Says page not found, but I googled the NYT story.
It's here, this present time and now in the US where you need to be armed at all times. Cops in matters like this are useless, other than to arrest the person defending themselves from psychos like this f**king assshole. And then lunatics like this just make tensions (racial and not) that much more heated. This is the scariest time to be in public that I've known of 27 years on this planet. Behind the wheel it's to the point where an accident taking your life takes a backseat to a lunatic blowing 27 teeth into your skull because you beeped at them for cutting you off.
Movie theatres, apt. complexes, pharmacies, swimming pools, highways, parking lots of stadiums...
Much safer in a zombie apocalypse.
Says page not found, but I googled the NYT story.
It's here, this present time and now in the US where you need to be armed at all times. Cops in matters like this are useless, other than to arrest the person defending themselves from psychos like this f**king assshole. And then lunatics like this just make tensions (racial and not) that much more heated. This is the scariest time to be in public that I've known of 27 years on this planet. Behind the wheel it's to the point where an accident taking your life takes a backseat to a lunatic blowing 27 teeth into your skull because you beeped at them for cutting you off.
Movie theatres, apt. complexes, pharmacies, swimming pools, highways, parking lots of stadiums...
Much safer in a zombie apocalypse.
Says page not found, but I googled the NYT story.
It's here, this present time and now in the US where you need to be armed at all times. Cops in matters like this are useless, other than to arrest the person defending themselves from psychos like this f**king assshole. And then lunatics like this just make tensions (racial and not) that much more heated. This is the scariest time to be in public that I've known of 27 years on this planet. Behind the wheel it's to the point where an accident taking your life takes a backseat to a lunatic blowing 27 teeth into your skull because you beeped at them for cutting you off.
Movie theatres, apt. complexes, pharmacies, swimming pools, highways, parking lots of stadiums...
Much safer in a zombie apocalypse.
Says page not found, but I googled the NYT story.
It's here, this present time and now in the US where you need to be armed at all times. Cops in matters like this are useless, other than to arrest the person defending themselves from psychos like this f**king assshole. And then lunatics like this just make tensions (racial and not) that much more heated. This is the scariest time to be in public that I've known of 27 years on this planet. Behind the wheel it's to the point where an accident taking your life takes a backseat to a lunatic blowing 27 teeth into your skull because you beeped at them for cutting you off.
Movie theatres, apt. complexes, pharmacies, swimming pools, highways, parking lots of stadiums...
Much safer in a zombie apocalypse.
What a shame. Prayers go out to the victims, the victims' families and friends.
Look at the headline on "White Man Accused of Killing 9 at Historic Black Church". Might as well capitalize and get the race-baiting started, fan the flames while they are hot. Absolutely no respect for the dead, or sympathy for the families; yet again, the media turns a tragedy into a political football.
First off, this piece of trash is not a "man". He may be white, but "men" don't kill innocents, and don't shoot people that have done nothing to him and cannot shoot back. This guy was a brainwashed lunatic. No trial or psyche evaluation needed here.......swift trip to the chair, just like disposing of a rabid dog.
Secondly, the only time the lefty media reports on anything remotely related to a church or prayer is when it is in a negative light. Save it MSN........we know all too well what you guys think of Christianity and worship. To put the word "church" in your headline is to imply that you recognize and respect it as an institution and see it as many others sacred ground. You do not.
A shameless crafting of a provocative headline. This whole thing is sickening. Instead of being pissed off that a heinous crime was perpetrated against a group of peaceful Americans, the first question addressed by the attorney general was whether or not the accused would be charged with a "hate crime".
The order of the day should be swing him high, and swing him swiftly. Instead, this tragedy is going to turn into a drawn out commentary on race relations, instead of a commentary on swift justice.
Peace and prayers to the victims.
What a shame. Prayers go out to the victims, the victims' families and friends.
Look at the headline on "White Man Accused of Killing 9 at Historic Black Church". Might as well capitalize and get the race-baiting started, fan the flames while they are hot. Absolutely no respect for the dead, or sympathy for the families; yet again, the media turns a tragedy into a political football.
First off, this piece of trash is not a "man". He may be white, but "men" don't kill innocents, and don't shoot people that have done nothing to him and cannot shoot back. This guy was a brainwashed lunatic. No trial or psyche evaluation needed here.......swift trip to the chair, just like disposing of a rabid dog.
Secondly, the only time the lefty media reports on anything remotely related to a church or prayer is when it is in a negative light. Save it MSN........we know all too well what you guys think of Christianity and worship. To put the word "church" in your headline is to imply that you recognize and respect it as an institution and see it as many others sacred ground. You do not.
A shameless crafting of a provocative headline. This whole thing is sickening. Instead of being pissed off that a heinous crime was perpetrated against a group of peaceful Americans, the first question addressed by the attorney general was whether or not the accused would be charged with a "hate crime".
The order of the day should be swing him high, and swing him swiftly. Instead, this tragedy is going to turn into a drawn out commentary on race relations, instead of a commentary on swift justice.
Peace and prayers to the victims.
"White Man Accused of Killing 9 at Historic Black Church".
Some may look Dylann Storm Roof and see him as a white liberal sporting a (three stooges ) Mo bowl haircut.
But,he spent one hour at the prayer service in the church before opening he may like Rachel Dolezal self-identify as black...
"White Man Accused of Killing 9 at Historic Black Church".
Some may look Dylann Storm Roof and see him as a white liberal sporting a (three stooges ) Mo bowl haircut.
But,he spent one hour at the prayer service in the church before opening he may like Rachel Dolezal self-identify as black...
What a shame. Prayers go out to the victims, the victims' families and friends.
Look at the headline on "White Man Accused of Killing 9 at Historic Black Church". Might as well capitalize and get the race-baiting started, fan the flames while they are hot. Absolutely no respect for the dead, or sympathy for the families; yet again, the media turns a tragedy into a political football.
First off, this piece of trash is not a "man". He may be white, but "men" don't kill innocents, and don't shoot people that have done nothing to him and cannot shoot back. This guy was a brainwashed lunatic. No trial or psyche evaluation needed here.......swift trip to the chair, just like disposing of a rabid dog.
Secondly, the only time the lefty media reports on anything remotely related to a church or prayer is when it is in a negative light. Save it MSN........we know all too well what you guys think of Christianity and worship. To put the word "church" in your headline is to imply that you recognize and respect it as an institution and see it as many others sacred ground. You do not.
A shameless crafting of a provocative headline. This whole thing is sickening. Instead of being pissed off that a heinous crime was perpetrated against a group of peaceful Americans, the first question addressed by the attorney general was whether or not the accused would be charged with a "hate crime".
The order of the day should be swing him high, and swing him swiftly. Instead, this tragedy is going to turn into a drawn out commentary on race relations, instead of a commentary on swift justice.
Peace and prayers to the victims.
Ya gotta love this poster. He is truly a site to behold. True comedy.
Peace and prayers to the victims and families he says...
And in his next finger tapping moment, he goes right after the media for using the terms white and black in a headline when the suspect himself allegedly said:
"I wanted to kill black people."
But this is the media's fault for using white and black terminology in their headline to Vern.
Yet this same poster would be all over the media for NOT intensely regurgitating the words of Ismaaiyl Brimsley and his facebook posts which clearly stated "take one of ours/we take one of theirs" in the Liu/Ramos murders, precisely because a black male did the shooting in that case.
And that folks, is the Big Vern (and many here like him) as poster in a nutshell.
And on and on he goes about 'the media':
A shameless crafting of a provocative headline. This whole thing is sickening. Instead of being pissed off that a heinous crime was perpetrated against a group of peaceful Americans, the first question addressed by the attorney general was whether or not the accused would be charged with a "hate crime".
See to Vern the raging bigot, it's a 'heinous crime' when it's a white on black mass murder (or if it is just any white crime in general), but when it's a black on white crime, it's purely racial and if it's a black crime in general it's due to some sort of racial/communal/biological dysfunction in the black community (their thoughts and words, not mine). Or maybe it's due to a lack or fatherly presence (a famous one they always have in their back pocket).
Who knows what he'll come up with next? No one here has anything to say about it...except me of course. And I will call him out, loud and proud. Because Vern, well....ya gotta feel for him.
Watch Vern in action as this story unfolds as he flips and flops more than Texas Hold'em cards on a poker table at the Mirage, looking for any backdoor to partially absolve the racial element of this mass murder. Internet message board entertainment at its finest.
What a shame. Prayers go out to the victims, the victims' families and friends.
Look at the headline on "White Man Accused of Killing 9 at Historic Black Church". Might as well capitalize and get the race-baiting started, fan the flames while they are hot. Absolutely no respect for the dead, or sympathy for the families; yet again, the media turns a tragedy into a political football.
First off, this piece of trash is not a "man". He may be white, but "men" don't kill innocents, and don't shoot people that have done nothing to him and cannot shoot back. This guy was a brainwashed lunatic. No trial or psyche evaluation needed here.......swift trip to the chair, just like disposing of a rabid dog.
Secondly, the only time the lefty media reports on anything remotely related to a church or prayer is when it is in a negative light. Save it MSN........we know all too well what you guys think of Christianity and worship. To put the word "church" in your headline is to imply that you recognize and respect it as an institution and see it as many others sacred ground. You do not.
A shameless crafting of a provocative headline. This whole thing is sickening. Instead of being pissed off that a heinous crime was perpetrated against a group of peaceful Americans, the first question addressed by the attorney general was whether or not the accused would be charged with a "hate crime".
The order of the day should be swing him high, and swing him swiftly. Instead, this tragedy is going to turn into a drawn out commentary on race relations, instead of a commentary on swift justice.
Peace and prayers to the victims.
Ya gotta love this poster. He is truly a site to behold. True comedy.
Peace and prayers to the victims and families he says...
And in his next finger tapping moment, he goes right after the media for using the terms white and black in a headline when the suspect himself allegedly said:
"I wanted to kill black people."
But this is the media's fault for using white and black terminology in their headline to Vern.
Yet this same poster would be all over the media for NOT intensely regurgitating the words of Ismaaiyl Brimsley and his facebook posts which clearly stated "take one of ours/we take one of theirs" in the Liu/Ramos murders, precisely because a black male did the shooting in that case.
And that folks, is the Big Vern (and many here like him) as poster in a nutshell.
And on and on he goes about 'the media':
A shameless crafting of a provocative headline. This whole thing is sickening. Instead of being pissed off that a heinous crime was perpetrated against a group of peaceful Americans, the first question addressed by the attorney general was whether or not the accused would be charged with a "hate crime".
See to Vern the raging bigot, it's a 'heinous crime' when it's a white on black mass murder (or if it is just any white crime in general), but when it's a black on white crime, it's purely racial and if it's a black crime in general it's due to some sort of racial/communal/biological dysfunction in the black community (their thoughts and words, not mine). Or maybe it's due to a lack or fatherly presence (a famous one they always have in their back pocket).
Who knows what he'll come up with next? No one here has anything to say about it...except me of course. And I will call him out, loud and proud. Because Vern, well....ya gotta feel for him.
Watch Vern in action as this story unfolds as he flips and flops more than Texas Hold'em cards on a poker table at the Mirage, looking for any backdoor to partially absolve the racial element of this mass murder. Internet message board entertainment at its finest.
"when the suspect allegedly said"
Of course he allegedly said he wanted to kill black people. Makes for better reading....unless you are used to reading between the lines.
Come on Scal
"when the suspect allegedly said"
Of course he allegedly said he wanted to kill black people. Makes for better reading....unless you are used to reading between the lines.
Come on Scal
Hating someone because of their beliefs? Shame on you.
Hating someone because of their beliefs? Shame on you.
This is the norm in america anymore and will continue to be unfortunately. In all this coverage they mentioned how during a prayer circle someone "God if we aren't safe in church where are we safe?" I'm a Christian and this kind of thinking has to start. I personally don't go to church. I think church and religion has done more to harm christianity
Church is going to see what people wear, And God will protect us and God is in control. I love God... but what is God in control of? I asked this to a pastor i asked him"You say God's in control... of what?" He said "Of everything" I said "So everything that happens God wants to happen?" He said"Yes" So i said "We can't prosecute rapists then. "He said"Yes you can" I said "No you can't God's in control"
He went "i hadn't thought about it like that". i told him if you think twice you'll be the smartest member of your congregation. God's in control of nothing and thats not a lack fo faith that's fact
And this crap will continue with guns and psychos who get guns who destroy lives because they aren't man enough to kill themselves. You can add guns,get rid of them,gun control etc it won't change. I said it after Sandy Hook and i got destroyed for it
This rhetroic that the media goes on about of "Black Lives Matter" "White Lives Matter" etc. Sorry folks no one's life matters anymore. We are going to hell in a hand basket fast in the USA
This is the norm in america anymore and will continue to be unfortunately. In all this coverage they mentioned how during a prayer circle someone "God if we aren't safe in church where are we safe?" I'm a Christian and this kind of thinking has to start. I personally don't go to church. I think church and religion has done more to harm christianity
Church is going to see what people wear, And God will protect us and God is in control. I love God... but what is God in control of? I asked this to a pastor i asked him"You say God's in control... of what?" He said "Of everything" I said "So everything that happens God wants to happen?" He said"Yes" So i said "We can't prosecute rapists then. "He said"Yes you can" I said "No you can't God's in control"
He went "i hadn't thought about it like that". i told him if you think twice you'll be the smartest member of your congregation. God's in control of nothing and thats not a lack fo faith that's fact
And this crap will continue with guns and psychos who get guns who destroy lives because they aren't man enough to kill themselves. You can add guns,get rid of them,gun control etc it won't change. I said it after Sandy Hook and i got destroyed for it
This rhetroic that the media goes on about of "Black Lives Matter" "White Lives Matter" etc. Sorry folks no one's life matters anymore. We are going to hell in a hand basket fast in the USA
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