a more compelling idea is to maybe search for a term that applies...
to an individual that fails to
identify ...the person that is likely to not honor a debt....then makes a wager with this person....then obsesses with receiving a payment...that the other guy never intended to pay in the first place...then making himself out to be a "victim" ...rather than move the fuck
* everybody has done this a few times surely...but
some seem to do it more than others
to "
welsh/welch".....brings up an interesting topic
casually used terms thought by many to not be offensive....but might piss off the 'targeted' group
person down....usually old farts throw this one out
indian giver...common and very ironic
gypped....very common.....but the gypsies were usually thieves weren't they?....
chinese fire drill.....indian burn..+++*a few best for the
white man to simply avoid....
boy...guilty here....although maybe not intended to harm...when directed in the direction of a grown black man....even something like "boy you got your ass beat" ....after losing a game...bet...whatever....even though you may say it to everybody....the black man may not like it....as it refers back to slavery days when a black man was not considered a "man".....equal to a white man....but still stuck at "boy" stage.....wow ....although many black dudes use it still among each other (like the N word.....just avoid OK?)
cotton-pickin....as in "your out of your 'cotton-pickin' mind".....
oriental....some asians may use this themselves...but usually refers to an object...like a rug
mulatto..since derived from came an animal reference (mule)....just avoid
since the Welsh.....were the earliest ....recorded anyway... inhabitants of (what is now) Great Britain ...they may get really pissed off at the suggestion they are inferior to the English....and likely to not be trusted
*the term has also been used to the
English bookmakers that fled (often) to Wales in the 18-19th centuries .....to avoid paying
it might have grown legs with the idea that the Celtic people consider this life to be simply a beginning of many others.....so if they can't pay you in 'this life'.....they should be surely able to pay in this NEXT one....
*so no shit you wouldn't want to bet with these people
The impediment to action advances action - what stands in the way becomes the way.