First of all this is new to me. Based on another thread recently I decided to sign up an account at a large dating site. I have heard a lot about it and know a few chicks that meet dudes or have in the past there.
I always have laughed at the idea on how shit even goes down. My experience years ago was when I signed up, I got tons of messages from web hookers wanting me to pay them for the webcam show they do.

These days real chics are wearing out their cock sockets out there on dating sites. "They" say it's the future of dating plus I need to cut out drinking and driving and shit so bars are not good for me right now.

So I sign up Sunday morning. Within 2-3 hours hours I had 10-12 "meet me" requests from broads.
Over half of them were shit hogs and I got a couple that looked OK.
Being the opportunist I am and nothing to do all day, I chatted the two of them up all afternoon and told a few jokes and comebacks and got 2 numbers and agreements that we would meet up soon.
Of course I cleverly worked in sexual com
ments which they both were all over so even before we meet there is an understood chance of insertion
One of the chics lives 2 hours away and is gonna drive on her day off Wednesday while her kids are at school and she has the day off. I told her we would have to find a place to go away from where I am staying because of me being the guest where I am staying at. She was cool with it. I told her I was free this weekend and she asked me what was I doing Wednesday morning/afternoon.
Plus I am not just gonna bring some broad from the internet I have never seen over to be seen

Her suggestion was is there a park nearby, we can meet and go for a walk she said. I personally do not know what that means for her to drive two hours to meet me after talking about being open to knocking boots if things clicked. But the getting box book for dummies is telling me she is open

Plus she sent me texts today asking "what I had planned in the park? Swinging?...LOL"
I told her there are really not any good places out there to swing......
She replied..."Oh whatever are we gonna do now?"
I tell her that we will just have to make due with what we have to work with!
She replied....."I think we will be able to, hee hee"
If I were able to pick up a hint I would say she is DTF in the park this Wednesday.

We will see. Her pics she is about a 6.5 but I will wait and see what shows up

Either way I bet some awesome shit happens or at least I am gonna make the effort. Never done this type of shit before but it seems pretty damn cool so far