fuck it....ss, until you give me any logical response I'm done w/ you....I said guns and rape and pharmacies, yet you had no response.....Pander to the forum, fucking box, like I care what any of them think, if any1 reads through this shit they will realize how foolish you sound...I know I'm a Palin and religion hater, guess your on the side of supporting the foolish box who writes tax-cuts on her hand and you believe in magical mystical beings...Guess it's a draw in your mind, next time step up to the plate and at least argue 1 logical point.... otherwise I really have no time for you, I gotta get drunk, i sure do dread it, and I'm gonna spend my money and I know just what I'm gonna do, spend my money call everybody honey and find myself singing the blues

I responded to all your posts that were relevant to this thread and instead of responding to them you randomly started ranting about religion, Sarah Palin, etc. Not only that, but you then started demanding that I post rebuttals to your tangents that had nothing to do with the thread.
This thread is about guns and since you can’t win that debate you instead started ranting about whatever random thought popped into your sick and twisted mind.
It’s pretty obvious that you lost and you know it. So go ahead and limp off with you tail between your legs again. We can bump this thread in another few months and you can embarrass yourself some more.