fuckin terrible. i did a quick google search and apparently the guy is worth $40 million or so. thief hiding in plain sight.
osteen: Morgan asked Osteen if he ever felt guilty for his wealth. He replied,
"I don't ever feel guilty because it comes from – it's God's blessings
on my life. And for me to apologize for God's – how God has blessed you,
it's almost an insult to our God."
jesus: Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a
needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
Quote Originally Posted by SYSTEM:
joel osteen is scum and the lowest of the low
brother club
fuckin terrible. i did a quick google search and apparently the guy is worth $40 million or so. thief hiding in plain sight.
osteen: Morgan asked Osteen if he ever felt guilty for his wealth. He replied,
"I don't ever feel guilty because it comes from – it's God's blessings
on my life. And for me to apologize for God's – how God has blessed you,
it's almost an insult to our God."
jesus: Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a
needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
Since you are making the claim, the burden of proof is on you...lol
But hey, don't waste your time on proving the FSM because I really don't care if it exist or not...lol
Well done SJD. And now you know why that natural position is for us to NOT believe in your god. Because the burden of proof is on you. You cannot prove he exists. As long as that is the case, I choose not to believe.
Quote Originally Posted by SirJohnDrake:
Bobby will tell you that he made it up...lol
You can't prove that the FSM exist...lol
Since you are making the claim, the burden of proof is on you...lol
But hey, don't waste your time on proving the FSM because I really don't care if it exist or not...lol
Well done SJD. And now you know why that natural position is for us to NOT believe in your god. Because the burden of proof is on you. You cannot prove he exists. As long as that is the case, I choose not to believe.
Well done SJD. And now you know why that natural position is for us to NOT believe in your god. Because the burden of proof is on you. You cannot prove he exists. As long as that is the case, I choose not to believe.
I don't have to prove anything to you. So there is no burden on me to prove it. It is really a matter of faith.
My faith is with the personal Creator God, who created the universe and everything else that exists.
Your faith is with an impersonal nothing, the universe and everything else just popped into existence from nothing.
Life just appearing out of nothing from non-life with no cause.
I ask you How can an impersonal, meaningless, purposeless, amoral universe accidentally create beings who are full of personality and obsessed with meaning, purpose, and morality?
You can't answer that because your argument ignores the basic laws of causality – an effect must resemble its cause.
Lastly, it takes more faith to believe what you believe than what I believe.
Good luck with your faith.
Quote Originally Posted by KittyKatz286:
Well done SJD. And now you know why that natural position is for us to NOT believe in your god. Because the burden of proof is on you. You cannot prove he exists. As long as that is the case, I choose not to believe.
I don't have to prove anything to you. So there is no burden on me to prove it. It is really a matter of faith.
My faith is with the personal Creator God, who created the universe and everything else that exists.
Your faith is with an impersonal nothing, the universe and everything else just popped into existence from nothing.
Life just appearing out of nothing from non-life with no cause.
I ask you How can an impersonal, meaningless, purposeless, amoral universe accidentally create beings who are full of personality and obsessed with meaning, purpose, and morality?
You can't answer that because your argument ignores the basic laws of causality – an effect must resemble its cause.
Lastly, it takes more faith to believe what you believe than what I believe.
I don't have to prove anything to you. So there is no burden on me to prove it. It is really a matter of faith.
My faith is with the personal Creator God, who created the universe and everything else that exists.
Your faith is with an impersonal nothing, the universe and everything else just popped into existence from nothing.
Life just appearing out of nothing from non-life with no cause.
I ask you How can an impersonal, meaningless, purposeless, amoral universe accidentally create beings who are full of personality and obsessed with meaning, purpose, and morality?
You can't answer that because your argument ignores the basic laws of causality – an effect must resemble its cause.
Lastly, it takes more faith to believe what you believe than what I believe.
Good luck with your faith.
I believe in nothing. You believe in something. If you think I have "faith" at all then you are truly insane. Even if the universe was created by some sort of magical being, there is absolutely NO CHANCE it's your god. So you're just as screwed as I am. Except I'm not wasting my life praying to magic men in the sky.
Quote Originally Posted by SirJohnDrake:
I don't have to prove anything to you. So there is no burden on me to prove it. It is really a matter of faith.
My faith is with the personal Creator God, who created the universe and everything else that exists.
Your faith is with an impersonal nothing, the universe and everything else just popped into existence from nothing.
Life just appearing out of nothing from non-life with no cause.
I ask you How can an impersonal, meaningless, purposeless, amoral universe accidentally create beings who are full of personality and obsessed with meaning, purpose, and morality?
You can't answer that because your argument ignores the basic laws of causality – an effect must resemble its cause.
Lastly, it takes more faith to believe what you believe than what I believe.
Good luck with your faith.
I believe in nothing. You believe in something. If you think I have "faith" at all then you are truly insane. Even if the universe was created by some sort of magical being, there is absolutely NO CHANCE it's your god. So you're just as screwed as I am. Except I'm not wasting my life praying to magic men in the sky.
You are more of a lying atheist than a devout follower of the FSM...lol
The FSM was made up by another atheist named Bobby Henderson, he created this satire in protest of the Kansas State Board of Education’s decision to teach intelligent design as an alternative to the theory of evolution.
I am no atheist
Its like whatever you post after that is meaningless when you insult me calling me a liar and atheist...
Why is it that people cant just post their argument in a civil and intelligent debate?
Read the thread... it is littered with calling the other person wrong/stupid/atheist etc... and usually happens when the person is unable to engage in a civil dialog...
Quote Originally Posted by SirJohnDrake:
You are more of a lying atheist than a devout follower of the FSM...lol
The FSM was made up by another atheist named Bobby Henderson, he created this satire in protest of the Kansas State Board of Education’s decision to teach intelligent design as an alternative to the theory of evolution.
I am no atheist
Its like whatever you post after that is meaningless when you insult me calling me a liar and atheist...
Why is it that people cant just post their argument in a civil and intelligent debate?
Read the thread... it is littered with calling the other person wrong/stupid/atheist etc... and usually happens when the person is unable to engage in a civil dialog...
Its like whatever you post after that is meaningless when you insult me calling me a liar and atheist...
Why is it that people cant just post their argument in a civil and intelligent debate?
Read the thread... it is littered with calling the other person wrong/stupid/atheist etc... and usually happens when the person is unable to engage in a civil dialog...
Of course you're a lying atheist. Nobody believes in the FSM. For you to say you are a devout follower of the FSM makes you a liar.
Quote Originally Posted by dl36:
I am no atheist
Its like whatever you post after that is meaningless when you insult me calling me a liar and atheist...
Why is it that people cant just post their argument in a civil and intelligent debate?
Read the thread... it is littered with calling the other person wrong/stupid/atheist etc... and usually happens when the person is unable to engage in a civil dialog...
Of course you're a lying atheist. Nobody believes in the FSM. For you to say you are a devout follower of the FSM makes you a liar.
Of course you're a lying atheist. Nobody believes in the FSM. For you to say you are a devout follower of the FSM makes you a liar.
so if you aren't a devout follower of your religion you're a liar and an atheist
good thing you don't eat pig products, throw a football, wear clothes with more than one kind of fiber (in other words, wear clothes), get divorced, eat seafood and so on.
i guess you're taking up serpents too. have you ever been bitten? i think that's a sin.
Quote Originally Posted by SirJohnDrake:
Of course you're a lying atheist. Nobody believes in the FSM. For you to say you are a devout follower of the FSM makes you a liar.
so if you aren't a devout follower of your religion you're a liar and an atheist
good thing you don't eat pig products, throw a football, wear clothes with more than one kind of fiber (in other words, wear clothes), get divorced, eat seafood and so on.
i guess you're taking up serpents too. have you ever been bitten? i think that's a sin.
so if you aren't a devout follower of your religion you're a liar and an atheist
good thing you don't eat pig products, throw a football, wear clothes with more than one kind of fiber (in other words, wear clothes), get divorced, eat seafood and so on.
i guess you're taking up serpents too. have you ever been bitten? i think that's a sin.
It's obvious you have misunderstood what I've said...which is not surprising. Let's go back and first analyze the statement I made to dl36 and look at the entire context:
"Of course you're a lying atheist. Nobody believes in the FSM. For you to say you are a devout follower of the FSM makes you a liar."
Nobody believes in the FSM, means just what it says...nobody believes because it is understood that the FSM was a satire created by a man named Bobby Henderson.
Mr. Henderson created this satire in protest of the Kansas State Board of Education’s decision to teach intelligent design as an alternative to the theory of evolution.
So it is clearly obvious that when dl36 made the statement that he is a devout follower of the FSM, he was mocking the Christian faith and lying in the process of being a devout follower of the FSM.
And he clearly made his position known in previous statements that he doesn't believe in the existence of God which makes him an atheist.
So explain to me how the statement I made could be interpreted to mean that if I'm not a devout follower of my religion that would indicate I'm a liar and an atheist?
dl36 couldn't have just said he was a follower of the FSM and left out the devout and still he would be a liar, regardless of using the word devout or not using the word. It's because I made an affirmative statement that "Nobody believes in the FSM."
But now bringing in the Christian faith, approx. one-third of the entire population of the world are practicing Christians. That would be close to 3 billion people.
So if a person was to say, "I am a follower of Christianity" or "I am a devout follower of Christianity" How could you make a affirmative statement that the person is a liar and an atheist?
You just wouldn't know if the person was a liar or telling the truth. It's because there are close to 3 billion practicing Christians world-wide, some will be very devout and some will not be as devout.
But nevertheless it doesn't mean if they are not as devout it would indicate they are lying about their belief and that they are truly atheists.
Whereas there are zero practicing FSM believers and so anyone who tells you they are a follower or devout follower of the FSM is clearly lying.
A little later on I will respond to your other remarks about the pig products etc.
Quote Originally Posted by ClubDirt:
so if you aren't a devout follower of your religion you're a liar and an atheist
good thing you don't eat pig products, throw a football, wear clothes with more than one kind of fiber (in other words, wear clothes), get divorced, eat seafood and so on.
i guess you're taking up serpents too. have you ever been bitten? i think that's a sin.
It's obvious you have misunderstood what I've said...which is not surprising. Let's go back and first analyze the statement I made to dl36 and look at the entire context:
"Of course you're a lying atheist. Nobody believes in the FSM. For you to say you are a devout follower of the FSM makes you a liar."
Nobody believes in the FSM, means just what it says...nobody believes because it is understood that the FSM was a satire created by a man named Bobby Henderson.
Mr. Henderson created this satire in protest of the Kansas State Board of Education’s decision to teach intelligent design as an alternative to the theory of evolution.
So it is clearly obvious that when dl36 made the statement that he is a devout follower of the FSM, he was mocking the Christian faith and lying in the process of being a devout follower of the FSM.
And he clearly made his position known in previous statements that he doesn't believe in the existence of God which makes him an atheist.
So explain to me how the statement I made could be interpreted to mean that if I'm not a devout follower of my religion that would indicate I'm a liar and an atheist?
dl36 couldn't have just said he was a follower of the FSM and left out the devout and still he would be a liar, regardless of using the word devout or not using the word. It's because I made an affirmative statement that "Nobody believes in the FSM."
But now bringing in the Christian faith, approx. one-third of the entire population of the world are practicing Christians. That would be close to 3 billion people.
So if a person was to say, "I am a follower of Christianity" or "I am a devout follower of Christianity" How could you make a affirmative statement that the person is a liar and an atheist?
You just wouldn't know if the person was a liar or telling the truth. It's because there are close to 3 billion practicing Christians world-wide, some will be very devout and some will not be as devout.
But nevertheless it doesn't mean if they are not as devout it would indicate they are lying about their belief and that they are truly atheists.
Whereas there are zero practicing FSM believers and so anyone who tells you they are a follower or devout follower of the FSM is clearly lying.
A little later on I will respond to your other remarks about the pig products etc.
so if you aren't a devout follower of your religion you're a liar and an atheist
good thing you don't eat pig products, throw a football, wear clothes with more than one kind of fiber (in other words, wear clothes), get divorced, eat seafood and so on.
i guess you're taking up serpents too. have you ever been bitten? i think that's a sin.
It's obvious you have misunderstood what I've said...which is not surprising. Let's go back and first analyze the statement I made to dl36 and look at the entire context:
"Of course you're a lying atheist. Nobody believes in the FSM. For you to say you are a devout follower of the FSM makes you a liar."
Nobody believes in the FSM, means just what it says...nobody believes because it is understood that the FSM was a satire created by a man named Bobby Henderson.
Mr. Henderson created this satire in protest of the Kansas State Board of Education’s decision to teach intelligent design as an alternative to the theory of evolution.
So it is clearly obvious that when dl36 made the statement that he is a devout follower of the FSM, he was mocking the Christian faith and lying in the process of being a devout follower of the FSM.
And he clearly made his position known in previous statements that he doesn't believe in the existence of God which makes him an atheist.
So explain to me how the statement I made could be interpreted to mean that if I'm not a devout follower of my religion that would indicate I'm a liar and an atheist?
dl36 couldn't have just said he was a follower of the FSM and left out the devout and still he would be a liar, regardless of using the word devout or not using the word. It's because I made an affirmative statement that "Nobody believes in the FSM."
But now bringing in the Christian faith, approx. one-third of the entire population of the world are practicing Christians. That would be close to 3 billion people.
So if a person was to say, "I am a follower of Christianity" or "I am a devout follower of Christianity" How could you make a affirmative statement that the person is a liar and an atheist?
You just wouldn't know if the person was a liar or telling the truth. It's because there are close to 3 billion practicing Christians world-wide, some will be very devout and some will not be as devout.
But nevertheless it doesn't mean if they are not as devout it would indicate they are lying about their belief and that they are truly atheists.
Whereas there are zero practicing FSM believers and so anyone who tells you they are a follower or devout follower of the FSM is clearly lying.
A little later on I will respond to your other remarks about the pig products etc.
So sorry, I forgot to turn my mic on...can you hear me now?...lol
Quote Originally Posted by ClubDirt:
so if you aren't a devout follower of your religion you're a liar and an atheist
good thing you don't eat pig products, throw a football, wear clothes with more than one kind of fiber (in other words, wear clothes), get divorced, eat seafood and so on.
i guess you're taking up serpents too. have you ever been bitten? i think that's a sin.
It's obvious you have misunderstood what I've said...which is not surprising. Let's go back and first analyze the statement I made to dl36 and look at the entire context:
"Of course you're a lying atheist. Nobody believes in the FSM. For you to say you are a devout follower of the FSM makes you a liar."
Nobody believes in the FSM, means just what it says...nobody believes because it is understood that the FSM was a satire created by a man named Bobby Henderson.
Mr. Henderson created this satire in protest of the Kansas State Board of Education’s decision to teach intelligent design as an alternative to the theory of evolution.
So it is clearly obvious that when dl36 made the statement that he is a devout follower of the FSM, he was mocking the Christian faith and lying in the process of being a devout follower of the FSM.
And he clearly made his position known in previous statements that he doesn't believe in the existence of God which makes him an atheist.
So explain to me how the statement I made could be interpreted to mean that if I'm not a devout follower of my religion that would indicate I'm a liar and an atheist?
dl36 couldn't have just said he was a follower of the FSM and left out the devout and still he would be a liar, regardless of using the word devout or not using the word. It's because I made an affirmative statement that "Nobody believes in the FSM."
But now bringing in the Christian faith, approx. one-third of the entire population of the world are practicing Christians. That would be close to 3 billion people.
So if a person was to say, "I am a follower of Christianity" or "I am a devout follower of Christianity" How could you make a affirmative statement that the person is a liar and an atheist?
You just wouldn't know if the person was a liar or telling the truth. It's because there are close to 3 billion practicing Christians world-wide, some will be very devout and some will not be as devout.
But nevertheless it doesn't mean if they are not as devout it would indicate they are lying about their belief and that they are truly atheists.
Whereas there are zero practicing FSM believers and so anyone who tells you they are a follower or devout follower of the FSM is clearly lying.
A little later on I will respond to your other remarks about the pig products etc.
So sorry, I forgot to turn my mic on...can you hear me now?...lol
I believe in nothing. You believe in something. If you think I have "faith" at all then you are truly insane. Even if the universe was created by some sort of magical being, there is absolutely NO CHANCE it's your god. So you're just as screwed as I am. Except I'm not wasting my life praying to magic men in the sky.
For better or worse, you are among the vast minority of the people on this planet. Since the inception of documented civilization, mankind has always strived to figure out their purpose on this Earth. Throughout the ages, there has always been an ingrained desire to meet/worship/acknowledge a master creator...God. The Bible states God has already etched himself into everyone's heart and soul. Everyone knows he's there, but denial is easy if you believe your own lies for long enough.
Quote Originally Posted by KittyKatz286:
I believe in nothing. You believe in something. If you think I have "faith" at all then you are truly insane. Even if the universe was created by some sort of magical being, there is absolutely NO CHANCE it's your god. So you're just as screwed as I am. Except I'm not wasting my life praying to magic men in the sky.
For better or worse, you are among the vast minority of the people on this planet. Since the inception of documented civilization, mankind has always strived to figure out their purpose on this Earth. Throughout the ages, there has always been an ingrained desire to meet/worship/acknowledge a master creator...God. The Bible states God has already etched himself into everyone's heart and soul. Everyone knows he's there, but denial is easy if you believe your own lies for long enough.
For better or worse, you are among the vast minority of the people on this planet. Since the inception of documented civilization, mankind has always strived to figure out their purpose on this Earth. Throughout the ages, there has always been an ingrained desire to meet/worship/acknowledge a master creator...God. The Bible states God has already etched himself into everyone's heart and soul. Everyone knows he's there, but denial is easy if you believe your own lies for long enough.
You realize that man wrote the bible right? I'm sure with a really low life expectancy back then, man really really hoped there was something after life.
Quote Originally Posted by Getty3:
For better or worse, you are among the vast minority of the people on this planet. Since the inception of documented civilization, mankind has always strived to figure out their purpose on this Earth. Throughout the ages, there has always been an ingrained desire to meet/worship/acknowledge a master creator...God. The Bible states God has already etched himself into everyone's heart and soul. Everyone knows he's there, but denial is easy if you believe your own lies for long enough.
You realize that man wrote the bible right? I'm sure with a really low life expectancy back then, man really really hoped there was something after life.
You realize that man wrote the bible right? I'm sure with a really low life expectancy back then, man really really hoped there was something after life.
So lets go by your reasoning...You are a man, you write as well, why should I believe anything you write? Actually, why should we believe anything written by man, simply because your reasoning indicates that whatever man writes, is full of lies.
Quote Originally Posted by Ktrain:
You realize that man wrote the bible right? I'm sure with a really low life expectancy back then, man really really hoped there was something after life.
So lets go by your reasoning...You are a man, you write as well, why should I believe anything you write? Actually, why should we believe anything written by man, simply because your reasoning indicates that whatever man writes, is full of lies.
Faith = belief without evidence. Choosing not believe cannot be considered faith.
Where is your evidence that when you hop a plane next it wont crash?
Where is your evidence the partner you marry or if you are already married wont cheat behind your back?
Where is your evidence when you go to bed at night you will wake up the next morning?
Where is your evidence that when you bet on a game, the team you betted is actually going to play well?
Oh now you will look at past experience....Sure...
Some people walked in to the world trade centre every day for 40 years for work, did they have evidence a plane would crash into there tower? No...They had faith a plane would not crash into the building.
What about the several thousands of people that go to bed every night thinking they will wake up the next morning simply because they did so every day for the past 20-30-40-50-60 years and they didn't wake up. If they had evidence that they weren't going to wake up the next day they would have gone to bed? Or gone to the doctor, hospital etc?
The reality is KK, every single person on the planet exercises faith of some sort, every single person. Faith isn't about closing your eyes and running into the highway. It is about looking at the evidences around you and making deductive reasoning. The reality is, no one has evidences as to what is going to happen, yet they action it anyways, therefore exercising faith.
Everyone exercises faith....Some people put their into different things. Some people put there faith in Jesus Christ, some people put there faith in money, some people put there faith in drugs, some people put there faith in gambling....The list goes on....
Quote Originally Posted by KittyKatz286:
Faith = belief without evidence. Choosing not believe cannot be considered faith.
Where is your evidence that when you hop a plane next it wont crash?
Where is your evidence the partner you marry or if you are already married wont cheat behind your back?
Where is your evidence when you go to bed at night you will wake up the next morning?
Where is your evidence that when you bet on a game, the team you betted is actually going to play well?
Oh now you will look at past experience....Sure...
Some people walked in to the world trade centre every day for 40 years for work, did they have evidence a plane would crash into there tower? No...They had faith a plane would not crash into the building.
What about the several thousands of people that go to bed every night thinking they will wake up the next morning simply because they did so every day for the past 20-30-40-50-60 years and they didn't wake up. If they had evidence that they weren't going to wake up the next day they would have gone to bed? Or gone to the doctor, hospital etc?
The reality is KK, every single person on the planet exercises faith of some sort, every single person. Faith isn't about closing your eyes and running into the highway. It is about looking at the evidences around you and making deductive reasoning. The reality is, no one has evidences as to what is going to happen, yet they action it anyways, therefore exercising faith.
Everyone exercises faith....Some people put their into different things. Some people put there faith in Jesus Christ, some people put there faith in money, some people put there faith in drugs, some people put there faith in gambling....The list goes on....
DISCLAIMER: sorry about the fact that I couldn't change my responses to bold or italics. I typed this up on the regular site, but as usual, covers crashed, because this is one of the worst functioning websites on the internet. I'm sure you can figure out what is me and what is Rostos
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
Where is your evidence that when you hop a plane next it wont crash?
Past plane crash statistics.
Where is your evidence the partner you marry or if you are already married wont cheat behind your back?
My experience with the person.
Where is your evidence when you go to bed at night you will wake up the next morning?
The fact that every day prior when I went to bed, I woke up the next morning.
Where is your evidence that when you bet on a game, the team you betted is actually going to play well?
Trends. Past performance. Head to head records. Situations. Etc.
Oh now you will look at past experience....Sure...
Some people walked in to the world trade centre every day for 40 years for work, did they have evidence a plane would crash into there tower? No...They had faith a plane would not crash into the building. (no, they didn't have "faith" a plane would not crash into the building...they concluded it was likely safe to go to work because during the past 40 years, they hadn't had a problem)
What about the several thousands of people that go to bed every night thinking they will wake up the next morning simply because they did so every day for the past 20-30-40-50-60 years and they didn't wake up. If they had evidence that they weren't going to wake up the next day they would have gone to bed? Or gone to the doctor, hospital etc?
The reality is KK, every single person on the planet exercises faith of some sort, every single person. Faith isn't about closing your eyes and running into the highway. It is about looking at the evidences around you and making deductive reasoning. The reality is, no one has evidences as to what is going to happen, yet they action it anyways, therefore exercising faith.
Everyone exercises faith....Some people put their into different things. Some people put there faith in Jesus Christ, some people put there faith in money, some people put there faith in drugs, some people put there faith in gambling....The list goes on....
Your logic fails. You are just too stubborn to realize. You even admitted it. "Looking to past experience." The mere fact that you can look to past experience means it is not faith.
Faith = belief without evidence.
What are you basing your belief in god on? What past experience?
Here's my answer. In the history of humanity, there have been thousands upon thousands of gods. To this point, none of them have been proven to exist. Therefore, based on past experience, I conclude for each individual god believed in now, that that particular god does not exist.
You cannot "conclude" anything. That is why you have "faith" in god.
That is why I do not.
DISCLAIMER: sorry about the fact that I couldn't change my responses to bold or italics. I typed this up on the regular site, but as usual, covers crashed, because this is one of the worst functioning websites on the internet. I'm sure you can figure out what is me and what is Rostos
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
Where is your evidence that when you hop a plane next it wont crash?
Past plane crash statistics.
Where is your evidence the partner you marry or if you are already married wont cheat behind your back?
My experience with the person.
Where is your evidence when you go to bed at night you will wake up the next morning?
The fact that every day prior when I went to bed, I woke up the next morning.
Where is your evidence that when you bet on a game, the team you betted is actually going to play well?
Trends. Past performance. Head to head records. Situations. Etc.
Oh now you will look at past experience....Sure...
Some people walked in to the world trade centre every day for 40 years for work, did they have evidence a plane would crash into there tower? No...They had faith a plane would not crash into the building. (no, they didn't have "faith" a plane would not crash into the building...they concluded it was likely safe to go to work because during the past 40 years, they hadn't had a problem)
What about the several thousands of people that go to bed every night thinking they will wake up the next morning simply because they did so every day for the past 20-30-40-50-60 years and they didn't wake up. If they had evidence that they weren't going to wake up the next day they would have gone to bed? Or gone to the doctor, hospital etc?
The reality is KK, every single person on the planet exercises faith of some sort, every single person. Faith isn't about closing your eyes and running into the highway. It is about looking at the evidences around you and making deductive reasoning. The reality is, no one has evidences as to what is going to happen, yet they action it anyways, therefore exercising faith.
Everyone exercises faith....Some people put their into different things. Some people put there faith in Jesus Christ, some people put there faith in money, some people put there faith in drugs, some people put there faith in gambling....The list goes on....
Your logic fails. You are just too stubborn to realize. You even admitted it. "Looking to past experience." The mere fact that you can look to past experience means it is not faith.
Faith = belief without evidence.
What are you basing your belief in god on? What past experience?
Here's my answer. In the history of humanity, there have been thousands upon thousands of gods. To this point, none of them have been proven to exist. Therefore, based on past experience, I conclude for each individual god believed in now, that that particular god does not exist.
You cannot "conclude" anything. That is why you have "faith" in god.
Your logic fails. You are just too stubborn to realize. You even admitted it. "Looking to past experience." The mere fact that you can look to past experience means it is not faith.
Faith = belief without evidence.
What are you basing your belief in god on? What past experience?
Here's my answer. In the history of humanity, there have been thousands upon thousands of gods. To this point, none of them have been proven to exist. Therefore, based on past experience, I conclude for each individual god believed in now, that that particular god does not exist.
You cannot "conclude" anything. That is why you have "faith" in god.
That is why I do not.
Kitty Katz...Just a simple question I want to ask, and I want a simple yes or no.
Next time you fly...Do you have evidence 100% beyond proof that you will land safely at your destination....It can be with any airline you choose...Yes or no.......
Just a yes or no.....
Quote Originally Posted by KittyKatz286:
Your logic fails. You are just too stubborn to realize. You even admitted it. "Looking to past experience." The mere fact that you can look to past experience means it is not faith.
Faith = belief without evidence.
What are you basing your belief in god on? What past experience?
Here's my answer. In the history of humanity, there have been thousands upon thousands of gods. To this point, none of them have been proven to exist. Therefore, based on past experience, I conclude for each individual god believed in now, that that particular god does not exist.
You cannot "conclude" anything. That is why you have "faith" in god.
That is why I do not.
Kitty Katz...Just a simple question I want to ask, and I want a simple yes or no.
Next time you fly...Do you have evidence 100% beyond proof that you will land safely at your destination....It can be with any airline you choose...Yes or no.......
Kitty Katz...Just a simple question I want to ask, and I want a simple yes or no.
Next time you fly...Do you have evidence 100% beyond proof that you will land safely at your destination....It can be with any airline you choose...Yes or no.......
Just a yes or no.....
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
Kitty Katz...Just a simple question I want to ask, and I want a simple yes or no.
Next time you fly...Do you have evidence 100% beyond proof that you will land safely at your destination....It can be with any airline you choose...Yes or no.......
kk, do you base your decision to fly based on the known number of commercial flights that take off every year, or other time period, and the number of those flights that crash, thereby determining the probability that your flight would crash?
if so, are you able to apply such a statistical analysis to determine whether rostos's god exists or not?
let me try
kk, do you base your decision to fly based on the known number of commercial flights that take off every year, or other time period, and the number of those flights that crash, thereby determining the probability that your flight would crash?
if so, are you able to apply such a statistical analysis to determine whether rostos's god exists or not?
kk, do you base your decision to fly based on the known number of commercial flights that take off every year, or other time period, and the number of those flights that crash, thereby determining the probability that your flight would crash?
if so, are you able to apply such a statistical analysis to determine whether rostos's god exists or not?
If someone wants to make up their own definition of a word, how can we prove them wrong. If i wanna start calling a duck a chicken, you can't tell me it's not a chicken even though we both know it's a duck. Same concept.
If Rostos wants to define literally EVERY DECISION we make as "faith" in some capacity, then he can do that. But it doesn't change the fact that the word "faith" was created for a different purpose; to define something that requires more to believe. To say that I have "faith" that the chicken fingers I just ate won't kill me is a gross misapplication of the word. Why does the word even exist if it can be applied to every menial decision?
Quote Originally Posted by ClubDirt:
let me try
kk, do you base your decision to fly based on the known number of commercial flights that take off every year, or other time period, and the number of those flights that crash, thereby determining the probability that your flight would crash?
if so, are you able to apply such a statistical analysis to determine whether rostos's god exists or not?
If someone wants to make up their own definition of a word, how can we prove them wrong. If i wanna start calling a duck a chicken, you can't tell me it's not a chicken even though we both know it's a duck. Same concept.
If Rostos wants to define literally EVERY DECISION we make as "faith" in some capacity, then he can do that. But it doesn't change the fact that the word "faith" was created for a different purpose; to define something that requires more to believe. To say that I have "faith" that the chicken fingers I just ate won't kill me is a gross misapplication of the word. Why does the word even exist if it can be applied to every menial decision?
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