Quote Originally Posted by thirdperson:
Actually, Canada is one of the safest countries to live in.
Gun homicide rate is a more important statistic than ranking because of big differences between countries. Canada really isn''t as bad as the United States. If all countries are ranked, Canada would rank far lower on homicide list
but U.S. ranking would still be among the worst.
I posted this below in the politics section, but I think it would serve well in this thread to, so I'm gonna cut and paste here too in response to your bolder comments above. This doesn't address everything that is being discussed in this thread, but it should put to bed the terrible argument of high gun ownership rates leading to higher gun related homicide rates.
According to this site (which I have not validated, but the US statistics and Israel statistics were close enough...when you realize the 9,484 you tried to quote was per 300,000,000 or so....that I'm willing to base an argument on them) the US has by far the highest gun ownership per 100 person, yet rank 28th in homicide per 100,000 persons. That statistic right there draws into question any true correlation between gun ownership being the cause of more gun related homicides.
Drilling down further, when you sort based on gun ownership per 100 people, the next highest ranked countries are:
Switzerland (45), Finland(62), Serbia (60), Cyprus(61), Uruguay (31), Sweden(64), Norway(103), France(101), Canada (56), Austria(78), Germany(84), and Iceland (no gun related homicides).
The number next to each country represents the overall rank in gun related homicides per 100,000 people. So, Switzerland had the 2nd highest amount of guns per 100 people, but only the 45th most gun related homicides per 100,000 people, Finland had the 3rd highest gun ownership per 100 people, but only the 62nd highest gun related homicides per 100,000 people, and so on.
Now, let's look at the data from a different perspective. Sorting based on the highest gun related homicides per 100,000 people by country:
Honduras(87), El Savador(92), Jamaica(73), Venezuela(59), Guatemala(49), Saint Kitts and Nevis(no data), Trinidad and Tobago(128), Colombia(91), Belize(63), Puerto Rico(no data)
The number next to each country above represents where it ranks out of all countries in gun ownership per 100 people. So, Honduras had the highest gun related homicides per 100,000 people, but only the 87th highest gun ownership rates per 100 people, and so on.
It does not take a rocket scientist to see the lack of correlation between gun ownership, and gun related homicides. None of the top 10 gun owning countries even ranked in the top 25 in terms of gun related homicides. None of the top gun related homicide countries even ranked in the top 40 of gun ownership countries.
Now, there is a much stronger correlation that exists. Heavy gun ownership, but lower gun related deaths in European countries. Heavy gun related deaths, but lower gun ownership in Hispanic and Carribean countries. I stopped above with the top 10-12 in both scenarios, if you extend out to 20-30 countries, it becomes more obvious and equally as pronounced, and you see African countries begin to pop up on the high gun related homicide, low gun ownership list.
Now, to conclude this statistical analysis, we need to bring this back to the United States. If you carved out the 9.484 gun related homicides that were sited in the earlier post (incorrectly in reference to the pecentage, but assuming the numer was correct), what percentage of those do you think were committed in urban areas where the demographic is more closely correlated to Hispanic or Carribean countries (high gun related homicides compared to low gun ownership) vs. the European countries (high gun ownership compared to low gun related homicides)? The Newtown massacre is beyond tragic, but the reason it is in the news is because it is so horrific, but at the same time, so unusual. The majority of gun related homicides in this country don't even make the news, and I think we all know why