Quote Originally Posted by don juan:
So you haven't laughed so hard about what ? Honest police officers trying to keep the peace ? If a few are corrupt, so you laugh at them all ?
How about honest ones killed in the line of duty ? If you are so dam educated, why don't you join ? Rather than sit around laughing at decent ones !
First off, so, are you a cop? If the answer is "NO" right off the bat, then eff off......
Secondly, every, and I'm talking EV-AH-RHEE douchetard, excuse me, "guy" I've ever known that "went on from high school to be a cop" was the most racist, uneducated, jerkoff from that class.......
Next, I've never had a "domestic dispute", or a "burglar" broke into my house, or a cat up a tree, or whatever. You want to know my complete history with the Gestapo???
1. Rolling through a stop sign
2. Doing 51 in a 45
3. Speed trap where a downhill grade goes from 55 to 45
etc., etc., et-fukkin'-cetera.......
Whatever makes money for the state, that's where the "hard hitting police work" comes into play. Unless, a "person of color" is acting "unruly" - then, let the tasers, batons, expletives, kicking, punching, beating, and shooting in the back fly........
So, you show me an "Honest Cop", and I'll show you a Unicorn, or a Jackalope.........