know everything w/out understanding jack shit....Fuck it SS, go play w/ your guns since I'm sure in a year or 2 I won't have to hear from you again
My point IGNORANCE IS BLISS seems to hold true in this discussion...Do you know our current President is Barack Obama??? Maybe I should teach you some Algebra so you can get through college, how but stats, or philosophy??? Dude I'm ready for a smart fight, you just aren't on your game yet
I responded to all your relevant posts. If you were serious about having a debate about the topic of the thread you would have responded to the retorts I made to your posts in the previous page. But no, you know you lost that debate so you’d rather rant and rave about Sarah Palin, religion, and whatever other random thoughts pop into that sad deluded mind of yours.
Post #105, 106, and 110 sum up your mental capacity.
Maybe reading between any lines, or rebutting comments I made in response to you is above your intellect. Who gives a shit what the thread started as, that wasn't how we started discussing it, yes I know guns and Palin are your backdrop...Am I talking politics w/ Sharron Angle of Nevada, you sure as fuck avoid any/all questions like her...Damn avoid answers and blame the other, sure as fuck sound like that dumb bitch
Yup, keep ignoring the fact that I responded to all your relevant posts about guns and instead of responding to them you keep ranting about Sarah Palin and religion in some pathetic attempt to save face.
Hate to break it to you, but its not working.
Quote Originally Posted by mwhit82:
Of course Sarah Palin is an anti gun advocate
Maybe reading between any lines, or rebutting comments I made in response to you is above your intellect. Who gives a shit what the thread started as, that wasn't how we started discussing it, yes I know guns and Palin are your backdrop...Am I talking politics w/ Sharron Angle of Nevada, you sure as fuck avoid any/all questions like her...Damn avoid answers and blame the other, sure as fuck sound like that dumb bitch
Yup, keep ignoring the fact that I responded to all your relevant posts about guns and instead of responding to them you keep ranting about Sarah Palin and religion in some pathetic attempt to save face.
fuck, until you give me any logical response I'm done w/ you....I said guns and rape and pharmacies, yet you had no response.....Pander to the forum, fucking box, like I care what any of them think, if any1 reads through this shit they will realize how foolish you sound...I know I'm a Palin and religion hater, guess your on the side of supporting the foolish box who writes tax-cuts on her hand and you believe in magical mystical beings...Guess it's a draw in your mind, next time step up to the plate and at least argue 1 logical point.... otherwise I really have no time for you, I gotta get drunk, i sure do dread it, and I'm gonna spend my money and I know just what I'm gonna do, spend my money call everybody honey and find myself singing the blues
fuck, until you give me any logical response I'm done w/ you....I said guns and rape and pharmacies, yet you had no response.....Pander to the forum, fucking box, like I care what any of them think, if any1 reads through this shit they will realize how foolish you sound...I know I'm a Palin and religion hater, guess your on the side of supporting the foolish box who writes tax-cuts on her hand and you believe in magical mystical beings...Guess it's a draw in your mind, next time step up to the plate and at least argue 1 logical point.... otherwise I really have no time for you, I gotta get drunk, i sure do dread it, and I'm gonna spend my money and I know just what I'm gonna do, spend my money call everybody honey and find myself singing the blues
Again: I responded to all your posts that were relevant to this thread and instead of responding to them you randomly started ranting about religion, Sarah Palin, etc.
Quote Originally Posted by mwhit82:
quote me man, no response just makes you classier
Again: I responded to all your posts that were relevant to this thread and instead of responding to them you randomly started ranting about religion, Sarah Palin, etc.
Yup, keep ignoring the fact that I responded to all your relevant posts about guns and instead of responding to them you keep ranting about Sarah Palin and religion in some pathetic attempt to save face.
Hate to break it to you, but its not working.
Again this safe face bullshit I'm trying to having an intellectual convo w/ you, granted I wasted my time which really pisses me off since i had some cool shit taped from PBS and Disc Science...Dude you really pissed me off, nothing new a dumbass on the internet, I should know better
Quote Originally Posted by StraightShooter:
Yup, keep ignoring the fact that I responded to all your relevant posts about guns and instead of responding to them you keep ranting about Sarah Palin and religion in some pathetic attempt to save face.
Hate to break it to you, but its not working.
Again this safe face bullshit I'm trying to having an intellectual convo w/ you, granted I wasted my time which really pisses me off since i had some cool shit taped from PBS and Disc Science...Dude you really pissed me off, nothing new a dumbass on the internet, I should know better
Again this safe face bullshit I'm trying to having an intellectual convo w/ you, granted I wasted my time which really pisses me off since i had some cool shit taped from PBS and Disc Science...Dude you really pissed me off, nothing new a dumbass on the internet, I should know better
Your idea of an intelligent conversation is making posts like #105, 106, and 110?
Wow, I’d hate to see what an unintelligent conversation from you would be like.
Quote Originally Posted by mwhit82:
Again this safe face bullshit I'm trying to having an intellectual convo w/ you, granted I wasted my time which really pisses me off since i had some cool shit taped from PBS and Disc Science...Dude you really pissed me off, nothing new a dumbass on the internet, I should know better
Your idea of an intelligent conversation is making posts like #105, 106, and 110?
Wow, I’d hate to see what an unintelligent conversation from you would be like.
Have a good day SS, hope your 9 doesn't treat you like Plaxico
I’ve always thought of you as just a simpleton. The village idiot everyone laughs at. However, after posts #105, 106, and 110 I am actually pretty worried for you. Please, get yourself some help.
Quote Originally Posted by mwhit82:
Have a good day SS, hope your 9 doesn't treat you like Plaxico
I’ve always thought of you as just a simpleton. The village idiot everyone laughs at. However, after posts #105, 106, and 110 I am actually pretty worried for you. Please, get yourself some help.
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