Quote Originally Posted by ApacheM:

I think you're missing the point. The "kid" was 17 and 6'+, a known criminal, druggie, wanna be hoodlem and from the looks of the present picture and what the police found on his person, a thief looking for a place to rob. When you put yourself in his spot at that time of night you're looking for trouble. It's strange that the 20yr old "kid" that beat the 90yr man and raped and killed his 85yr wife, both which were white and he was black, never got much attention. It's all about stirring up the shit, BHO and Holter should take a look at that crime. Oh wait, that doesn't matter b/c it was a black killing a white.
Isn't it reasonable to become bored with people like this?
There are so many inaccuracies (a known criminal - false; a druggie - false; a wannabe hoodlum- false) in your post I don't know where to begin. The problem is, I don't want to begin with that list so I won't because it will make little difference with people like you.
Here's what interesting with guys like Apache (and Train and Holdem and Crod and JohnZimbo and Slovak and Esplanade and Henry Lilly and TiltLogic and and and and and): they leave themselves open to so much criticism with everything they type.
Somehow, in Apache's mind, the death of a black individual shouldn't be a focus in the media (a death that wouldn't be a focus had Zimmerman been arrested in the first place) because there was another black on white crime somewhere else that 'never got much attention.'
Well pointing that out says a lot. It's called selective memory and group identification. The first thing you notice is that he's identifying with another senior citizen, and a white one at that. But what's even more interesting is where the crime took place; in Tulsa. So in Apache's mind, and many here as well, you go 'crime for crime' to devalue one in favor of the other. This can be done ad infinitum and is pointless but is the common path of those looking for a way to marginalize the black deceased and the black community at large.
Again, to repeat (because you must repeat and repeat again with these people) he chooses a black on white crime involving senior citizens in Tulsa for a reason. But in the 'crime for crime' spirit, I come back with an even bigger crime where 2 white snipers terrorized an entire majority black city and killed 3 black men while wounded two others. The irony? It also happened in Tulsa with a worse result...Of all the cities for him to choose...
Ultimately, none of what you offered is admissible in court. Nor does it justify the mindset of Zimmerman to stalk and ultimately confront Trayvon, who might I add, is actually the one who was likely standing his ground in a forum reasonable doubt.
This is of little importance to guys like Apache and his ilk. He, like the list above, looks at the black community as culturally inferior and therefore the death of one black teen, three black men, or five black men or 500 black men or even 50,000, mean little to him when two white senior citizens are involved.
Both crimes happened in the very same city, with no mention from him, and from a utilitarian standpoint, the sniper crime did more damage in terms of lives taken and fear gripping a community. No matter. He will put his head to pillow and spew the same bullshit tomorrow and the next, just like Crod who is already in full lapdog mode and has appearance in thread.
Apache, stay away from the race debates. Like most here, you're way in over your head in trying...