Housing market had nowhere to go but up. Places about a year ago were selling at 30% of the highs. I have been fortunate to acquire some great pieces for amazing prices.
Prices have increased in my area and the amount of deals are much harder to come by. But it has zero to do with Obama's policies... its just the equation rebalancing itself.
Personally I don't care who wins the elections.... the president in my opinion is our version of the English monarchy. Just a figurehead we can blame or credit for the results that are dictated by the people with real power.
Housing market had nowhere to go but up. Places about a year ago were selling at 30% of the highs. I have been fortunate to acquire some great pieces for amazing prices.
Prices have increased in my area and the amount of deals are much harder to come by. But it has zero to do with Obama's policies... its just the equation rebalancing itself.
Personally I don't care who wins the elections.... the president in my opinion is our version of the English monarchy. Just a figurehead we can blame or credit for the results that are dictated by the people with real power.
Lookingtowin- I watched US election night coverage on CDC and they were pissing themselves silly at every confirmed state for BHO. Are the drive-bye media in Canada just happy to have another socialist goverment to the South? They love the same sex referendums that pass and are amused by legalized marijuna ref. Opening and relaxed markets for Canada's greatest export? GL
Lookingtowin- I watched US election night coverage on CDC and they were pissing themselves silly at every confirmed state for BHO. Are the drive-bye media in Canada just happy to have another socialist goverment to the South? They love the same sex referendums that pass and are amused by legalized marijuna ref. Opening and relaxed markets for Canada's greatest export? GL
I am curious why we voted ANY of them back into office. Nothing is getting done plitically, we are in debt beyond what we can re-pay, there is NO way 53% of the population can continue to help support 47%. But yet, we keep voting the encumbents back into office. Can you just imagine the message it would have sent if we, the voters, the fianciers, the politicians EMPLOYERS, would have voted most, if not all of these criminals out of their jobs? Wow. Don't tell me it cannot be done. WE, together CAN do this. We are not that far away from being in the same shape as Greece. We have NO one to blame but ourselves for allowing this.
I am curious why we voted ANY of them back into office. Nothing is getting done plitically, we are in debt beyond what we can re-pay, there is NO way 53% of the population can continue to help support 47%. But yet, we keep voting the encumbents back into office. Can you just imagine the message it would have sent if we, the voters, the fianciers, the politicians EMPLOYERS, would have voted most, if not all of these criminals out of their jobs? Wow. Don't tell me it cannot be done. WE, together CAN do this. We are not that far away from being in the same shape as Greece. We have NO one to blame but ourselves for allowing this.
But why would you vote back in a President that has taken you a gazillion dollars into debt and virtually sold your country to the communist country of China. Just wondering.
he inherited 2 wars, recession, unemployment, mounting debt from bush....u f@king r3tard!
Quote Originally Posted by lookingtowin:
But why would you vote back in a President that has taken you a gazillion dollars into debt and virtually sold your country to the communist country of China. Just wondering.
he inherited 2 wars, recession, unemployment, mounting debt from bush....u f@king r3tard!
Where the US is today has nothing to do with Obama. He inherited a mountain of debt, enemies and an overall fucked up situation.
This all started back in the 70's and it's all boiling over now b/c you can't continue to put bandaids on problems. Get a book, get educated, b/c we're all about to relive history that our ancestors experienced.
I often struggle with people on this site...
Where the US is today has nothing to do with Obama. He inherited a mountain of debt, enemies and an overall fucked up situation.
This all started back in the 70's and it's all boiling over now b/c you can't continue to put bandaids on problems. Get a book, get educated, b/c we're all about to relive history that our ancestors experienced.
It was nice to hear Obama say today its time to put Republican and Democratic parties aside and cross party lines because its now about saving America from another deeper recession or even solvency. I was surprise to hear that there is another deadline of Jan 1st to keep the country from bankruptcy. Man hopefully both parties can work together and find a way out of all this and get the country back on its feet. So your economy goes so goes ours here in Canada.
goes ours here in Canada it is a rippling affect because our debt load although not as big as the US is quite high
It was nice to hear Obama say today its time to put Republican and Democratic parties aside and cross party lines because its now about saving America from another deeper recession or even solvency. I was surprise to hear that there is another deadline of Jan 1st to keep the country from bankruptcy. Man hopefully both parties can work together and find a way out of all this and get the country back on its feet. So your economy goes so goes ours here in Canada.
goes ours here in Canada it is a rippling affect because our debt load although not as big as the US is quite high
First off, I love how everyone says the Dow is up 60% since he stepped in Blah blah blah. Get real. That did not come at a price. All the Quantitative Easing has helped prop up the market. This market is going to fall hard unfortunately when the high of QE wears off and we are going to have to deal with a really bad hangover. That hangover is massive debt that can't be paid and a devalued dollar. I don't like either candidate Either way we we're fucked. I think 10 years from now we are going look back at this president and say "What the fuck."
First off, I love how everyone says the Dow is up 60% since he stepped in Blah blah blah. Get real. That did not come at a price. All the Quantitative Easing has helped prop up the market. This market is going to fall hard unfortunately when the high of QE wears off and we are going to have to deal with a really bad hangover. That hangover is massive debt that can't be paid and a devalued dollar. I don't like either candidate Either way we we're fucked. I think 10 years from now we are going look back at this president and say "What the fuck."
Speaking of selling out to China are you aware of the deal our Prime Minister signed on Sept 9th with China. You know, the one that was kept secret until Sept 26 when it was passed in parliament with no vote or debate. The agreement that gives China, a country with a horrible human rights record, to have its government-owned companies treated the same as Canadian companies operating in Canada. I am sure a fairly intelligent Canadian such as yourself understands the ramifications of this deal. If not, you soon will. Google "FIPA" for more info and articles on this treaty. By the way, who did you vote for in our last election?
Speaking of selling out to China are you aware of the deal our Prime Minister signed on Sept 9th with China. You know, the one that was kept secret until Sept 26 when it was passed in parliament with no vote or debate. The agreement that gives China, a country with a horrible human rights record, to have its government-owned companies treated the same as Canadian companies operating in Canada. I am sure a fairly intelligent Canadian such as yourself understands the ramifications of this deal. If not, you soon will. Google "FIPA" for more info and articles on this treaty. By the way, who did you vote for in our last election?
First off, I love how everyone says the Dow is up 60% since he stepped in Blah blah blah. Get real. That did not come at a price. All the Quantitative Easing has helped prop up the market. This market is going to fall hard unfortunately when the high of QE wears off and we are going to have to deal with a really bad hangover. That hangover is massive debt that can't be paid and a devalued dollar. I don't like either candidate Either way we we're fucked. I think 10 years from now we are going look back at this president and say "What the fuck."
Thats what i was thinking WTF but i realize now i shouldn't be sticking my nose in American politics. I apologize if i offended any Americans in this thread. I also hope that Obama is sincere about doing everything possible to turn things around but when the debt is as high as it is it will be a huge challenge.
Quote Originally Posted by JEFFMARKETCAP:
First off, I love how everyone says the Dow is up 60% since he stepped in Blah blah blah. Get real. That did not come at a price. All the Quantitative Easing has helped prop up the market. This market is going to fall hard unfortunately when the high of QE wears off and we are going to have to deal with a really bad hangover. That hangover is massive debt that can't be paid and a devalued dollar. I don't like either candidate Either way we we're fucked. I think 10 years from now we are going look back at this president and say "What the fuck."
Thats what i was thinking WTF but i realize now i shouldn't be sticking my nose in American politics. I apologize if i offended any Americans in this thread. I also hope that Obama is sincere about doing everything possible to turn things around but when the debt is as high as it is it will be a huge challenge.
why are u blaming the president ? do u really think the president caused this mess . No to be honest it was alan greenspan when he guaranteed anyone with a name could get a home loan thats whose to blame. now shut your hole. i love stupid people who think they know whats best for our counrty worry about canada and how completely non existant your country is.
why are u blaming the president ? do u really think the president caused this mess . No to be honest it was alan greenspan when he guaranteed anyone with a name could get a home loan thats whose to blame. now shut your hole. i love stupid people who think they know whats best for our counrty worry about canada and how completely non existant your country is.
why are u blaming the president ? do u really think the president caused this mess . No to be honest it was alan greenspan when he guaranteed anyone with a name could get a home loan thats whose to blame. now shut your hole. i love stupid people who think they know whats best for our counrty worry about canada and how completely non existant your country is.
Ignorance like this makes me embarrassed to be an American half the time.
Quote Originally Posted by TheBest:
why are u blaming the president ? do u really think the president caused this mess . No to be honest it was alan greenspan when he guaranteed anyone with a name could get a home loan thats whose to blame. now shut your hole. i love stupid people who think they know whats best for our counrty worry about canada and how completely non existant your country is.
Ignorance like this makes me embarrassed to be an American half the time.
Better they get a real job that Obama has promised them and they pay tax to help pay the debt down. Not sure if a debt that size will ever be paid down.
this is why people vote for obama
this is why people vote for romney
a complete and total lack of understanding of basic economics
not trying to pick on you, these things just aren't generally taught.
government workers never pay taxes as they receive their income from taxes.
taxes are used to pay government workers.
-------- spot the difference.....
government says: i'll pay you 100k but you have to give me back 30
government says: ill pay you 70k -------- --------
if truly interested in informing yourself, start with information about fractional reserve lending. whether you believe it to be a good or moral system or not, you should know how it works. a lack of understanding of the basic mechanics of our economy is root of our nations stupidity. most of us are not 'fairly intelligent'
the knowledge and understanding of topics that have the most effect on the citizenry is severely lacking in that same citizenry, and thus elections are won and lost by appealing to the masses through emotional responses
people dont find it interesting to understand how our government can increase spending without increasing taxes and so they havent even considered the mechanics of such a thing, let alone the consequences
and invigorating debate is considered boring by most so we engage in superficial arguments that dont explain the policies implemented
Quote Originally Posted by lookingtowin:
Better they get a real job that Obama has promised them and they pay tax to help pay the debt down. Not sure if a debt that size will ever be paid down.
this is why people vote for obama
this is why people vote for romney
a complete and total lack of understanding of basic economics
not trying to pick on you, these things just aren't generally taught.
government workers never pay taxes as they receive their income from taxes.
taxes are used to pay government workers.
-------- spot the difference.....
government says: i'll pay you 100k but you have to give me back 30
government says: ill pay you 70k -------- --------
if truly interested in informing yourself, start with information about fractional reserve lending. whether you believe it to be a good or moral system or not, you should know how it works. a lack of understanding of the basic mechanics of our economy is root of our nations stupidity. most of us are not 'fairly intelligent'
the knowledge and understanding of topics that have the most effect on the citizenry is severely lacking in that same citizenry, and thus elections are won and lost by appealing to the masses through emotional responses
people dont find it interesting to understand how our government can increase spending without increasing taxes and so they havent even considered the mechanics of such a thing, let alone the consequences
and invigorating debate is considered boring by most so we engage in superficial arguments that dont explain the policies implemented
You do need a detox. First of all the housing market took off with Bush in office becaue of Clintons admin. Affordable housing for everyone is what I recall CLinton stating. He made the banks loosen the requirements to purchase a home. Lowering credit scores (for people who do not pay back any debts, hence the lower score) allowed people to buy homes in a rapid approach. Bush actually tried to tighten the requirements from the banks but was never allowed. WHy? Because everyone was making money selling homes so why stop a good thing? You have no clue about the housing market. You are another rat that likes to blame others. The housing market has not showed SIGNIFICANT gains, you are crazy if you believe that. You can find foreclosed and short sales all over the place. You have dems out there stealing from these homes so people have even more money they need to put back into the homes to fix them. Until the forecloses are gone the market will not rebound.
Quote Originally Posted by I_Need_A_Detox:
The housing market crashed under the last republican president and it stabilized and has shown significant gains under Obama.
You do need a detox. First of all the housing market took off with Bush in office becaue of Clintons admin. Affordable housing for everyone is what I recall CLinton stating. He made the banks loosen the requirements to purchase a home. Lowering credit scores (for people who do not pay back any debts, hence the lower score) allowed people to buy homes in a rapid approach. Bush actually tried to tighten the requirements from the banks but was never allowed. WHy? Because everyone was making money selling homes so why stop a good thing? You have no clue about the housing market. You are another rat that likes to blame others. The housing market has not showed SIGNIFICANT gains, you are crazy if you believe that. You can find foreclosed and short sales all over the place. You have dems out there stealing from these homes so people have even more money they need to put back into the homes to fix them. Until the forecloses are gone the market will not rebound.
People stop blaming Bush for everything. You claim Obama inhearated these 2 wars and that is the reason for the massive amount of US debt. Did you not notice the first war started in the early 2000s and the debt never skyrockets like it is currently. SO how is that Bushs fault? He entered the wars and kept debt in check. While it still rose it didn't rise like it is currently. In case you forgot Obama is the one who keeps raising the debt ceiling and keeps asking for more money to give to people who don't give back. Look up how many governemnt assistanc programs have been created since Obama took office. There are over 80 welfare programs that are running currently. You wonder where the debt is going? Are these the people we want to give our fortunes to? Are they going to repay that debt, or are they going to ask for more? Serisouly ask yourself that question.
People stop blaming Bush for everything. You claim Obama inhearated these 2 wars and that is the reason for the massive amount of US debt. Did you not notice the first war started in the early 2000s and the debt never skyrockets like it is currently. SO how is that Bushs fault? He entered the wars and kept debt in check. While it still rose it didn't rise like it is currently. In case you forgot Obama is the one who keeps raising the debt ceiling and keeps asking for more money to give to people who don't give back. Look up how many governemnt assistanc programs have been created since Obama took office. There are over 80 welfare programs that are running currently. You wonder where the debt is going? Are these the people we want to give our fortunes to? Are they going to repay that debt, or are they going to ask for more? Serisouly ask yourself that question.
You clearly are lacking any real estate knowledge or experience. Properties are worth less than 2/3 of what they were before your boy Barnies Frank and the Congressional Dems started mucking with the market.
On top of that, the stock market (your curious and clueless gauge) has taken a huge runny dump on Chocolate Jesus since the election (I know, I know according to you unrelated).
I'm not sure you could humiliate yourself worse than you have, though perhaps you could institute your 'brilliant' plan of buying in Detroit and perhaps get yourself killed.
You clearly are lacking any real estate knowledge or experience. Properties are worth less than 2/3 of what they were before your boy Barnies Frank and the Congressional Dems started mucking with the market.
On top of that, the stock market (your curious and clueless gauge) has taken a huge runny dump on Chocolate Jesus since the election (I know, I know according to you unrelated).
I'm not sure you could humiliate yourself worse than you have, though perhaps you could institute your 'brilliant' plan of buying in Detroit and perhaps get yourself killed.
why are u blaming the president ? do u really think the president caused this mess . No to be honest it was alan greenspan when he guaranteed anyone with a name could get a home loan thats whose to blame. now shut your hole. i love stupid people who think they know whats best for our counrty worry about canada and how completely non existant your country is.
Non existant i think that may be a little harsh. We our quite proud of our nation. No we are no were near the size or complex as that of the U.S. But non existant.
Quote Originally Posted by TheBest:
why are u blaming the president ? do u really think the president caused this mess . No to be honest it was alan greenspan when he guaranteed anyone with a name could get a home loan thats whose to blame. now shut your hole. i love stupid people who think they know whats best for our counrty worry about canada and how completely non existant your country is.
Non existant i think that may be a little harsh. We our quite proud of our nation. No we are no were near the size or complex as that of the U.S. But non existant.
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